Tag Archives: bilderberg

New World Order: If your not an elite, you’re a “goblin” to be destroyed!

06 November 2013 (15:51 UTC-07 Tango)/02 Muharram 1434/15 Aban 1391/04 Gui-Hai (10th month) 4711

The descendants of the genetic upper class would be tall, slim, healthy, attractive, intelligent, and creative and a far cry from the ‘underclass’ humans who would have evolved into dim-witted, ugly, squat goblin-like creatures.BBC, 17 October 2006

More Fukushima Fallout: Contracted “throwaway” workers burning out! Being blamed for leaks!

09 October 2013 (12:17 UTC-07 Tango)/04 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/17 Mehr 1392/05 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

“…..if even the workers who are risking their lives are demoralized and have no trust in TEPCo…….why should the Japanese citizens or international public at large have any confidence in the Japanese government or TEPCo?”Dave Lochbaum, UCS Nuclear Safety Project

Japan’s Nuclear Regulatory Authority is blaming crashing worker morale for increasing radiation leaks. However, that low worker morale can be traced right to Tokyo Electric Power Company, and the elitist attitude of the entire nuclear industry in Japan (remember, an elitist Bilderberger recently took over TEPCo’s public relations and safety operations: “..radiation is scary. It’s like magic, it’s mystical…”-Lady Barbara Judge).

The majority of TEPCo’s workers at the melting down Fukushima Daiichi nuke plant are contracted and subcontracted, with little or no training.  I’ve seen documentaries that show that some subcontracted nuke workers, in Japan, are paid even less than the standard minimum wage with no benefits, many never finished high school.  It’s like running your nuclear power factory with illegal migrant farm workers.

In June 2011, Reuters revealed that Japan’s nuke industry workers are considered the lowest of the low, even an ‘untouchable’ class in Japan known as “throwaways” by their elitist employers: “This is an unfortunate thing to say, but the nuclear industry has long relied on people at the lowest level of Japanese society.”-Fujii Kazunori, retired nuclear project manager

Back in August 2012, the Japanese Labor Ministry warned there were not enough “qualified” nuclear plant workers in Japan.

Just last month, the Japanese Health Ministry reported that white blood cell counts for workers at Fukushima Daiichi were up.  That’s an indicator of cancer. And in the past three months there’s been increasing incidents were workers were contaminated directly with radioactive water.

Gee, I wounder why workers at Fukushima Daiichi are so demoralized?

Pale Horse: Measles scare used as False Flag to justify Bilderberg vaccination program? War on Terror is to blame! Money to be made!

06 October 2013 (18:14 UTC-07 Tango 05 October 2013)/01 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/14 Mehr 1391/02 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

Australia: Health officials are freaking out because they’ve confirmed an 18th case of measles in Ipswich.  Adults are being pushed to get vaccinated.  In Toowoomba health officials are telling people to go ahead and get more vaccines, if they’re not sure they’ve already had the shots. Health officials say they’ve found that many people who thought they’ve been vaccinated, were not.  Members of parliament are now debating whether children who are not vaccinated should be banned from schools and childcare centers!  Hey, if the other kids are vaccinated then what’s the problem, or is there some doubt as to the effectiveness of the vaccine?

Canada: Government health officials are having a tizzy because people in Alberta are refusing to get vaccinated.  There are outbreaks of measles in British Columbia and Ontario.  I’d like to know the vaccination rates where the outbreaks are, versus in Alberta (so far there are no measles cases in Alberta).  Alberta Health Services says the outbreaks in BC and Ontario are directly related to people who traveled to Netherlands, where they got infected.

China: Pharmaceutical companies are making big money peddling their vaccines to the Asian giant.  According to Research Report on China Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) Vaccine Market, 2013-2017, in 2012 20-million MMR vaccines were issued.  However, the marketing report said the numbers were a decrease from previous years, but there’s still hope for increased sales, because the report said China has 16 million newborns every year.  The report pointed out that the numbers quoted were those vaccines issued by the government.  Most Chinese, who can afford the out of pocket expense, elected to pay for more expensive “imported” vaccines.

Democratic Republic of Congo:  Government officials are forcing six million children to get vaccinated.  The program is being run through the United Nations and the GAVI Alliance (aka Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation).  Health officials claim 1120 children have died, so far this year, from measles.

