Category Archives: Opinion

Desperate Failed States: Obama regime wants women for all combat jobs, in direct opposition to his own Generals!

04 December 2015 (07:52 UTC-07 Tango 01)/13 Azar 1394/21 Safar 1437/23 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713

“I’m announcing my decision not to make continued exceptions, that is, to proceed with opening all these remaining occupations and positions to women. There will be no exceptions.”-Ashton Carter, desperate incompetent Obama stooge Secretary of Defense

I’ve always said women should be able to fight in front line combat jobs if they can meet the same physical standards as men (some countries they can and do, but not here in the U.S., the majority of females in the U.S. military can barely meet their own dumbed down physical standards) but what the U.S. Department of Defense is doing now is not about Femi-Nazi faux equal rights it’s about desperation, they’re that fucked up!

1972 U.S. Army recruiting ad targeting women. Note the ad ends by saying “Today’s Army wants to join you”, sounds rapist doesn’t it?

The decsion by Obama’s dip-shit of a Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter came in direct contradiction to statements by USMC General Dunford (just as Dunford directly contradicted Carter’s statements about Islamic State, right in front of Carter’s sorry wimp ass face right in front of Congress; Marine Corps General says Obama regime Big Ass Liars & Failures, as thousands of Islamic State operatives already in United States!)!  

This is fucking bull-shit! Shave the hair like a man, why? It’s not about conformity, it’s about making sure your gas mask seals properly! Oh but let me add Equal Fucking Rights, I shave my head you shave yours gott damn it!

Holy shit people! When you have the Secretary of Defense and the top General of the Chiefs of Staff contradicting each other, while sitting next to each other in front of a U.S. Congressional panel, your country is heading down the shit-hole of failed stateism!  

Who said women are Pacifists? Meet some of the 2,000 FEMALE snipers in Syria! 

Rojava Kurds reveal PRO-GUN ANTI-TAX revolution!

“This is where armor fights!” Idaho National Guard returns to the Cold War era , First female combat mechanic! (plus some pics of my strung out militia career)

New Anthem for Paris: The Mob Rules!

Close the city and tell the people that something’s coming to call
Death and darkness are rushing forward to take a bite from the wall, oh

You’ve nothing to say
They’re breaking away
If you listen to fools…
The Mob Rules
The Mob Rules

Kill the spirit and you’ll be blinded, the end is always the same
Play with fire, you burn your fingers and lose your hold of the flame, oh

It’s over, it’s done
The end is begun
If you listen to fools…
The Mob Rules

You’ve nothing to say
Oh, They’re breaking away
If you listen to fools…

Break the circle and stop the movement, the wheel is thrown to the ground
Just remember it might start rolling and take you right back around

You’re all fools!
The Mob Rules!

Charlie Hebdo slams French President’s claim that France has returned to “normal life”!

Boise State welcomes Brave New World Order with Neo-Fascist-Nazi makeover! Come burn books at the feet of the all powerful -B- megalith!

27 October 2015 (02:36 UTC-07 Tango 01)/05 Aban 1394/13 Muharram 1437/15 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

All hail the mighty BSU, Bull-Sh…. I mean Boise State University, Idaho!  They just spent an untold amount of money destroying creative art work and precious student parking to create and obvious ode to fascism.

All hail and begin the book burning! We don’t need no stinking books in University! Especially ’cause they cost so much.

Mussolini sports complex built between 1928 and 1938.

Watch out, the almighty B is watching you!

Somewhere in 1930s Germany.

High brow education now occupied by low brow propagandists!

Occupied Palestine (Israel) today!

And for you conspiracy fans check out Google Maps at coordinates 43.603345 – 116.204953 to see a definite geometric pattern, surrounding the new monolithic B, that’s only visible from the sky (the heavens?).

Screen Shot 2015-10-26 at 17.01.32

The monolith B is the silver bar casting the shadow within the symbolic circle.

Ooops, is that a Freudian slip Georgie boy?


Anthem for Liberation of Palestine: Mein Land!

