False Flag Exposed: Islamic State recruiter turns out to be a Jew!

12 September 2015 (19:26 UTC-07 Tango 01, 11 September 2015)/21 Shahrivar 1394/28 Dhu al-Qa’dah 1436/30 Yi-You 4713

The U.S. FBI and Australian police thought they were about to bust a DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria]) aka Islamic State recruiter, but the man they arrested turned out to be a U.S.-Israeli Jew!

The Jew, who has citizenship in both Israel and United States, was actively trolling to send idiots to their deaths in the name of Islam, he was going to have idiots blow themselves up in the United States and Australia!

Australian news sources said the Jew was teaching people how to make pressure cooker bombs and lacing the shrapnel with rat poison!

The news, so far, has been reported only in the Australian and Israeli news media.

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