Tag Archives: martial law

Boise State welcomes Brave New World Order with Neo-Fascist-Nazi makeover! Come burn books at the feet of the all powerful -B- megalith!

27 October 2015 (02:36 UTC-07 Tango 01)/05 Aban 1394/13 Muharram 1437/15 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

All hail the mighty BSU, Bull-Sh…. I mean Boise State University, Idaho!  They just spent an untold amount of money destroying creative art work and precious student parking to create and obvious ode to fascism.

All hail and begin the book burning! We don’t need no stinking books in University! Especially ’cause they cost so much.

Mussolini sports complex built between 1928 and 1938.

Watch out, the almighty B is watching you!

Somewhere in 1930s Germany.

High brow education now occupied by low brow propagandists!

Occupied Palestine (Israel) today!

And for you conspiracy fans check out Google Maps at coordinates 43.603345 – 116.204953 to see a definite geometric pattern, surrounding the new monolithic B, that’s only visible from the sky (the heavens?).

Screen Shot 2015-10-26 at 17.01.32

The monolith B is the silver bar casting the shadow within the symbolic circle.

Ooops, is that a Freudian slip Georgie boy?


Anthem for Liberation of Palestine: Mein Land!

Rammstein: Mein Land!

Wohin gehst du, wohin?

Ich geh mit mir von Ost nach Süd

Wohin gehst du, wohin?

Ich geh mit mir von Süd nach West

Wohin gehst du, wohin?

Ich geh mit mir von West nach Nord

Da kommt er angerannt Mit der Fahne in der Hand Mein Land, Mein Land

Du bist hier im meinem Land Mein Land, Mein Land

Du bist hier im meinem Land Mein Land Wohin gehst du, wohin?

Ich geh mit mir von Nord nach Ost

Wohin gehst du, wohin?

Ich geh mit mir von Ost nach West

Wohin gehst du, wohin?

Ich geh von Land zu Land allein Und nichts und niemand lädt mich zum bleiben ein Mein Land, Mein Land

Du bist hier in meinem Land Mein Land, Mein Land

Du bist hier im meinem Land

Meine Welle und mein Strand Jaaaaaaaaaah

Eine Stimme aus dem Licht Fällt dem Himmel vom Gesicht Reisst den Horizont entzwei Wohin gehst du, hier ist nichts mehr frei

Das ist mein Land Das ist mein Land Das ist mein Land Mein Land, Mein Land

Du bist hier in meinem Land Mein Land, Mein Land Du bist hier in meinem Land

Meine Welle und mein Strand Mein Land Vertrieben, Mein Land Vertreiben, Mein Land Vergessen, Mein Land Nirgends kann ich bleiben Mein Land

Israeli newspaper points finger at true terrorist: Their own government!

26 October 2015 (20:14 UTC-07 Tango 01, 25 October 2015)/04 Aban 1394/12 Muharram 1437/14 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

“….we have a prime minister of a different breed. Everyone and his wife is to blame while he remains pure. He has no hand in what’s happening in the occupied territories or East Jerusalem, which is entirely under Israeli control……

Your excellencies, Mr. Netanyahu and Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat, what have you done to the children of our people? How is it that a 13-year-old leaves home with a knife in the clear knowledge he probably won’t return alive?

It’s a mark of Cain on the forehead of Israeli society, a moral indictment. ….

Here’s an explanation for the honorable minister. It’s because of the riches the Israeli government and Jerusalem city hall heap on the city’s Palestinians: third-world municipal services versus first-world services in Jewish neighborhoods, daily humiliations, raids, arrests, menacing roadblocks.
The Palestinians enjoy this so much their children prefer death to what Israel has to offer. How ungrateful can you get?
Anyone who visits East Jerusalem feels the despair and the sadness in people’s eyes. And amid this misery patrol the cops of Israel’s Border Police, threatening anything that moves…..
If all this weren’t enough, along comes Education Minister Naftali Bennett, celebrating with Jewish zealots who have just ‘liberated’ another house from the Arabs. Their message to Palestinians in Jerusalem is clear: You are living here on borrowed time. You will be out of here soon, without even time to pack.

