Exceptional Failed State: U.S. job losses & store closings 09-10 December 2013. More housing market cuts! More health care cuts! God allows more Christian businesses to shutdown!

Incomplete list of announced closings and layoffs:

Food crisis: Corporate food provider, U.S. based Kellogg’s, shutting down a 90 years old Canadian food factory in 2014, killing 500 jobs.

California: More proof the internet is not stealing brick-n-mortar business; in San Francisco, digital music store Beatport shutdown.  It was taken over by SFX Entertainment.   Also, mobile payment processor Clinkle laid off 16 employees.

Colorado:  More proof the internet is not stealing brick-n-mortar business; in Denver, digital music store Beatport laid off 20 employees.  In Colorado Springs, Little Market & Deli shutdown.  In Fort Collins, the Christian god refused to save the Bible Superstore from shutting down: “….because of financial reasons, I am no longer able to keep the store open.”-Ron Carroll, owner

Georgia: In Marietta, utility engineering company STS shutdown, 153 jobs lost!  In Monroe, after 79 years Sanders Furniture shutdown.  In Macon, TailSpin pet supply store shutdown: “We found it very hard to make ends meet.  We love the location, but we just can’t make it work.”-Jusak Yang Bernhard, co-owner

Kentucky:  First MED ambulance service shutdown, hundreds of jobs lost! The company went bust.

Massachusetts:  Another jewelery store bites the diamond dust.  After 46 years Chalet Jewelers shutdown.  Video game maker Harmonix warned of layoffs, blamed on “future projects”.

New Jersey: What housing market recovery?  In Newark, E-Showings real estate shutdown their call center.  The CEO was convicted of stealing money from the company’s payroll.  Employees had no notice of the shutdown, finding out only after their long commutes to the call center.  Some employees say they’re owed several months of pay! (I’ve experienced that , and the Idaho Department of Labor was no help)

New York:  Time warned its employees it will kill more jobs in 2014, on top of the 500 jobs they’ve already killed!

North Carolina: First MED ambulance service shutdown, hundreds of jobs lost! The company went bust.

Ohio: What housing market recovery?  In Toledo, after 51 years Bedland furniture store shutdown.  The owner blamed the drastic slowdown in the housing market.  First MED ambulance service shutdown, at least 1500 jobs lost!

Oregon:  In Reedsport, American Bridge Company shutdown one of their fabrication shops. 51 jobs lost.

Pennsylvania: In York, British empire company BAE, laid off 135 Yankee jobs! It’s blamed on the end of upgrades to the Bradley IFV (that’s right, the British empire makes U.S. weapons systems, how despicable and traitorous of our ‘elected’ officials).   American Bridge Company shutdown one of their fabrication shops. 77 jobs lost.  In Honesdale, the 60 years old Weniger Variety Store shutdown: “….the last few years have been tough. The economy hasn’t been great.”-Don Weniger, owner

South Carolina: First MED ambulance service shutdown, hundreds of jobs lost! The company went bust.

Texas: In Fort Worth, legal drug pusher Galderma warned of layoffs.  In San Antonio, Trinity Mining & Construction Equipment shutdown, 86 jobs lost.

Virginia: Crony capitalist Virginia based, NII Holdings (aka Nextel), laid off 1400 people from the U.S. to Argentina!  For some reason the company expects to lose a lot of customers, 400-thousand in Mexico alone! Bertie County declares state of emergency because First MED ambulance service shutdown, at least 200 jobs lost!   “The company is no longer in business. At this time they are not giving any explanation for their sudden closure. No further comment.“-company statement to WVEC news

West Virginia: First MED ambulance service shutdown, hundreds of jobs lost! The company went bust.

07-08 December 2013: Hallmark shuts down without notice! 

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) doesn’t count the hundreds of layoffs involving less than 50 people each, in its mass layoff reports. It also doesn’t count all the little ‘mom & pop’ businesses that shut down.

“Our ideals and principles, as well as our national security……..That’s what makes America different. That’s what makes us exceptional.”-Barack Obama, 10 September 2013