Ghana: Over a nine day period 52-thousand children were vaccinated in Sunyani Municipality.  Health officials were upset because they fell short of their goal.

Japan: Rubella (German Measles) cases hit a record 13700+ cases, so far this year, despite the fact that the Japanese government has been pushing for citizens to get vaccinated (Japanese health officials have discovered that the measles vaccine is temporary, so even if you had it as a kid you probably need to get it again as an adult).  The U.S. CDC has issued a travel advisory for people going to Japan (never mind the radiation).

Nigeria: National Primary Health Care Development Agency pushing a vaccination program for 35 million children!  They used a 2011 outbreak as justification, saying more than 8-thousand people got sick.  Mmmm, 35 million versus 8-thousand.  However, Nigerian health officials claim that from January this year to the end of September 330 people have died from measles.  That’s 126 more than the same time last year.  Is there something more deadly about this new strain of measles?

Philippines: War in the southern islands is being blamed for an outbreak of measles.  Refugees are always caught in the middle, and several cases of measles now has government health officials demanding the sick refugees be isolated.  They have also begun forced vaccinations.

South Sudan: At least 44 children confirmed with measles in the past week.  All are six years of age, or younger.  United Nations wants to vaccinate 31-thousand children in the country.

Turkey: For the NATO member who is supporting the U.S. backed war in Syria, there is a 20 fold increase in measles cases!  In the first six months of 2012 Turkey had 349 cases, in the first six months of this year they had 6-thousand cases!  Interestingly many cases are showing up in refugees from Syria.  Turkish health officials say the war in Syria is resulting in an epidemic in that country: “There are 50,000 Aleppo boil cases in Syria according to official data, but 200,000 according to non-official figures.”-Mehmet Ali Torunoğlu, Public Health Institution

United Kingdom: Health officials pushing for vaccinations of children in Wales.  The Welsh land is reported to have just gotten over its biggest measles outbreak ever.  1200 people were infected, one child died.  In Greater Manchester, England, measles cases have skyrocketed.  In 2012 there were 15 cases from January to June.  This year there were 242 cases in the same time span.

United States: Measles was considered officially eradicated in 2000, but now state health departments around the country are pushing to get children vaccinated.  This is based on their fears that several U.S. residents had visited other countries experiencing measles outbreaks, and returned infected.  U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned that the United States is heading for a record year in measles cases (since the eradication). To put things in perspective, there are at least 360-million people in the U.S., the CDC is getting hissy because they think more than 2-hundred people might get measles. The Gates Foundation has been pushing the Global Measles Initiative.  Bill Gates has attended several Bilderberg meetings (his name has been published on the guest list on the Bilderberg website).  Non-profit Global Virus Network (co-founded by Bliderberg supporter G. Steven Burrill) has also been sounding the vaccination call in the U.S.

In the U.S. state of Texas a recent measles outbreak was linked to the Eagle Mountain megachurch.  At least 21 people were infected. Texas health officials say prior to that August outbreak five people were sick with a strain of measles that was “imported” into the country.  Texas has not reported any new cases since August.  Going by local news reports at least 18 U.S. states reported measles cases, mainly among people who traveled out of the country or from tourists coming into the country: Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Texas, Virginia and Washington.

There are reports of U.S. families who are pro-vaccination are discriminating against children of families who are anti-vaccination.  Hey, if your kid is vaccinated then what’s the freakin’ problem?  They should be protected from measles then, right?  Or maybe the pro-vacciners really don’t trust the vaccines after all?

United Nations World Health Organization reports that more than 70-thousand children died in South East Asia from measles, in 2011.  That made up almost half of the entire World’s measles deaths for that year.

The GAVI Alliance is not only directly connected to the Bilderberger Bill Gates, but is funded with tax dollars from Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Republic of Korea, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom and United States.

Ever hear of Infectious Disease Testing Market 2014 Opportunities?  It involves U.S., U.K., Italy and Japan.  It analyzes potential diseases and possible sales volume of vaccines over the next five years: “These comprehensive reports will assist diagnostics industry executives, as well as companies planning to diversify into the dynamic and rapidly expanding microbiology testing market, in evaluating emerging opportunities and developing effective business strategies.”PRWeb

It’s all about the money, man!