Rammstein: Mein Land!

Wohin gehst du, wohin?

Ich geh mit mir von Ost nach Süd

Wohin gehst du, wohin?

Ich geh mit mir von Süd nach West

Wohin gehst du, wohin?

Ich geh mit mir von West nach Nord

Da kommt er angerannt Mit der Fahne in der Hand Mein Land, Mein Land

Du bist hier im meinem Land Mein Land, Mein Land

Du bist hier im meinem Land Mein Land Wohin gehst du, wohin?

Ich geh mit mir von Nord nach Ost

Wohin gehst du, wohin?

Ich geh mit mir von Ost nach West

Wohin gehst du, wohin?

Ich geh von Land zu Land allein Und nichts und niemand lädt mich zum bleiben ein Mein Land, Mein Land

Du bist hier in meinem Land Mein Land, Mein Land

Du bist hier im meinem Land

Meine Welle und mein Strand Jaaaaaaaaaah

Eine Stimme aus dem Licht Fällt dem Himmel vom Gesicht Reisst den Horizont entzwei Wohin gehst du, hier ist nichts mehr frei

Das ist mein Land Das ist mein Land Das ist mein Land Mein Land, Mein Land

Du bist hier in meinem Land Mein Land, Mein Land Du bist hier in meinem Land

Meine Welle und mein Strand Mein Land Vertrieben, Mein Land Vertreiben, Mein Land Vergessen, Mein Land Nirgends kann ich bleiben Mein Land

Class Warfare: Being a mass shooter is really expensive, so how’d they do it, especially the under-employed/unemployed Patsies?

03 October 2015 (11:27 UTC-07 Tango 01)/11 Mehr 1394/19 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/21 Bing-Xu 4713

False Flag Proof Mass Shootings are Class Warfare: How in the hell can a “recluse” who lives in an apartment with his mother because he’s an unemployed/under-employed college student afford to buy 13 guns and thousands of rounds of ammo?  That’s what the ‘investigators’ in The Beaver State of Oregon want you to believe; that the unemployed/under-employed mass shooter at Umpqua Community College somehow was able to buy 13 guns and thousands of rounds of ammo!

I’m a Constitutionalist, as all true citizens of the United States should be, but for more than a decade now I have not been able to go to my local shooting range and enjoy legally busting some caps due to the fact my personal income sucks.  I’m barely paying living expenses so how in the hell does an unemployed college student buy 13 guns and thousands of rounds of ammo?

One Oregonian news report said the Umpqua Community College shooter moved to Oregon after a job as a restaurant manager in California, and that was after being kicked out of the U.S. Army after ‘washing out’ of five weeks of basic training.  I’m a Cold War veteran and I’ve been a front line manager in the service sector (including managing a convenience store in Santa Maria, California) and I can tell you that a couple of months Army basic training and short time as a restaurant manager does not provide enough money to pay your living expenses in The Golden State and pay for your move to The Beaver State and buy 13 guns and thousands of rounds of ammo.

The median price for a legally purchased gun in the United States is about 5-hundred to 6-hundred bucks (U.S. Dollars)!  A really nice gun, especially military/match grade, will cost more than $1-thousand USD easy.  Your average price for a box of 20 rounds of ammo is between 20 and 40 bucks (as of 2015)!  Do the math! How in the hell does an unemployed/underemployed college student buy 13 guns and thousands of rounds of ammo?

One student says they were told told by ‘officials’ that they couldn’t hear the gunshots because the gun was “silenced”. So the students were being coached by officials as to what they did or did not hear during the shooting?

13 guns @ $500 each (on the low end) = $6,500  (at this point ‘police’ have not said what type of guns, which could drive the price higher.  There’s a new report saying he used a .40 pistol that belonged to somebody else, but police don’t know how he got it)

Don’t forget, one student said they were told the shooter had a silenced gun.  Depending on the gun a silencer could cost between $100 and $1,000 USD!

Yep, just a few boxes of top quality ammo could cost you a few Benjamins!