……they are forcing the Palestinians to kill and be killed, and later, in a victory cry, they call them terrorists.”Israel Created the 13-year-old ‘Terrorist’

False Flag: Israel admits, round-a-boutly, that it has been supporting Holocaust against Muslims! With your tax $ of course!

26 October 2015 (19:52 UTC-07 Tango 01, 25 October 2015)/04 Aban 1394/12 Muharram 1437/14 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

“The Islamic State organization is expanding the territory under its control and at the same time winning widespread support among Muslims in the Middle East and around the world…….Those who join the enemy ranks in order to fight against Israel will not be citizens of Israel anymore.”-Memshelet Yisrael

Israel has just declared Islamic State, Nusra Front and Abdullah Azzam Brigades to be “illegal terrorist organizations”! That’s right, after all these years of holocaust by Islamic State (DAIISH), Nusra Front (Jabhat al-Nusra) and Abdullah Azzam Brigades, Israel is just now considering them terrorists.

Closet Nazi Lieberman fanning the flames of armageddon?

Back in June, Israeli news media began openly reporting that the Zionist Israeli government was supporting these genocidal organizations, the very same organizations that the United States invaded Afghanistan and Iraq under the pretense (one of many pretenses) of stopping such terrorists from organizing.  Even when the Israeli Army news media confronted the Jew Nazi former Israeli foreign minister Avigdor Liberman he straight bold face lied and said “There is no cooperation between Israel and Nusra Front….It’s simply insane.”

The insane truth is that Israel has been supporting Nusra Front as well as Islamic State.  In July, after the allegations of Israeli complicity with Nusra Front the Zionist government suddenly announced they would stop treating the wounded members of Nusra Front.  That’s right, Israel had been providing at least medical help for the insurgents fighting in Syria.  The sudden change in Israel’s support for takfir-Islamic terrorist groups came because the Israeli government lost its prize support from the Israeli Druze living in the Israeli occupied Syrian Golan Heights.

Israeli ambulance full of Nusra Front wounded. The ambulance was ambushed by Israeli Druze, who were tired of Israel’s False Flag support of the false-Muslim terror group.

Those Druze began ambushing Israeli ambulances coming from Syria full of Nusra Front wounded, finally revealing their own government’s support for the terror group.  It was the rebellious actions of the Druze that forced Israeli news media to confront their own genocidal government about the False Flag support for people who were supposed to be their enemies.

Now, after years of instigating wars against their Muslim neighbors, the Memshelet Yisrael (led by Netanyahu himself) has officially declared those terror groups to be terror groups.  Why?  Because more and more Palestinians are escaping the occupied land and joining those very groups, with the express purpose of coming back for Jew heads!  Watch video of DAIISH (Islamic State) declaring, in Hebrew, a new war on Israel!


It’ called Blow Back baby!  (historians take note that even the secret French-British SykesPicot deal, which stabbed so many Arabs and Kurds in the back, is referenced)

Taxpayers of the United States should be in open rebellion at this revelation because I guarantee you that Israeli support was paid for with the $3-billion+ U.S. tax dollars given to Israel every year, while the U.S. ‘main street’ economy crashes and burns!!!

But of course: 

The Jews are the World’s original terrorists!

False Flag Exposed: Islamic State recruiter turns out to be a Jew! 

Israel developing new Video 911 service! You can call police & your family at the same time you’re being killed, and they can watch! 

Driverless Cars: Should they be programmed to kill one Pedestrian or a whole bunch of Pedestrians? Drivers can legally blame it on the car!

25 October 2015 (21:36 UTC-07 Tango 01, 24 October 2015)/03 Aban 1394/11 Muharram 1437/13 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

The deadly incident in which an allegedly intoxicated woman plowed her car into a crowd of people at the Oklahoma State University’s homecoming parade brings home a moral dilemma for driverless cars: How many people are OK to kill?

Advocates of driverless cars no doubt would say this terrible accident is why we need driverless cars, but wait, researchers at exalted MIT (the place where many of the Americas’ dictators and drugs dealers went to school) revealed that programmers of driverless cars are trying to decide how to tell the computer how many pedestrians can be killed.  It’s the old hypothetical moral dilemma test of would you kill the fat man by pushing him in front of a runaway train because it might stop the train from hitting a dozen other people who are for some reason stuck on the tracks?


