Tag Archives: false flag

Exceptional Failed State: U.S. job losses & store closings 09-10 December 2013. More housing market cuts! More health care cuts! God allows more Christian businesses to shutdown!

Incomplete list of announced closings and layoffs:

Food crisis: Corporate food provider, U.S. based Kellogg’s, shutting down a 90 years old Canadian food factory in 2014, killing 500 jobs.

California: More proof the internet is not stealing brick-n-mortar business; in San Francisco, digital music store Beatport shutdown.  It was taken over by SFX Entertainment.   Also, mobile payment processor Clinkle laid off 16 employees.

Colorado:  More proof the internet is not stealing brick-n-mortar business; in Denver, digital music store Beatport laid off 20 employees.  In Colorado Springs, Little Market & Deli shutdown.  In Fort Collins, the Christian god refused to save the Bible Superstore from shutting down: “….because of financial reasons, I am no longer able to keep the store open.”-Ron Carroll, owner

Georgia: In Marietta, utility engineering company STS shutdown, 153 jobs lost!  In Monroe, after 79 years Sanders Furniture shutdown.  In Macon, TailSpin pet supply store shutdown: “We found it very hard to make ends meet.  We love the location, but we just can’t make it work.”-Jusak Yang Bernhard, co-owner

Kentucky:  First MED ambulance service shutdown, hundreds of jobs lost! The company went bust.

Massachusetts:  Another jewelery store bites the diamond dust.  After 46 years Chalet Jewelers shutdown.  Video game maker Harmonix warned of layoffs, blamed on “future projects”.

New Jersey: What housing market recovery?  In Newark, E-Showings real estate shutdown their call center.  The CEO was convicted of stealing money from the company’s payroll.  Employees had no notice of the shutdown, finding out only after their long commutes to the call center.  Some employees say they’re owed several months of pay! (I’ve experienced that , and the Idaho Department of Labor was no help)

New York:  Time warned its employees it will kill more jobs in 2014, on top of the 500 jobs they’ve already killed!

North Carolina: First MED ambulance service shutdown, hundreds of jobs lost! The company went bust.

Ohio: What housing market recovery?  In Toledo, after 51 years Bedland furniture store shutdown.  The owner blamed the drastic slowdown in the housing market.  First MED ambulance service shutdown, at least 1500 jobs lost!

Oregon:  In Reedsport, American Bridge Company shutdown one of their fabrication shops. 51 jobs lost.

Pennsylvania: In York, British empire company BAE, laid off 135 Yankee jobs! It’s blamed on the end of upgrades to the Bradley IFV (that’s right, the British empire makes U.S. weapons systems, how despicable and traitorous of our ‘elected’ officials).   American Bridge Company shutdown one of their fabrication shops. 77 jobs lost.  In Honesdale, the 60 years old Weniger Variety Store shutdown: “….the last few years have been tough. The economy hasn’t been great.”-Don Weniger, owner

South Carolina: First MED ambulance service shutdown, hundreds of jobs lost! The company went bust.

Texas: In Fort Worth, legal drug pusher Galderma warned of layoffs.  In San Antonio, Trinity Mining & Construction Equipment shutdown, 86 jobs lost.

Virginia: Crony capitalist Virginia based, NII Holdings (aka Nextel), laid off 1400 people from the U.S. to Argentina!  For some reason the company expects to lose a lot of customers, 400-thousand in Mexico alone! Bertie County declares state of emergency because First MED ambulance service shutdown, at least 200 jobs lost!   “The company is no longer in business. At this time they are not giving any explanation for their sudden closure. No further comment.“-company statement to WVEC news

West Virginia: First MED ambulance service shutdown, hundreds of jobs lost! The company went bust.

07-08 December 2013: Hallmark shuts down without notice! 

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) doesn’t count the hundreds of layoffs involving less than 50 people each, in its mass layoff reports. It also doesn’t count all the little ‘mom & pop’ businesses that shut down.

