World War 3: Former U.S. National Security adviser says War with Iran would be Armageddon, says American people are being driven by fear

“We think we are going to avoid war by moving toward compulsion. But the more you lean toward compulsion, the more the choice becomes war if it doesn’t work.”-Zbignew Brzezinski, former U.S. National Security Adviser

Brzezinski worked for President Jimmy Carter in the late 1970s. At a meeting of the Atlantic Council, on December 14, he, along with former NSA officials Brent Scowcroft, Jim Jones and Henry Kissinger, said the United States is facing the most significant world changes since the end of the Cold War.

Brzezinski also said the people, and leadership of the United States are not handling it very well:  “Our public is driven by fear, ignorance, demagogy to a very high degree and that I think has a paralyzing effect in intelligent management.”

He added that if there was war with Iran it would be devastating for the U.S.: “If we slide into a conflict with Iran, in this or that fashion, the consequences for us will be disastrous, disastrous on a massive scale and also globally at the same time.”