Martial Law U.S.A.: Bilderberg tool Google turning neighbor against neighbor to track gun owners!

12 July 2013 (12:47 UTC-07 Tango)/04 Ramadan 1434/21 Tir 1391/05 Ji-Wie (6th month) 4711

“Geolocate Dangerous Guns and Owners with the Gun Geo Marker.”-walkingtools.net, maker of app

The Executive Chairman of Google, Eric Schmidt, has been documented as attending three Bilderberg meetings in a row.   Now the tool of the globalist elites is making available an app (on Google Play) to allow police state martial law lovers to accuse their neighbors of being gun owners!

It’s called Gun Geo Marker: “These locations are typically the homes or businesses of suspected unsafe gun owners, but might also be public lands or other locations where guns are not handled safely, or situations where proper rights to own or use any particular type of firearm may not exist. Electronically marking these locations can help others in the area learn about their geography of risk from gun accidents or violence. No matter what your safety concern with firearms might be, you should feel free to use this tool to provide the most accurate information you can such that others can make their own safety decisions.”

Note: This app automatically accuses any gun owner entered into its system as “unsafe” or “Dangerous”.

Who does walkingtools think are dangerous gun owners? “First time gun owners or others who may not have not taken basic gun safety training, or who were not raised in a culture of gun safety, represent a real and present danger to their community, themselves and their family members. Their locations may be marked at any time.”  Here’s a question:  How would the user of this app know if someone was a new gun owner, or had not taken a gun safety course, or was a danger to the community, without behaving like a neighborhood spy?

Also: “If a gun owner…..demonstrates a cavalier attitude toward gun safety, or becomes angry when you ask about it, then the location at which they store or use their guns should be marked….”  This statement suggests that the user of the app should interrogate their neighbors, because how else would they get such a response?

Also: “….someone who frequently displays or brandishes weapons, or those reveal their gun ownership status during normal conflict resolution.”  Guess what?   I believe such threatening behavior is already illegal, so you should call the police!

Also: “….any neighbor whose children speak frequently of their parent’s gun ownership…”  Wow!  That means me and my many High School acquaintances from 1978 to 1982 would have unknowingly ratted on our parents, because we always talked about guns, including the ones we owned as teenagers!!!!   I miss my Ruger Mini-14 that I owned as a teenager, it’s a better .223 shooter that the crappy AR-15/M-4, and way easier to maintain.  Had to sell it for financial reasons (no thanks to a failing marriage). Oh well, economic times were actually better then, I can’t buy a gun now even though I want to.  I can’t believe how expensive a Ruger Mini-14 is now compared to the late 1970s, and a crappy AR-15/M-4 type is now outrageously expensive, I saw one at my local Walmart for $1500!  Back in 1982 I paid less than $600 for a new CAR-15 (short barrel/ telescoping stock).  This is the kind of stuff me and my High School buddies would talk about, but according to the Gun Geo Marker app, that makes us and our parents “Dangerous” and “unsafe”!!!   (by the way, in my 45+ years of life I’ve never been arrested for anything!!!)

Walkingtools actually instructs the user of the app to use their neighbor’s kids as spies: “Talk to your kids and their friends! Younger kids in particular will talk about the things their parents frequently discuss, and they will tend to enact parental attitudes…..is a way that you might find out about insecure weapons in your neighborhood!”

Here are more NAZIistic instructions from the walkingtools Gun Geo Marker site:

“There are many locations, such as remote public or private lands where the discharge of firearms is legal [note they said legal gun shooting sites!]. If you frequent such a location, you are likely a gun owner yourself….”

“Bumper stickers or other public displays supporting gun ownership…..combined with radical anti-government propaganda and/or….paranoid political beliefs….”

“…potential medical condition that might alter their judgment or make them unable to tell right from wrong may well be worth marking…”

“….if the site is an active location for criminal activity (for example drug dealing), then you should not involve yourself in any way.”  So are they only after non-criminals?

Finally, walkingtools admits the real purpose of their app; gun control: “If enough members of your community take the time to mark dangerous gun sites and owners, then this crowd-sourced data may serve to save a life or perhaps even influence national policy.