“Our ideals and principles, as well as our national security……..That’s what makes America different. That’s what makes us exceptional.”-Barack Obama, 10 September 2013

False Flag MH370: Aussie officials admit search area is best guess! Search area being moved back to the north!

28 March 2014 (22:00 UTC-07 Tango 27 March 2014)/26 Jumada l-Ula 1435/08 Farvardin 1393/28 Ding-Mao 4712

Aussie search officials say they are now shifting their search for MH370/CZ748 back 1094km (680 miles) north.  They say it’s based on new “analysis” of radar/satellite data.  They also think the plane was flying faster than they first thought.

However, at a live press conference (ending as I write this) Australian reporters asked some pointed questions about just how officials from dozens of countries have determined where to search.

The two officials basically responded that is was their best guess, and that the so called ‘data’ they have from radars and satellites are not conclusive!   Basically the international investigators put together a scenario that they thought was the most likely, based on the inconclusive satellite and radar data, and then used math to calculate the fuel usage to estimate how far the plane could have flow.

The key point is that they admitted the ‘data’ they have is inconclusive.  They also avoided answering questions about the possibility MH370/CZ748 crashed even further north and the debris drifted south.  One official said he “thinks” the current is “to the east”.

After the live conference, a reporter for British empire Sky News said the new search area is not based on new data at all, simply the investigators have somehow garnered a better picture of the flight of MH370/CZ748 from data they already have!

Was the nuke on the missing MH370?

Israel….training for MH370 scenario!

U.S. Civil War 2014: Obama regime forcing state run Air National Guard units onto federal controlled air bases!

27 March 2014 (15:46 UTC-07 Tango)/25 Jumada l-Ula 1435/07 Farvardin 1393/27 Ding-Mao 4712

“I think as anybody might expect, we’re all concerned about what the future holds for us….”-Colonel Tim Marsano, Idaho Air National Guard

Idaho’s Air National Guard has been notified that they could be forced from their state home at Gowen Field (Boise International Airport) to the USAF’s Mountain Home AFB.  This is after the Obama regime steals the last of the Idaho National Guard’s fixed wing air assets.

“We don’t know if this would come to pass, what that would mean for all of those folks. It is possible that some would go to Mountain Home Air Force Base and integrate with them down there, some would stay here. But the honest answer is at this point, we just don’t know.”-Colonel Tim Marsano, Idaho Air National Guard

It’s looking more and more like the federal government is fearing that states will declare independence, and these moves to steal their air assets and force state militia-airmen onto federal U.S. Air Force Bases is an attempt to repress such action.

Look what’s happening in Crimea.  Those Ukrainians in the military have been given two choices; leave for Ukraine or become part of the new pro-Russian Crimean SDF.

I wounder why I have yet to hear any of the dynastic, supposedly conservative-state’s rightist, Idaho politicians speak out against what the Obama regime is doing?

 “….through conscience and free will, each of us has the right to live as we choose……power is derived from the consent of the governed…

…..that international law matters, that people and nations can make their own decisions about their future.

…..every society must chart its own course.

That’s what will make America strong.”-Barack Obama, Address to European Youth, 26 March 2014

World War 3, West Asian Front: Whistleblower reveals NATO member Turkey’s plan to start full war with Syria, under False Flag pretense!

27 March 2014 (13:16 UTC-07 Tango)/25 Jumada l-Ula 1435/07 Farvardin 1393/27 Ding-Mao 4712

Audio recording of Turkish officials have been posted to YouTube.  They are in Turkish, but a Turkish news program translated some into English.  Basically the top Turkish officials were recorded discussing how to stage a false flag attack on their own country, then blame it on Syria, to justify all out war between NATO member Turkey and Syria.

This would have justified U.S. led NATO going to war with Syria.  The Turkish government responded to the YouTube audio recordings by blocking access to YouTube from Turkish websites.