1,000 rounds of ammo @ $1 each round (and that’s low-balling it) = $1,000  (at this point ‘police’ have yet to say exactly how many rounds of ammo he had, and depending on the type of ammo the cost will go significantly higher)

Other reports say he had a bullet proof vest, or a flak jacket with “steel plates”.  That’s more money.

As far as as I know you can’t get a car loan or home loan to buy guns.

So the shooter had probs with religious beliefs, and/or had ‘mental problems’ (apparently this Oregon shooter desired attention, and was a ‘special needs’ student in California), but another link in all similar mass shootings in the past decade or so is these guys always have acquired a small arsenal of weapons and ammo in a very short period of time.  Even those shooters who came from wealthy families, the fact they apparently got the guns and ammo in such a short amount of time especially when you’d think their mental problems would have hampered their ability to do so (many of these guys had ‘focus’ issues and were on drugs that are known to impair your judgement and even make you a ‘killer’) which brings up another point:  If they’re paying for expensive mental care and drugs (the shooters from wealthy families were not getting ‘welfare’) how in the hell did they buy so many guns and so much ammo in such a short period of time?

And remember, in every mass shooting the cops say the shooter bought their guns and ammo “legally”.  In the United States it’s actually way cheaper to buy an illegal gun than a legal gun.  Gang bangers in Obama’s homie town of Chicago claim they can get a gat for less than a hundred bucks.

The cost of legally buying a small arsenal is enough to prevent the overwhelming majority of people from becoming a ‘mass shooter’.  This is proof somebody helped the ‘lone gunman’, setting them up in a type of Class Warfare false flag operation!  (this is what’s called being a Patsy: A person who is easily taken advantage of, especially by being cheated or blamed for something)

Total Gun Ban Total Failure: Mexico!

Yet another shooting in total gun ban Australia!

Student belies college president’s claim that campus is “gun free”! Reports of deaths conflict!

Strict gun ban doesn’t stop elected officials from owning outlawed guns! 40 politicians arrested! 


Mormon Martial Law: Fascist BYU Idaho bans men’s hairstyle! Proof of false Christians!

30 September 2015 (11:59 UTC-07 Tango 01)/08 Mehr 1394/16 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/18 Yi-You (8th month) 4713

The Church of Latter Day Saints controlled Brigham Young University Idaho has banned men from putting their hair in a bun!  This after there were reports that some students were ‘evily’ influenced by one of the actors in the popular Game of Thrones TV show.

In fact the fascist ‘Honor Code’ sounds more like the haircut regulations for the U.S. military: “Hairstyles should be clean and neat, avoiding extreme styles of colors and trimmed above the collar leaving the ear uncovered. Sideburns should not extend below the earlobe or onto the cheek. Men are expected to be clean shaven, mustaches, if worn, should be neatly trimmed and may not extend beyond or below the corners of the mouth. Beards are not appropriate.”

Iconic Mormon Jesus by Harry Anderson.

Even Mormon iconography depicting Jesus of Nazareth shows him with shoulder length hair and a beard!   Why is it that so many ‘christian’ groups, not just Mormons, hate long hair and beards on men?  (I can understand if they hate beards on women)

Very interesting, apparently the Mormons are not good at ancient history. There were never any Viking-Romans.

Even Mormon iconography depicting male personalities from their Book of Mormon show them with long hair (not counting baldies) and beards. Well, not all, some show ancient men as clean shaven.

Apparently these clean shaven and short haired ancient ‘Mormons’ lived in an ancient North America that has yet to be discovered. Even the Mesoamerican myths that mention Caucasians describe them as having long hair and beards.

Proof Human societies on Earth are the creators of Hell

“What is Hell?”

“A place without peace that never gets better.”-Thai Buddism, Hell Temple proverb

For most Earthlings, their respective societies on Earth are the “place without peace that never gets better”.

False Flag: Palestine government falls apart!

