Tag Archives: fascist

Boise State welcomes Brave New World Order with Neo-Fascist-Nazi makeover! Come burn books at the feet of the all powerful -B- megalith!

27 October 2015 (02:36 UTC-07 Tango 01)/05 Aban 1394/13 Muharram 1437/15 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

All hail the mighty BSU, Bull-Sh…. I mean Boise State University, Idaho!  They just spent an untold amount of money destroying creative art work and precious student parking to create and obvious ode to fascism.

All hail and begin the book burning! We don’t need no stinking books in University! Especially ’cause they cost so much.

Mussolini sports complex built between 1928 and 1938.

Watch out, the almighty B is watching you!

Somewhere in 1930s Germany.

High brow education now occupied by low brow propagandists!

Occupied Palestine (Israel) today!

And for you conspiracy fans check out Google Maps at coordinates 43.603345 – 116.204953 to see a definite geometric pattern, surrounding the new monolithic B, that’s only visible from the sky (the heavens?).

Screen Shot 2015-10-26 at 17.01.32

The monolith B is the silver bar casting the shadow within the symbolic circle.

Ooops, is that a Freudian slip Georgie boy?