Tag Archives: nz748

False Flag setup? Obama drastically cuts NYC’s nuclear war funding! Was the nuke on the missing MH370?

27 March 2014 (12:42 UTC-07 Tango)/25 Jumada l-Ula 1435/07 Farvardin 1393/27 Ding-Mao 4712

“I’m just happy that the President sees New York City as a target…..”-Raymond Kelly, taxsucking NYC Police Commissioner

“This is dramatic, it’s draconian, it doesn’t make sense!”-Pete King, Representative from taxsucking New York

First off, how many U.S. taxpayers knew they were funding taxsucking New York City’s very own NBC (Nuclear Biological Chemical) operation? Currently federal taxpayers from across the U.S. are giving NYC $10.4-million USD every year to maintain the equivalent of a military NBC unit.

Now the Obama regime wants to cut that funding by 50%.  But wait, even Obama said the threat of nuclear attack is up!  He slipped his comment about NYC into his lie filled comments about Crimea, on 25 March at the International Nuclear Security Summit: “I continue to be much more concerned when it comes to our security with the prospect of a nuclear weapon going off in Manhattan.”

Federal level politicians were shocked about the massive NBC budget cut, and revealed that for a long time they’ve been expecting NYC to be hit with a nuke: “As President Obama correctly noted, our biggest fear is a nuclear weapon going off in New York City. So why….cut funding….?”-Charles Schumer, Senator from taxsucking New York

Yes, if the Obama regime still thinks NYC will be nuked, why make a 50% cut in their NBC operations?  Was the weapon to be used onboard the disappeared MH370/CZ748?