17 June 2015 (02:02 UTC-07 Tango 01)/27 Kordad 1394/29 Sha’ban 1436/02 Ren-Wu (5th month) 4713

Within 24 hours the Palestinian government will resign.”-Mahmoud Abbas, President of Palestine

Abbas claims the Palestinian government is breaking up because Palestinians in the open-air prison known as Gaza Strip refuse to recognize the Fatah political organization.

Fatah dominates the Palestinian government, and has some control over the open-air prison known as West Bank.  The majority of Palestinians in Gaza Strip, and a growing number of Palestinians in West Bank, will only recognize the political organization known as Hamas.

But don’t blame Hamas, they’re opposed to the dissolution of the Palestinian government: “Hamas rejects any one-sided change in the government without the agreement of all parties. No one told us anything about any decision to change and no one consulted with us about any change in the unity government. Fatah acted on its own in all regards.”-Sami Abu Zuhri, Hamas spokesman

By dissolving the Palestinian government Abbas opens the door for Hamas to take over in West Bank, which is exactly what the warmongering Zionist in Israel want, because they can then justify to their own people an all out war on all Palestinians, which will be easy to justify because opinion pools show many Israelis want total war to finish off the Palestinians so they can finally create their greater Israel.

Washington cops adopt Israeli tactics; kill man for throwing rock!


Obama spends BooKoo tax dollars on hotel during G20 meeting! Outspends rivals!

15 November 2014 (02:26 UTC-07 Tango)/22 Muharram 1436/24 Aban 1393/23 Yi-Hai 4712

U.S. president Barack Obama is attending the global conspiracy meeting known as G20.  It’s being held in the British empire country of Australia, where World ‘leaders’ had to actually outbid rivals for the best hotel rooms!

U.S. taxpayers can be proud that ‘their’ president was the top bidder, spending $2146 USD per night at the Brisbane Marriott!  That’s almost double what second highest bidder British empire United Kingdom prime minister David Cameron is spending on his hotel room.  (let’s not forget all those security guards get taxpayer funded hotel rooms as well)

What better way to lead the Group of Twenty economies than to spend your taxpayer’s money like there was no tomorrow, while your domestic economy continues to get flushed down the toilet!

U.S. Myths Busted: The Right to Vote, Supreme Court declares it unConstitutional? Use it before you lose it! 4.1-million U.S. territorial residents already have lost it!

01 November 2014 (04:35 UTC-07 Tango)/08 Muharram 1436/10 Aban 1393/09 Yi-Hai 4712

How many times have you heard civil rights groups say we have a “fundamental right to vote”?   I’ve even heard political science professors claim there is a U.S. Constitutional right to vote.

In a classic example of ignorance of their own federal United States Constitution the overwhelming majority of U.S. citizens believe they have a right to vote.  But wait, I checked the Bill of Rights (the first ten inalienable Rights in the U.S. Constitution) and there is no mention of any ‘right’ to vote!

Mention of a “right to vote” is only found in revokable amendments, I believe starting with Amendment 15.  This is key, the first ten “inalienable” Rights are not revokable (a right that cannot be taken away, denied, or transferred), this is what makes them true Rights.  Supposedly it would take a meeting of a ‘Continental Congress’ to write a completely new Bill of Rights in order to revoke the one we have (there are ‘western’ countries out there that change their constitutions every freaking year! And never mind that your ‘elected’ officials and the Supreme Court has circumvented the Bill of Rights many times).   All other amendments starting with number 11 are revokable at anytime, and in regards to the ‘right’ to vote the U.S. Supreme Court did just that in 2013.

In 2013, the U.S. Supreme court declared the federal 1965 Voting Rights Act to be “unconstitutional”!  But that’s my point, since the end of the War between the States, there have been several revokable amendments regarding the privilege of voting (even though it’s referred to as a ‘right’ in the amendments).  If there was an inalienable right to vote why are there so many revokable additions to that ‘right’?  These federal amendments do not actually create a federal right to vote, but are focused on making sure that each state that allows voting does so without discrimination.