Sounds to me like this will be used by police to come take your guns, because of people who can’t exist without a big brother/sister beast of a government controlling their every action.  But, you know who else would love this app?  Criminals, because in study after study repeat convicted criminals say the biggest deterrent to their criminal schemes is the possibility that a potential victim is armed with a gun!  Now they’ll know who they can safely victimize!

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”-U.S. 2nd Amendment

Government & Corporate Evil: Fukushima Daiichi radiation levels jump, Bilderberg in charge! People dying from cancer!

09 July 2013 (13:51 UTC-07 Tango)/01 Ramadan 1434/18 Tir 1392/02 Ji-Wie (6th month) 4711

“We all grew up with the Simpsons, a cartoon that said for 20 years that the owner of the power plant was the evil person…..radiation is scary. It’s like magic, it’s mystical, invisible. You can’t….hide from it.”-Lady Barbara Judge, Bilderberger now in charge of TEPCo’s safety program

For weeks now, Tokyo Electric Power Company has been reporting unexplained increases in strontium and tritium contamination.   Now a spike in cesium levels over the weekend, and TEPCo now admits increased radiation in the Pacific Ocean.

Since Friday TEPCo detected a 90 fold increase in cesium in groundwater.  They also detected an increase in tritium spilling into the Pacific Ocean.  Tritium levels in groundwater are ten times the government safe limits, and in the ocean around the GE designed disaster reactors tritium levels are the highest since June 2011.

In June 2013, TEPCo announced that strontium levels in groundwater were 30 times the government safe limits.  At that time TEPCo claimed the Pacific Ocean was not being contaminated by the strontium or tritium.   However, a study (conducted in 2011) published in Biogeosciences stated that strontium levels had jumped 100 fold, compared to levels recorded prior to the March 2011 melt downs.

The new cesium increases are being detected in groundwater testing wells around the GE designed Reactor 1.  The strontium and tritium increases are being found in wells around Reactor 2.   TEPCo officials say they don’t know the source of the contamination, but suggested that contamination of groundwater was being caused “…by construction works…”

I’ve notice some pro-nuke bloggers have been spreading lies that no body in Japan has been affected by the ongoing nuke disaster.  The Nuclear Safety Commission report says at least 45% of children in Fukushima Prefecture are suffering from thyroid problems because of the radiation.  These children are considered to have been exposed to levels of radiation below the government maximum safe limits.   The testing was conducted in April 2011, not even a full month after the melt downs.  National government officials ordered that no more thyroid testing was necessary!  In other words the reason we don’t hear any official reports of humans contaminated with radiation is that government officials stopped all government testing!

The other problem is that Japan is actually a failed state.  Japan has not had a stable national government since 2006.  Japan has had a change in national government leaders every year for the past seven years!

How about the former manager of Fukushima Daiichi, Yoshida Masao, who stayed at his post to try and fight the March 2011 melt downs?  He died today, of esophageal cancer!  Yoshida was hospitalized with cancer in November 2011.  TEPCo arrogantly argued that his cancer was not the result of the melt downs.  Officially it was said that Yoshida was exposed to 70 millisieverts of radiation.

To show you how deceptive TEPCo is, they’ve hired a British-U.S. elitist to remake the image of nuclear power.  Lady Barbara Judge chairs TEPCo’s Nuclear Reform Monitoring Committee and has just been tasked to manage its safety program as well.  Barbara Judge used to be known as Barbara Singer Thomas, who was revealed in 1998 to be a member of the Council on Foreign Relations/Trilateral Commission/Bilderberg through the Interamerican Foundation.


Norovirus / Tummy Bug update, 08 July 2013: Hundreds more sickened! New Dirty Hands Disease? Bilderberg behind new vaccine?

At least 200 people got sick at the Tough Mudder event in Michigan, U.S.A.  State health officials confirmed that people were infected with norovirus at the “…not your average lame-ass mud run or spirit-crushing ‘endurance’ road race.” held last week.  Health officials don’t know the source of the norovirus outbreak.  New cases continue to be reported, and a new hot line phone number has been established to report new cases: 517-264-5215.

