NAZI-land & United Police States of America: NDAA 2012 failed first House vote, it took two tries to pass. Republicans love the bill. Do you know who voted for it? Idahoans be proud!

The final version of the National Defense Authorization Act for 2012, known in the House as HR 1540, was voted on twice. The first time it failed to pass!

According to CSPAN records the act was first voted on at 18:33 hours, local Washington DC time, then again at 18:50 hours.

The first time it failed […] Continue Reading…

Contractor Incompetence: 14 bomb sniffing dogs suffocated in an unventilated truck at the Houston airport

A U.S. military contractor is suing two Texas companies for killing 14 bomb sniffing dogs.  The dogs were supposed to be shipped to U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

The two companies being sued are Indian Creek Enterprises Incorporated and Live Animal Transportation Services.

The military contractor said the dogs were supposed to have been put in the […] Continue Reading…

Corporate Incompetence? Third mine disaster in Idaho this year

For the third time this year, Hecla Mining Company’s Lucky Friday Mine suffered a rock burst.

It happened before 19:30 hours on the evening of December 14.  This time the miners were actually ‘lucky’.  Seven miners were rescued, with one going to a local hospital.

But two other mine employees were not lucky. They were both […] Continue Reading…

Global Economic War: The creation of South Sudan is all about the oil, and keeping China from it. Hillary Clinton tells U.S. oil companies to go for it!

The creation of the new country of South Sudan was all about U.S. access to its oil.  On December 14, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, announced that South Sudan’s oil fields were open to U.S. investment.

But she had an ominous, and hypocritical warning: “We know that it will either help your country finance […] Continue Reading…

World War 3: Australia, Japan and United States to form new military pact

Japan’s Defense Minister Yasuo Ichikawa, and Australia’s Ambassador to Japan Bruce Miller, have publicly expressed a desire to form a new military pact involving the United States.

Japan already has military pacts with the U.S., and with Australia.  Japanese officials say it is only natural that all three should join into one single pact.

Recently U.S. […] Continue Reading…

What Economic Recovery? Japan desperate for cash, will sell off famous bullet train, to India

The Japanese government is in need of some cash (no wonder since they’ve been making promises of financial aid to other countries).  But they’re so desperate that they’ll even sell off a famous bullet train.

Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda has instructed his cabinet, and Japanese business leaders, to sell Japan’s infrastructure to India, including the […] Continue Reading…

Japan admits high levels of radiation in north eastern Honshu!

Japan’s Environment Ministry has given some clues as to how bad the radiation contamination is in north eastern Honshu.  The area is being devastated by radiation coming from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.

In a report on how the government of Japan plans to address decontamination issues, they revealed that some areas have soil that’s […] Continue Reading…

Japan says it will take at least 40 years to scrap the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant!

The Japanese government released details of their plan to tear down the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.

From 2012 to 2015 they hope to remove the hundreds of spent fuel rods stored in the facility’s spent fuel pools.

Then from 2015 to 2021 they will work to repair and fill up the highly radioactive reactor containment vessels […] Continue Reading…

World War 3: Former U.S. National Security adviser says War with Iran would be Armageddon, says American people are being driven by fear

“We think we are going to avoid war by moving toward compulsion. But the more you lean toward compulsion, the more the choice becomes war if it doesn’t work.”-Zbignew Brzezinski, former U.S. National Security Adviser

Brzezinski worked for President Jimmy Carter in the late 1970s. At a meeting of the Atlantic Council, on December 14, […] Continue Reading…

Global Economic War: China slaps U.S. made cars with tariffs, blames it on the anti-free trade action of the United States

“U.S. vehicles benefiting from subsidies and dumping on the China market have substantially damaged China’s auto industry.”-statement from Chinese Ministry of Commerce

General Motors and Chrysler will suffer the most from Chinese economic action against vehicles made in the United States.

Anti-dumping duties on GM vehicles are 8.9%, and 8.8% for Chrysler vehicles.

GM vehicles will also face […] Continue Reading…

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