Yes, the Bill of Rights makes no mention of any right to vote, all other ‘rights’ are delegated to the member states to decide.  The history of the U.S. states and voting is convoluted, many states granted the privilege to vote to women and former slaves, only to revoke those ‘rights’ just a few years later.

Prior to the middle 20th century many former slaves who were granted the privilege of voting were counted as only three fifths human.  Many former pro-slave states required that former slaves had to prove literacy before they could vote, of course most couldn’t read.  States got away with this because there is no federal right to vote!

Current state level voter ID laws do not violate any federal right to vote because there is no federal right to vote.  The only way voter ID laws can be challenged is if they are proven to violate the revokable federal anti-discrimination amendments.

Here’s a history of revokable federal voting laws, and U.S. states granting and/or revoking the privilege of voting:

1776: The majority of the original 13 states limited the ‘right’ to vote to only ‘white’ landowning men.  After all, the Bill of Rights does not dictate a ‘right’ to vote.

1787: The federal government officially delegates the decision to grant the privilege to vote to the states.

1789: Elitist George Washington elected by only 6% of the population!

1848: Former Mexican citizens now living in the territory captured by the United States (during the Mexican American War) are denied the privilege to vote!

1856: The states ratify a new law giving all ‘white’ men, regardless of income, the privilege to vote!

1868-1870: Federal 14th & 15th amendments passed to give former male slaves the privilege of voting, however many states create restrictions such as their vote counts as only three fifths that of a ‘white’ man, they must prove literacy and even pay a tax to vote!

1876: U.S. Supreme Court denies the privilege of voting to Native Americans!

1887: New federal law (Dawes Act) allows Native Americans the privilege to vote, if they officially deny their heritage!

1890: The Indian Naturalization Act adds the additional requirement of ‘becoming’ a U.S. citizen before Native Americans can vote!

1919: Native Americans who serve in the U.S. military can apply for citizenship.

1922: U.S. Supreme Court denies U.S. residents of Japanese heritage the ability to become citizens, thus denying them the privilege to vote!  (this also shows you that the Japanese living in the United States and placed into U.S. concentration camps during World War 2 were never considered ‘Japanese Americans’, but alien immigrants)

1923: U.S. Supreme Court denies Indians (from India) the ability to become U.S. citizens, thus denying them the ability to vote!

1924: Federal government allows Native Americans to become citizens, however many states still refuse them the privilege of voting.

1947: A lawsuit brought by a Native American (and ex-Marine) forces states to allow American Aborigines to vote!

1952: People with Asian ancestry are allowed to become U.S. citizens, and vote!

1964: Revokable 24th Amendment passes barring the charging of voting taxes, in federal elections.

1965: Federal Voting Rights Act passed.

1971: Voting age dropped to 18.  This is the result of public protests pointing out that a male who turns 18 years of age is considered an adult and is drafted against their will to fight in Vietnam, yet they were not allowed to vote!

1993: Federal Voter Registration Act passed.  The intent is to make registration easier for “eligible” citizens.  Note that the key word used is “eligible”, revealing that not every U.S. citizen has the ‘right’ to vote, proving my point that it’s a privilege.  Many U.S. states deny the privilege of voting to citizens convicted of felonies.

2000: A federal court revokes the ‘right’ of people living in U.S. territories (like Guam & Puerto Rico) to vote for U.S. president, even if they are full fledged U.S. citizens!  This court decision came one month before federal elections, and affects at least 4.1-million residents living in the Territories!

2013: U.S. Supreme Court declares parts of 1965 Voting Rights Act to be “unconstitutional”!

Alaska U.S. Territory: 1913, grants women the privilege of voting.

Alabama: 1929, ‘Black’ women are beaten by ‘white’ election officials for trying to vote.

Arizona: 1912, grants women the privilege of voting.

California: 1911, grants women the privilege of voting.

Colorado: 1893, grants women the privilege of voting.

