Tag Archives: oregon

Voter Incompetence & Government Evil: Indiana County officials demand city leaders put fluoride in their water! Oregon mayor wants fluoridation! Study contradicts pro-fluoride claims! Arizona residents fire officials who ended fluoridation!

09 September 2012, the controversy over unnatural nuclear industry based fluoride (as opposed to the naturally occurring kind, which can also be bad in large amounts) continues in Arizona, Indiana and Oregon.

A Saint Joseph County Health Officer, in Indiana, is lambasting three cities for their ending of fluoridation of drinking water.

Walkerton town stopped fluoridation because of increased evidence that it is actually causing harm.  President of the town council, Karol Jackson, pointed out that people are already exposed to enough fluoride: “It’s also in toothpaste, and some naturally occurs in the groundwater….”

The cities of Lakeville and North Liberty cited the growing financial burden on local taxpayers.  By ending fluoridation of drinking water the two towns, combined, will save $2,000 per year: “I know it doesn’t sound like a lot, but we’re a small town and we’re trying to keep our rates low.”-Martha Tyler, Lakeville Town Council President

The Saint Joseph County Health Officer is ignorant, firstly because it turns out the local school district/corporation is still adding fluoride to the drinking water in the schools!  Secondly, the health official claims that studies show fluoride protects childrens’ teeth. Tell that to the officials who got surprising results from their own study in Oregon!

In Portland, Oregon, city officials are trying to convince the voters to accept fluoridation of their drinking water.  Portland is the largest city in the United States that, so far, refuses to fluoridate their water supply!

The dumb (and probably in the pockets of the fluoride industry) mayor, along with some city councilpersons, are trying to get residents of Portland to approve the fluoridation of their water.  They’re claiming that the children of Portland suffer from dental problems.

The problem with that claim is that a 2007 study by the Oregon Department of Human Services shows the opposite.  The study looked at dental problems of children in Portland and compared them to children outside of Portland.

The rate of urgent dental care in children outside of Portland was 1 in every 17.  What about inside Portland, where fluoride is not used in the water supply?  Only 1 in 100 needed urgent dental care!!!  “Portland has better teeth!”-Kim Kaminski, member of anti-fluoridation group

Some non-white/European residents of Portland claim the city leaders’ closed door meetings on the issue smacks of racism: “I don’t appreciate you trying to alleviate your white guilt by putting toxins in our water!”-Frances Quaempts-Miller

But despite the mountains of eveidence that fluoridation is bad (remember, it’s mainly the English speaking countries that add the radioactive chemical to water, most other industrialized countries refused after their own research) residents of one Arizona town have fired two officials for stopping the use of fluoride!

The people of Gilbert has force the Public Works director to retire, and got the Water Manager fired.  This after the officials decided to end the use of fluoride in the local water supply.

The end came when the fluoridation system was found to be so corroded that it need to be replaced.  That was in July 2011, and it still hasn’t been replaced.

Get this, the Gilbert fluoridation system had been leaking for three years prior.  It got so bad that a white powder was building up on the equipment, and Public Works employees were complaining of extreme irritation to the skin, nose and eyes.  And this is the stuff you’re drinking!

The guttsy Water Manager explained the decision that got him fired: “It was my call to stop fluoridation until the issues with the room were resolved. Fluoride comes into the plant on the raw side naturally, so it’s not like there is no fluoride in the water.”-Chris Ochs

Don’t blame city officials for the nuclear industry fluoridation of Gilbert’s water supply, the dumb voters approved it by 54%, in the 2000 elections.


Radioactive debris in Pacific Ocean months away from West Coast of North America

“A Russian ship discovered a small Japanese fishing boat in the waters north of Hawaii in October that was definitively tied to the tsunami, and it was about where we thought it should be, given the currents.”-Jack Barth, Oregon State University

11 months after the March 11, 2011, earthquake and tsunamis hit Japan, and started the worlds biggest nuclear disaster, the radioactive flotsam is still a few months away from the West Coast of North America.

According to the Yamhill Valley News, in the U.S. state of Oregon, officials and non-governmental organizations are preparing.  So when do they think the March 11 debris will begin arriving, and which way will it go when it hits the coast line?