In Wyoming U.S.A., health officials say the number of norovirus cases at Yellowstone and Grand Tetons National Parks, are going down.  At least 200 cases confirmed since the outbreak started in mid June.  The National Park Service says they’ve cleaned everything, including gift shops and hotels.  Park employees were isolated for 72 hours!  They remind people that those hand sanitizers don’t work against norovirus: “People tend to rely on hand sanitizer, but it just isn’t as effective against norovirus as plain old soap and water.”-NPS spokeswoman

The Minnesota U.S.A., a man died after getting infected with listeria.  Several people from several surrounding states have been hospitalized.  It’s being linked to Crave Brothers soft cheeses.  Also, the Department of Health is warning of tummy sickness caused by swimming in pools.  Cryptosporidium, E. coli O157:H7, norovirus, Shigella, and Giardia can all be found in public swimming pools.  The standard levels of chlorine used in pools will not kill these buggers.  Last year the North Star State saw 11 outbreaks caused by infected swimming pools.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, salmonella is the deadliest form of tummy bug.   Listeria is the second deadliest.  E.coli is third.   The CDC says better detection of norovirus helped to identify the real killers.  Norovirus is a major cause of tummy bug outbreaks, but causes relatively few deaths.

The CDC also says food caught in water are the cause of most tummy bugs (because of scombroid toxin and ciguatera).  Vegetarians take note, plants are still the number one source of norovirus, because of the fertilizers used on the crops.

Speaking of fish.  The employees of the new Bonefish Grill, in Florida U.S.A., were hit with suspected norovirus.  Department of Health officials say they’re still trying to find the source.  It was the owner of the restaurant that ordered his employees get tested, after he noticed several were sick: “As a precautionary measure, we notified the local health department, postponed the opening of the restaurant and took significant measures, including a thorough cleaning of a brand new restaurant, to ensure the health and safety of our employees and future customers.”

Takeda Pharmaceutical, a Japanese drug maker claims to have created a norovirus vaccine.  However, according to some reports, it requires a series of shots to become effective, and, is still several years away from being approved.  By the way, the vaccine was originally being developed by a Montana U.S.A. company, but the company was taken over by Takeda.  Also, the man leading Takeda’s norovirus vaccine testing is Rajeev Venkayya, formerly the director for global health delivery at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.  Bill Gates is connected to the global elitist organization known as Bilderberg!

In Cumbria, England U.K., a college prom went south as 20 students and teachers got sick with tummy bug.  It happened at the three star Hunday Manor Country House Hotel, which is now closed.  Health officials said it was “very likely” to be norovirus.  They expect more cases.   Also, the retirement home, Bethel House, has been hit with tummy bug.  Operators of the home have called in public health officials to investigate.  Public Health England are concerned that there are so many vomiting bug outbreaks in Cumbria.

Another lawsuit against another cruise line.  A man and wife from Hampshire, England U.K., went on a birthday cruise at the end of May.  He got sick, and said the ship smelled of sewage.  The same cruise line, Oriana, is being sued by at least 30 other people for two other cruises.

In Wales U.K.,  shellfishers are upset about norovirus testing.   They say it could adversely affect their industry: “The number of norovirus cases linked to shellfish is minuscule compared to that spread from person to person.”-James Wilson, Deepdock

The testing of shellfish for norovirus might be from the conception that shellfish cause a lot of stomach problems.  That might be if your talking about allergies or improperly handled or cooked shellfish, and a recent outbreak in Belgium found oysters infected with norovirus, but norovirus originated in humans not shellfish (the oysters probably got infected by human handlers).  It is mainly a human to human disease, so it’s suspect that a fishing industry would be forced to test their catch for norovirus.  The first norovirus case occurred in 1968 in Norwalk, Ohio, U.S.A.  This is why it is sometimes called the Norwalk virus.  However, the 1968 outbreak was not confirmed until 1972, when researchers were finally able to identify the cause.  Ever since then, year after year, there are more and more cases, and stronger and stronger versions of the virus.

The U.K.‘s Food Standards Agency is recommending that chicken slaughter houses wash chicken in lactic acid, or blast freeze them.  This is because the latest studies show that tummy sickness caused by bad chicken increases year after year.  (maybe it’s all that crap the mass production chicken farms use as poultry feed, or all those antibiotics they shoot ’em up with?)