“….this attack must be seen as an opportunity for us.”-Ahmet Davutoğlu, Foreign Minister of Turkey

“I’ll send four men from Syria……I’ll order a missile attack on Turkey…..attack on Suleiman Tomb….”-Hakan Fidan, Turkish National Intelligence Organization Undersecretary, talking about paying Syrians to launch an attack on the Turkish tomb of Suleiman

“….what we’re going to do is a direct cause of war.”-General Yaşar Güler, Turkish Deputy Chief of General Staff



False Flag setup? Obama drastically cuts NYC’s nuclear war funding! Was the nuke on the missing MH370?

27 March 2014 (12:42 UTC-07 Tango)/25 Jumada l-Ula 1435/07 Farvardin 1393/27 Ding-Mao 4712

“I’m just happy that the President sees New York City as a target…..”-Raymond Kelly, taxsucking NYC Police Commissioner

“This is dramatic, it’s draconian, it doesn’t make sense!”-Pete King, Representative from taxsucking New York

First off, how many U.S. taxpayers knew they were funding taxsucking New York City’s very own NBC (Nuclear Biological Chemical) operation? Currently federal taxpayers from across the U.S. are giving NYC $10.4-million USD every year to maintain the equivalent of a military NBC unit.

Now the Obama regime wants to cut that funding by 50%.  But wait, even Obama said the threat of nuclear attack is up!  He slipped his comment about NYC into his lie filled comments about Crimea, on 25 March at the International Nuclear Security Summit: “I continue to be much more concerned when it comes to our security with the prospect of a nuclear weapon going off in Manhattan.”

Federal level politicians were shocked about the massive NBC budget cut, and revealed that for a long time they’ve been expecting NYC to be hit with a nuke: “As President Obama correctly noted, our biggest fear is a nuclear weapon going off in New York City. So why….cut funding….?”-Charles Schumer, Senator from taxsucking New York

Yes, if the Obama regime still thinks NYC will be nuked, why make a 50% cut in their NBC operations?  Was the weapon to be used onboard the disappeared MH370/CZ748? 

More Fukushima WIPP Fallout: More throwaway workers contaminated, and more lies about it from TEPCo! Special teams finally enter WIPP! Investigator says WIPP operators incompetent! New Zealand hit with radiation?

27 March 2014 (11:56 UTC-07 Tango)/25 Jumada l-Ula 1435/07 Farvardin 1393/27 Ding-Mao 4712

Japan’s Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry says Tokyo Electric Power Company deliberately hid that 142 throwaway workers suffered internal radiation exposure immediately after the March 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster began.

The 142 victims were exposed to at least 5.86 millisieverts of radiation.  One worker suffered 180.10 mSv!  The government limit, for nuke industry workers, is 100 mSv over a five year period!  To make things even worse for the poor guy, TEPCo forced him to continue working even after the massive dose of radiation!

Once again, TEPCo says they made a mistake; they read the exposure readings wrong!  They’ve used that excused continually ever since the disaster bagean!  It also turns out that many employees never got the required iodide pills, that TEPCo first claimed were handed out.

Because TEPCo has continually said they’ve misread radiation measuring instruments, Japan’s Atomic Energy Agency and National Institute of Radiological Science decided to investigate all the radiation data TEPCo submitted since the disaster began.  Their conclusions will (supposedly) be announced in April.

Now for more news of newly discovered gross incompetence at the Fukushima Daiichi: 15-hundred water control valves are flowing water that nobody knows from what, where or if the water is contaminated!

The valves are important to regulating which pipes or equipment are connected to pumps and contaminated water storage tanks. It was just revealed that throwaway workers have no idea what the 15-hundred valves are connected to!  TEPCo officials admitted that they decided to start labeling the valves in Autumn 2013, in order to “…lower the risk of erroneous operations.”  It took them three years to realize that?!

Scientists with New Zealand’s University of Auckland are monitoring muttonbirds (a shearwater sea bird) for exposure to radiation.   Muttonbirds migrate to Japan, then return to New Zealand.  They are part of the food chain in Kiwiland, and scientists are concerned they could spread radiation, specifically cesium 134.  The scientists say the cesium will show up in the bird’s feathers: “…..detection of gamma rays would tell us whether the birds spend sufficient time near Fukushima to accumulate cesium-134 from nuclear fission. Obviously the issue would then become whether that radioactivity is being absorbed into local ecosystems or the food chain.”-David Krofcheck

In Carslbad, New Mexico, special Department of Energy/Environmental Protection Agency teams have finally entered the shutdown U.S. Waste Isolation Pilot Plant.