“Much of the debris generated from the earthquake and tsunami has or will become waterlogged, weighed down with barnacles or other organisms, and sink. A large fraction of it will be diverted south into the ‘Garbage Patch’ between Hawaii and the West Coast, and may circulate in that gyre. What remains should arrive here at the end of 2012, or the beginning of 2013.  If it arrives in the fall and winter, it will get pushed up north by the currents to Washington, British Columbia and even Alaska. Debris arriving in late spring and summer will hit Oregon and be swept south into California waters.”-Jack Barth, Oregon State University

Note that the university official is talking about the debris that was instantly swept out to sea by the tsunamis.  The radiation contamination of the Pacific Ocean began days after that, and is continuing.

“The major air and water discharges of radioactive material from the Daiichi plants occurred a few days after the debris field was created by the tsunami…wind, rain and salt spray have been pummeling this material for months. The key radionuclides are composed of iodine and cesium….Most of the iodine has gone because of radioactive decay. The radioactive cesium, to a great extent, will be washed off and diluted in the surrounding ocean.”-Kathryn Higley, Oregon State University

However, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is warning people to use common sense when picking up objects found on the west coast beaches.  They even have a website for beachgoers: http://marinedebris.noaa.gov

The Japanese Consulate in Seattle, Washington, is asking anyone who finds personal possessions on the beach to please return them to Japan.

Pale Green Horse & H3N2, H1N1: Two children die, the U.S. now officially in Flu season. California leading the pack, Idaho on the list

On February 10, the U.S. CDC reported that people testing positive for flu viruses hit 10.5%.  The flu season officially starts when at least 10% of the population tests positive for flu.

The state of California is reporting the most flu cases at this point.   There is also reports of increased doctor visits, mainly in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska.

Also, two children have died, but the type of flu has not yet been identified.

The CDC says the most common flu being identified is H3N2v, followed by H1N1. These are types of influenza A, but influenza B is also being found.

I looked and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him.  They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.

What Economic Recovery? Full time employment down In Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Maine and Vermont

A report by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that while part time employment is going up, it’s being offset by a drop in full time employment!

The top five states for increased part time work are Montana, Oregon, Maine, Vermont and Idaho.  Montana leads the country with a 39% increase in part time work.

In Idaho there was an average of about 515,000 people with full time jobs in 2007. In 2010 that number dropped to 445,000.  At the same time, in 2010 the number of part time jobs increased 35%. 

As far as full time wages go, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says the average full time pay in Idaho, in 2010, was $666 per week.  That’s a piddly 4.6% increase from 2007, and it’s one of the smallest increases in the entire United States!

What Economic Recovery? SeaPort shuts down route due to bad economy, yet to issue official press release, proof that east Idaho community leaders have head in a hole

On December 4, an east Idaho TV station reported that an airline route from Idaho Falls to Boise will stop service on December 31.

On December 5, the same east Idaho TV station did an update, after they talked to the President of Oregon based SeaPort Airlines.  Rob McKinney said that ticket sales in east Idaho not only weren’t enough, but had steadily declined from their  “…re-launch of flights between Idaho Falls and Boise.” (from July 23, 2011 SeaPort press release) back in July.

I got a response to my December 4 story about SeaPort closing down the IF/Boise/Pendleton route, from someone in the marketing office of SeaPort.  After correcting a few things they also confirmed that sales in east Idaho is just too bad to continue business: “There is an official explanation for the discontinuation of this service; there was not enough passenger traffic to continue flying the Idaho Falls-Boise route.”

By the way, for some reason, as of December 7 SeaPort still has not issued an official press release on their website.  The last press release is dated September 2, 2011.

This comes after months of eastern, and southeastern, Idaho business/community leaders telling us (through east Idaho media) that things were getting better!

What Economic Recovery? U.S. Home foreclosures on their way back up, Idaho makes top ten list (again)

After several months of what looked like a downward trend in home foreclosures, October had a 7% increase from the month before.

The reason for what looked like a downward trend was because the big banks and mortgage companies had been holding back, mainly due to red tape and just too many cases to go after: “The October foreclosure numbers continue to show strong signs that foreclosure activity is coming out of the rain delay we’ve been in for the past year as lenders corrected foreclosure paperwork and processing problems.”-James Saccacio, RealtyTrac

Nevada is still the number one state for foreclosures, although Las Vegas dropped to 5th place for cities.  Stockton, California, is now the number city in the U.S. for foreclosures.

Nevada, California, Arizona, Florida and Michigan are the top five losing states, making up 53% of the country’s home foreclosures.