The MIT scenario is that a driverless car is suddenly confronted with a crowd of pedestrians in the street.  If the car swerves onto the sidewalk to avoid those idiot pedestrians then the car hits and kills pedestrians on the sidewalk.  What is the driverless car, that’s supposedly more intelligent than most humans, supposed to do?

Unknowingly this MIT posed dilemma brings up another legalistic dilemma: Is the resulting accident the car’s fault or the human ‘driver’s fault?

Does hands free driving mean legally free of responsibility?

Ever since the first car accidents occured people have tried to blame the accidents on the car itself.  Now, with the so called safer driverless (because they eliminate human error?) car the human occupants could legally be absolved of any responsibility.  Not only regarding anybody who got killed, but instead of suing the vehicle owner for damages you can now directly sue the vehicle maker, even the subcontractor who programed the car.

Afterall, who in their right mind would by a self-driving car when they could be held legally responsible for the actions of that self-driving car?  (and don’t forget that computer controlled vehicles can be hacked into)

What’s the point of driving a car if you’re not actually driving the car? Or maybe it’ part of the conspiracy to get rid of independence creating personally owned vehicles?

So much for your Rockefeller Rothschild Bilderberg Liberal Brave New Agenda 21 Trendy 1984 Animal Farm World!


China invests big into driverless electric cars!

Korean Made Batteries To Strip By! The government can now turn you into an electric Zombie, just like in Star Trek!

25 October 2015 (20:09 UTC-07 Tango 01, 24 October 2015)/03 Aban 1394/11 Muharram 1437/13 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

Well, it’s not Rob Zombie and you really can’t strip by them, in fact they are strips.

Korea’s Samsung has unveiled revolutionary batteries that look like lengths of tape or band-aids, I call them strip batteries (Samsung calls them stripe or band batteries).

Unfortunately the strip batteries unveiled are prototypes, but Samsung claims if they ever get to production stage they could increase your cell phone’s batt life by 50%.

But wait, here’s the real marketing target; clothing!  The strip batteries are a new tech that basically has created batteries out of fibers that can be woven into your clothing.  You might think that’s cool because it brings on a whole new level of wearable electronic devices, but it also makes it easier for any nefarious organization to track you, maybe even hack into you (like how they can hack into your new car) and turn you into an electric Zombie!

The cops could even use your own clothing to taze you remotely, just like in that old episode of Star Trek!

Israel developing new Video 911 service! You can call police & your family at the same time you’re being killed, & they can watch!

25 October 2015 (19:46 UTC-07 Tango 01, 24 October 2015)/03 Aban 1394/11 Muharram 1437/13 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

“We’re changing the way people interact with authorities and first responders in emergency events.”-Amir Elichai,  Reporty Homeland Security

In the United States the number to call emergency services is 911, in Israel it’s 100.  Soon that service could include a video link so emergency responders can see what’s actually going on.

The Israeli company is call Reporty Homeland Security (typical of paranoids) and they claim they will soon have their video 100 (911) app ready for use.  The cell phone application will let people calling for emergency services send video at the same time.

For proof this is all about martial law, company administrators say they are already working with the Israeli Defense (occupation) Forces for their own app.

“There’s no city in Israel today that doesn’t have Musketeers.”-Nathalie Beaudoin

Another Israeli occupation company called Musketeer already has Jews using its app which allows you to not only call emergency services but up to two other numbers at the same time.

The application lets you create a list of three ’emergency’ numbers to contact and it also lets you send video.  Company administrators say their subscriptions have jumped 30% in recent weeks.

Jewish video catches Jewish soldiers beating innocent Goy! 

God is Evil: Jewish security camera catches Jewish soldiers beating innocent man!

24 October 2015 (17:20 UTC-07 Tango 01)/02 Aban 1394/10 Muharram 1437/12 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

“Quite an experience to live in fear, isn’t it? That’s what it is to be a slave.”-Blade Runner

That’s what it’s like to be a Palestinian under Israeli occupation.


The Israeli Defense forces lied after they arrested the innocent man and swore up and down that he attacked them!   If it wasn’t for the Jewish human rights group B’Tselem getting a hold of the video and shoving it in the faces of the evil Jewish Zionists that innocent man would still be rotting in prison right now!