The team must descend 609 meters (2-thousand feet) to begin their radiological testing.  At least 17 WIPP workers were contaminated.

The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB) reported to the U.S. Senate that safe operations at WIPP are questionable, saying reactions to the fire and radiation releases “…were not performed with the rigor necessary for a hazard category 2 defense nuclear facility. Both the federal and contractor workforce proved unprepared for emergency response.”

The DNFSB told senators they issued four warnings about operations at WIPP, since 2010.  The investigators also blasted the timing of the public alarms: “Shelter in place instructions were not given until 10 hours after the first indication of a problem, and over four hours after a release had been confirmed by local readings. As a result, the internal contamination level of workers, although minor, was nevertheless greater than necessary.”

United States military adventures vs Russian military adventures, since 1990: We’re all living in Amerika!

26 March 2014 (23:41 UTC-07 Tango 25 March 2014)/24 Jumada l-Ula 1435/06 Farvardin 1393/26 Ding-Mao 4712

Russia: 1st & 2nd Chechen Wars, 1994-1999.

Georgia, 2008.

Ukraine/Crimea Crisis, present.

United States:  Saudi Arabia; Operation Desert Shield, 1990.

Iraq & Kuwait; Operation Desert Storm, 1991.

Iraq; Operation Provide Comfort, Operation Desert Strike, Operation Desert Fox, No Fly Zones, 1991-2003.

Sierra Leone; Operation Silver Anvil, 1992.

Bosnia & Herzegovina; Operation Provide Promise, Operation Deny Flight, Operation Joint Guard, 1992-96.

Somalia; Operation Restore Hope, 1993.

Macedonia; UN Protection Force, 1993.

Liberia; Operation Assured Response, 1996.

Central African Republic; Operation Quick Response, 1996.

Albania; Operation Silver Wake, 1997.

Afghanistan; Operation Infinite Reach, 1998.

Sudan; Operation infinite Reach, 1998.

East Timor;  UN International Force, 1999-2001.

Serbia; Operation Allied Force, 1999.

Afghanistan; Operation Enduring Freedom (War on Terror), 2001-2014(?).

Philippines; War on Terror, 2002

Liberia; Second Liberian Civil War, 2003.

Georgia; War on Terror, 2003.

Djibouti; War on Terror, 2003.

Iraq; Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation New Dawn, 2003-2011.

Haiti; coup, UN Multinational Interim Force, 2004.

Pakistan; War on Terror-Drone War, 2004-present.

Somalia; War on Terror, 2007-present.

Georgia; South Ossetia War, 2008.

Libya; Operation Odyssey Dawn, 2011.

Uganda; War on Terror, 2011-present.

Syria; support troops deployed in Jordan and Turkey for Syrian Civil War, 2012-present.

Mali; Operation Serval, 2013.

Ukraine/Crimea Crisis, present.

“We’re all living in Amerika, Amerika, ist wunderbar!……Coca Cola,  sometimes War!”Rammstein


Influenza: H1N1 still kickin’, still killin’! “Better than dead!” Thousands of new cases in just a couple of months! Blame globalization!

26 March 2014 (22:04 UTC-07 Tango 25 March 2014)/24 Jumada l-Ula 1435/06 Farvardin 1393/26 Ding-Mao 4712

Australia:  Heath officials are panicking and demanding people get vaccinated.  Queensland reporting double the influenza cases compared to last year.  New South Wales warning residents to protect themselves from H1N1 this coming winter, after an “unusually high” amount of summer time flu.  (Remember: In the Southern Hemisphere the seasons are reversed from the Northern Hemisphere.)

Canada:  Since 14 March, Toronto’s Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, women’s ward, has been hit with an H1N1 outbreak.