The next five most losing states are Georgia, Illinois, Idaho, Oregon and Colorado.


United Police States of America: Idaho man accuses Oregon cop with Road Rage, cop threatened him with a gun, cop gets reasigned to a more violent police position

Idaho State Police confirmed that an off duty Oregon cop threatened an Idaho man in a case of Road Rage.  The Portland, Oregon, police captain threatened the Idaho man with his gun.

Here’s the thing, ISP let the Oregon cop go!  The Portland police said they assigned the gun happy police captain to a new job; the drugs and vice division!

It’s official: Idaho’s internet services suck!

After decades spending millions of dollars to get Idahoan’s connected to the World Wide Web, Idaho has the slowest connection speed in the U.S.

Pando Networks surveyed 4 million internet customers across the country, and found Idaho’s average connection speed to be 318 kilobytes per second, with 83% completion rate.

Idaho’s northern neighbor, Montana, and eastern neighbor Wyoming, also made the slow connection list.  Wyoming actually has a slightly faster connection rate, than Idaho.

Two of Idaho’s other neighbors, Washington and Oregon, made the top 15 fastest rates.

So who’s number one in the United States for internet connection speed?  Tiny old Rhode Island: 894 KPbs!

Dengue & West Nile influenced by temperature changes, flooding

“Traditional explanations for the seasonal increase in dengue are not consistent with my experience in Thailand, Peru, and Puerto Rico.”-Doctor Thomas Scott

A recent study shows that long hot seasonal temperatures help the spread of Dengue.  The areas of the world, where Dengue is becoming more prevalent, are areas that are not cooling off as they used to, and are subject to radical swings in warmer temps.

The study, “Impact of Daily Temperature Fluctuations on Dengue Virus Transmission by Aedes aegypti”, shows that without the usual cold seasons the mosquitoes, that spread the disease, stay alive much longer increasing their chances of catching Dengue from humans, and spreading it.

The study also showed that mosquitoes are less likely to spread disease during cooler temperatures, and more likely during hot weather: “…whereas transmission probability is estimated to be 0.11 at a constant mean temperature of 14 °C, it shows a 2.7-fold increase with a DTR [diurnal temperature range] of 20 °C.”

While many parts of the World are experiencing warmer than normal weather, here in Idaho our weather is much cooler than normal.  That is keeping cases of West Nile virus way down, so far.

The big concern in Idaho is protecting horses.  Horses are more susceptible to dieing from West Nile, than humans.

Local mosquito eradication officials are reporting that, so far, there’s a drop in West Nile infected mosquitoes, possibly due to the cooler weather.  However, they pointed out that mosquitoes with West Nile usually show up in the later half of Idaho summers.

Another factor in favor of mosquitoes is flooding.  Parts of Idaho have been hit with increased seasonal flooding, and the cooler weather (resulting in less evaporation) means there are large areas of standing water, perfect for mosquitoes.

Officials are already taking action by spraying insecticides on ponds, and asking property owners to drain standing water.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports that Idaho, Oregon and Washington state are free of any West Nile cases (as of 26 July 2011).  It could be due to the cooler than normal weather.

The CDC reports human cases of West Nile in the following U.S. states: Arizona, California, Georgia, Mississippi, South Dakota, Texas, Virginia, and Wyoming.

According to the most recent CDC Dengue HealthMap, there are no cases of domestically acquired Dengue fever within the United States.

Government Coverup: Radiation from Japan hitting the United States!

“Iodine level in the rain in Idaho in the United States were 130 times that standard… we are very concerned that radioactive cesium was many times above the standard as well.”Gerry Pollet, Heart of America Northwest

When the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactors exploded in Japan, U.S. officials ensured the public that they would increase radiation monitoring.  I’ve reported in earlier postings that most EPA RadNet sites in the western U.S. are shut down, and that other sites can give only limited results.

Now a group based in Washington, Heart of America Northwest, has done their own investigations into contaminated drinking water in Washington, Oregon and Idaho.

In a previous posting I suggested that the people of concerned communities need to get together and have their own testing done, on plants, water and soil, even their own urine.  This is what the Japanese have been forced to do, no thanks to the incompetence of their national government.  It’s been those grass roots citizen groups in Japan that have been revealing the truth about the Fukushima nuclear disaster.

Heart of America Northwest also has some warnings about current nuclear waste programs in the Pacific Northwest, like the dumping of nuke waste in unlined pits.