Your Gott-damned tax dollars support these genocidal idiots, that makes you guilty of war crimes!!!

God is Evil Stupid: Video of more Jew on Jew violence in occupied Palestine!

“I lost, they won.” Banks & illegal drugs cause illegal immigration to U.S.! Major restaurant chain being dumped, too much debt & mysterious fires! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 23 October 2015

God’s immigrant help NGO Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People is warning of increased illegal immigration to the United States caused by the crashing & burning of the Honduran economy.  It’s partly blamed on a crackdown on illegal drug trafficking which has revealed even multi-national corporations and the government are involved, like Jaime Rolando Rosenthal Oliva owned Grupo Continental-Continental Bank.  Of Romanian ancestry Rosenthal Olivia got his business and civil engineering degrees from MIT in the U.S. (just like so many other evil people)!  The latest layoffs involve 7-thousand government employees!  At least 1.5-million Hondurans are currently unemployed and more layoffs are expected. (that’s equivalent to the entire population of the U.S. state of Idaho, which is much larger geographically, by almost double the square miles)  (Obama orders new War on Drugs targeting legal prescription drug users & his own ObamaCare!)

Italy based drugs maker Perrigo eliminating 8-hundred jobs and selling off its U.S. Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements division!

Failed State Alabama: The city of Bayou La Batre laid off six employees without warning.  The city is in the financial hole by at least $750-thousand USD.

California: In Saint Helena, after 28 years Tra Vigne restaurant shutting down right before Xmas, the lease was not renewed.

Florida: Tampa based restaurant chain owner Bloomin’ Brands is in trouble (as usual), but so much so this time that investor analyst Zacks has told shareholders to dump their stocks in the corporation.  Stocks of Bloomin’ Brands downgraded to Sell status, the company failed to show any significant increase in revenues in its last report but is still considered to have too much debt.  The debt is probably from all the new restaurants Bloomin’ Brands has opened in the past year.  The food corporation controls restaurant chains known as Outback Steakhouse, Carrabba’s Italian Grill, Bonefish Grill, Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse and Wine Bar, and Roy’s.  Interesting side note, several of Bloomin’ Brands restaurants have suffered fires this year; the Outback Steakhouse at the Meridian Crossroads plaza in Meridian, Idaho (blamed on corroded gas line).  Then two months later another Meridian, Idaho, Outback Steakhouse caught fire, this time at the Bonita Crossroads Shopping Center, firefighters said it “seemed to be electrical”.  The Carrabba’s in Suntree, Florida, caught fire last week with initial reports saying the fire started on the roof around an air conditioning unit.  In June, the West Springfield, Massachusetts, Carrabba’s caught fire twice, first initial reports said the fire somehow started in between the metal and rubberized roofing materials around a vent fan, then the next morning the kitchen caught on fire!  It’s not just fires, the Richland, Washington, Bonefish Grill was vandalized with a blowtorch in June.

ISU located in Pocatello, Idaho, lost 671 students since last year!

Idaho: Yet again, Idaho State University reports crashing enrolment (what I call the Disappearing Students Syndrome affecting schools across the U.S.).   This year’s admission (as in they’re admitting they lost students, because in recent years past they lied and said enrollment was up) stated that they lost 671 students compared to Fall 2014!

Failed State Illinois:  Peoria based Caterpillar bribed 2-thousand 1-hundred employees to take early retirement!    In Aurora, after less than a year the massive Cosmopolitan Marketplace grocery store shutting down!  The shutdown was revealed by signs that read “All Sales Final”.  A local alderman blames the shutdown on lack of sales.  In Danville, after eight years consignment store Kid’s Kloset shutting down when the inventory is gone.

Iowa:  In Keokuk, after 88 years (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) Johnson-Schmidt Menswear shutting down as soon as the inventory is gone,  because the owner says he can’t eat it “Because it doesn’t taste good with salt and pepper”.

Kansas: Cell phone company Sprint is eliminating jobs, but now it says it doesn’t have the money to cover the two weeks of severance originally promised.  As a result they will cut it down to one week of severance for all layoff notifications made after January 2016.  After 16 years E.G. Geller shutting down their Country Club Plaza shoe store in January 2016, blaming crashing sales caused by most of the Plaza’s tenants shutting down.