Idaho: 1896, grants women the privilege of voting.  The Constitution of Idaho states in Article 1 “RIGHT OF SUFFRAGE GUARANTEED.”   But then in Article 6 states “The legislature may prescribe qualifications, limitations, and conditions for the right of suffrage…”  One of those rules is 34-435 which states “…the county clerk shall immediately cancel the registration of any elector who did not vote at any primary or general election in the past four (4) years.”  Vote recounts are rare in The Gem State because Idaho law requires those who are challenging the count to pay for the recount.   This explains the ‘dynastic’ political families and entrenched political parties in the state.

Illinois: 1913, grants women the privilege of voting but only for the U.S. president.

Indiana: 1917, grants women the privilege of voting but only for the U.S. president.

Iowa: 1919, grants women the privilege of voting but only for the U.S. president.

Kentucky: 1837, grants women the privilege of voting but only in local school district elections (although not all cities allow it).  1902, revokes the privilege of women voting in school district elections.   1912, grants women restricted voting privilege in local school district elections.

Kansas: 1861, grants women the privilege of voting but only in local school district elections. 1912, grants women the privilege of voting.

Maine: 1919, grants women the privilege of voting but only for the U.S. president.

Michigan: 1918, grants women the privilege of voting.

Minnesota: 1919, grants women the privilege of voting but only for the U.S. president.

Missouri: 1919, grants women the privilege of voting but only for the U.S. president.

Montana U.S. Territory: 1914, grants women the privilege of voting.

Nebraska: 1917, grants women the privilege of voting but only for the U.S. president.

New Jersey: 1776, granted the privilege of voting to women who had a minimum of $250 to their name.  1807, revoked the privilege of voting from women.

New York: 1917, grants women the privilege of voting.

Nevada: 1914, grants women the privilege of voting.

North Dakota: 1917, grants women the privilege of voting but only for the U.S. president.

Ohio: 1894, grants women the privilege of voting but only in local school district elections.  1917, grants women the privilege of voting but only for the U.S. president.

Oklahoma: 1918, grants women the privilege of voting.

Philippine U.S. Territory: 1925, Filipinos must serve three years military service before becoming citizens and being able to vote!

Puerto Rico U.S. Territory: 1929, grants women the privilege of voting.

Oregon: 1912, grants women the privilege of voting.

Rhode Island: 1919, grants women the privilege of voting but only for the U.S. president.

South Dakota: 1918, grants women the privilege of voting.

Tennessee: 1919, grants women the privilege of voting but only for the U.S. president.

Utah U.S. Territory: 1870, grants women the privilege of voting.

Washington U.S. Territory: 1910, grants women the privilege of voting.

Washington DC: 1961, residents of the U.S. capital city are allowed to vote for U.S. president for the first time!

Wisconsin: 1919, grants women the privilege of voting but only for the U.S. president.

Wyoming U.S. Territory: 1869, grants women the privilege of voting.

By the way, it was the British empire country of New Zealand which created the first national law granting women the privilege of voting, in 1893.  The revokable U.S. 19th Amendment barring discrimination against women and voting was ratified by 1920.  Notice I used the word “ratified”, that’s because voting is not a inalienable federal ‘right’, each U.S. state had to ratify the 19th Amendment and Tennessee was the holdout finally accepting the anti-discrimination law in 1920.

This isn’t meant to dissuade you from voting (there are many other reasons for that) but to instill in you the realization that voting in the U.S. is not an inalienable right, but a privilege that could be (and has been) revoked.  In other words, “Use it before you lose it”!

However, I agree with the Great George Carlin: “I have solved this political dilemma in a very direct way: I don’t vote. On Election Day, I stay home. I firmly believe that if you vote, you have no right to complain. Now, some people like to twist that around. They say, ‘If you don’t vote, you have no right to complain,’ but where’s the logic in that? If you vote, and you elect dishonest, incompetent politicians, and they get into office and screw everything up, you are responsible for what they have done. You voted them in. You caused the problem. You have no right to complain. I, on the other hand, who did not vote, who did not even leave the house on Election Day, am in no way responsible for what these politicians have done and have every right to complain about the mess that YOU created.”

12 Myths of Western Capitalist “Democracy”