European Union:  In warm and economically destitute (no thanks to the Trilateral Commission) Cyprus, a third person has died from H1N1. At least 26 cases.

In warm and economically destitute (no thanks to the Trilateral Commission) Greece, the European Center for Disease Prevention reports 106 flu deaths, mainly H1N1.

Scotland reporting H1N1 outbreaks, spread from Mexico!  Recently six people tested positive for H1N1 at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary. Prior to that six kids were H1N1 infected and sent to Royal Hospital for Sick Children at Yorkhill.  Prior to that a man died of H1N1 at Glasgow’s Victoria Infirmary, on 03 February.  Health Protection Scotland says H1N1 was brought in by two people returning from vacation in Mexico.

In warm and economically destitute (no thanks to the Trilateral Commission) Spain, 155 people have died from influenza, mainly H1N1.

Mexico: As of 24 March, 704 people died from influenza.  627 specifically from H1N1.   More than 6-thousand infections, despite a massive vaccination program.  The state of Jalisco is still the place to avoid.

New Zealand:  Health officials say the flu season has started early in the Southern Hemisphere, and H1N1 is leading the way.   An H1N1  patient in Hawke’s Bay Hospital is now in critical condition.

Qatar: The Hamad General Hospital reports two cases.  They say people who travel to other countries are bringing H1N1 into Qatar when they return.

Thailand:  Health officials report 18 deaths caused by H1N1.  Ministry of Public Health’s Bureau of Epidemiology reports 18,290 cases were reported between 01 Jan to 17 March!

United States: In Arkansas, a 48 year old River Valley man died from H1N1.  He died on 24 March, a little more than two weeks after his 5th wedding anniversary.  His wife said it took him down fast: “By Monday he started turning kind of gray and he got really weak. He was hallucinating and I couldn`t figure out what was going on.”-Ashley Cass

In California, more than 302 people have died from H1N1.  In Roseville, doctors are calling a woman’s recovery a “miracle”.  After ten weeks in the hospital the family decided to take the 61 years old woman off life support, and she suddenly recovered!  She said she felt “Better than dead!”

Vietnam: A teenaged girl died after a month of battling H1N1.  She was in the hospital until 23 March, when her parents said it was time to bring her home, where she died.  The National Tropical Diseases Hospital in Hanoi reported that they were seeing three to five people everyday, infected with H1N1.  The majority of cases involve entire families.

There are increasing reports of people coming down with Guillain-Barre syndrome, after being vaccinated with the flu shot.

A new report says unAmerican Corporate America is to blame for spreading diseases, including H1N1. It’s all part of the Trilateral Commission’s globalization plans.

Gun Control U.S.A.: Anti-Gun laws couldn’t stop civilian from killing a sailor, with the sailor’s own government issued pistol!

25 March 2014 (11:37 UTC-07 Tango)/23 Jumada l-Ula 1435/05 Farvardin 1393/25 Ding-Mao 4712

As I predicted earlier, the shooting at the USN Naval Station Norfolk involved a military issued weapon!  Now that Iranian news anchor really does have egg on his face for attacking the 2nd Amendment!

The shooting involved a civilian employee who broke onto a destroyer then attacked a SP (Shore Patrol), taking his pistola and shooting him with it!

Navy Shore Patrolman arrived and killed the civilian.

False Flag U.S.A.: Shooting at Virginia Navy base! Iranian news media says more reason to get rid of 2nd Amendment!

25 March 2014 (01:20 UTC-07 Tango)/23 Jumada l-Ula 1435/05 Farvardin 1393/25 Ding-Mao 4712

On live Iranian TV, an anchorman happily proclaimed that a shooting at the U.S. Naval Station Norfolk questions American’s “Right to bear arms.” 

The shooting happened at Pier 1.  One sailor and one civilian killed.  The base was in lockdown for a short time.  The U.S. Navy says they are investigating, but have not confirmed if anybody has been arrested.

That Iranian news anchor will have egg on his face if the shooting involved military personnel and a military issued weapon.

2nd Amendment