Maryland: After 32 years The Yule Cupboard shutting down before Thanksgiving, blaming “…a smaller clientele. Today’s retail world is so different. We realize that you have to have an online presence basically, and I’m not willing to do that. We’re just too hands-on. We buy what we see, we don’t buy from a catalog…”  In Cross Keys, after 40 years the Jones & Jones boutique shutting down by December.

Massachusetts: Boston Weak based evil holding company State Street warned of layoffs due to flat profits and declining assets (running out of cash).

Failed State Michigan: What automotive industry recovery?  General Motors (GM) eliminating another 5-hundred jobs as it shuts down its 2nd shift in the Orion Assembly factory!  GM administrators say they must “align” their production to meet demand.  The city of Detroit has already eliminated 1-thousand 1-hundred water department employees and now news reports say another 1-hundred will be let go!  In Kalamazoo, after 50 years Wayside West sports bar shutdown.  Local news reports blame a shooting that happened last year, but in reality the property was sold-off.

Minnesota: After 115 years God refuses to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ First Presbyterian Church in Wilmont.  The Rapture has resulted in 12 members being Left Behind.

Nebraska: In Omaha, God refuses to stop ObamaCare from forcing Catholic Health Initiatives from eliminating 60 jobs.

New York:  Premier Laser Spa of Albany now chapter 11 bankrupt, local news reports say the company hasn’t been able to pay its advertising debts.  TD Bank revealed it will shutdown its Glens Falls office. The dumb administrators opened too many offices too close together.

Oklahoma:  Halliburton killing more jobs in The Sooner State.  In Duncan, 30 former Halliburton employees reported to the local unemployment office on Friday, that’s how the layoffs were discovered.

Oregon: In Prineville, Woodgrain Mill shutting down 55 remaining jobs lost.  The mill has been struggling since last year’s roof collapse, which forced 2-hundred people out of work!   

Pennsylvania: State budget cuts forcing pre-Kindergarten programs to shutdown.  Local news reports say some pre-K operations are trying to stay open by asking employees to work for free!  In Jim Thorpe, after surviving The Great Depression Dugan’s General Store cannot handle this so called ‘recovery’ from The Great Recession and will shutdown.  News reports revealed the current owners have been floating the store using lottery winnings they won back in 2000!

Rhode Island: Bankrupt busted City Sports shutting down their Providence store at the end of the month due to crashing sales.  It’s the eighth City Sports store to shutdown.

South Carolina:  ObamaCare killing off yet another affordable insurance co-op, this time it’s non-profit Consumers’ Choice Health Insurance being forced to shutdown, leaving 67-thousand customers without affordable insurance!

Texas:  Retailer JCPenney eliminated another 3-hundred jobs at its Plano HQ!  In Victoria, a Subway sandwich shop on Main and Constitution streets shutdown.

Zions Bank branch in Pocatello, Idaho.

Zions Bank branch in Pocatello, Idaho.

Utah: Mormon Zions Bank reported what they think is good news, they’ve increased loans to small businesses in Idaho (71% increase) and Utah (29% increase).  Here’s why it’s bad news; those loans are to help companies make payroll, in other words companies still can’t generate enough revenue to pay their employees with cash.   Zions Bank administrators claim their debt financing of regional businesses created more than 5-hundred jobs!  Jobs created by pure debt is not a good thing, debt financing of things like payroll is one of the main reasons Corporate America is in such financial trouble.  In Cottonwood Heights, police are being blamed for the shutdown of the 25 years old Canyon Inn.   The owner said he’s tired of cops intimidating his customers into staying away: “I lost, they won.”-Jim Stojack


20 – 22 October 2015: “…an absolute nightmare!”

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

God is Evil Stupid: Video of more Jew on Jew violence in occupied Palestine!

23 October 2015 (11:15 UTC-07 Tango 01)/01 Aban 1394/09 Muharram 1437/11 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

A recent video shows an ‘illegal’ Jew settler attacking members of a Jew peacenik group called Rabbis for Human Rights.  The settler was part of an instigation group setting fire to Palestinian farms.


These people really are idiots, and you ‘Merican weenie heads support them with billions of your tax dollars while your economy crashes and burns!

God is Evil, and Stupid: Once again, paranoid Jews attack Jews! This time it’s a kill shot!