In the United Kingdom, the Accident and Emergency (aka A&E) scandal is being blamed on thousands of people seeking help with norovirus infections (along with NHS restructuring of services).  The scandal is the result of incredibly long waiting times for people seeking help.  But here’s the thing, if most of the case load involved norovirus, then most of them were wasted trips to the A&E!   There is no treatment for norovirus, for most cases the only thing the medical staff will due is try and rehydrate you, usually intravenously.  Save some time by trying to keep yourself hydrated and stay away from the germ infested hospitals (more people get sick in the hospital than outside the hospital)!

Here’s another reason to stay out of the hospital if you’ve got norovirus or a mild case of tummy bug: money!  According to the U.S. CDC, each year there are hundreds of millions of dollars in healthcare costs resulting from people seeking medical help from untreatable norovirus.  The main problem are people who can’t keep hydrated!  Save some money, keep hydrated, and stay out of the germ infected hospitals (unless you’re on the verge of death)!

In Slovakia, something called the ‘dirty hands disease’ is causing concern.  The 17th Bažant Pohoda multicultural open-air festival (aka The Pohoda) is about to begin, and health official are concerned over last year’s outbreak of dirty hands disease.  Last year The Pohoda got hit with more than 100 cases of gastroenteritis.  Apparently dirty hands disease is what they call norovirus in Slovakia.   All it takes is one infected person to attend a crowded festival, and BAM, your sick as a dog that just chowed down on a bunch of grass.

In Canada, the Vancouver General Hospital was the first to begin using robots to kill norovirus.  Canadian hospitals are using a germ killing UV light system.  Tru-D the ultra violet robot issues a warning: “Disinfecting will commence in 15 seconds; please leave the room.” 

Martial Law U.S.A.: Government tracking your credit card purchases! Is there a government connection to increasing credit card scams!

08 June 2013 (22:29 UTC-07 Tango 07 June 2013)/29 Rajab 1434/18 Khordad 1391/01 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

“…[It’s] like giving someone the keys to your expensive car, letting them drive it around the block in a potentially dangerous neighborhood and saying please don’t get carjacked!”-Kumar McMillan, Mozilla developer on using credit cards on the internet

The Wall Street Journal reporting that it’s not just Verizon turning over phone records, but AT&T and Sprint Nextel.   The WSJ also reporting that the government seizure of your phone and internet data includes your credit card purchases.

A Democrat tried to downplay the whole thing, but inadvertently revealed this has been going on for a long time: “Everyone should just calm down and understand this isn’t anything that is brand new.”-Harry Reid, U.S. Senator from Nevada

The WSJ says credit card companies are refusing to comment.

The revelation that credit card transactions are being tracked causes me to question why there have been so many credit card scams, that are not stopped until after hundreds of millions of dollars are stolen.

Here are the most recent cases of massive credit card fraud, just from the past week:

The Too Big to Jail banks (like Bank of America, JP Morgan) have been ‘robo-signing’ credit card collections.  In other words just like some mortgage foreclosures made against people who had actually paid off their home loans, some credit card holders with good credit had their accounts falsely frozen or canceled (like me).

Another case involves the alternative money system, Bitcoin.  Apparently a credit card scam has managed to run $200 million USD through Bitcoin.  So far 11 people have been arrested.

In Ohio, it took two years to bust a credit card fraud ring.  At least 19 people have been arrested.  Eight suspects on the loose. The investigation involved a federal agency, known as the U. S. Marshals of the Northern Ohio Violent Fugitives Task Force.  An investigator said massive credit card fraud is going on now, and involves big construction companies: This is happening all over, it’s everywhere. Think about just about every retailer it has been occurring at. Primarily at the construction, home-improvement businesses because some of this was being funneled back into construction trades.”-Jim Gross, Perrysburg Township police

In Alabama, two men have been arrested for making $1 million per year by ripping off credit cards.  Other people were involved.  Investigators say the ringleaders ripped off credit cards by attaching ‘skimmers’ to card machines in stores.

In San Fransisco, California, a bail bonds company discovered people using fraudulent credit card info to post bail for people recently arrested.

If the federales have been tracking credit card transactions, in the name of law enforcement, then why have the numbers of credit card fraud been going up?



Rubella update: More than 5000 cases in Japan! Vaccines questioned! Bilderberger Bill Gates pushing for 700 million vaccinations!

03 June 2013 (14:16 UTC-07 Tango)/24 Rajab 1434/13 Khordad 1391/25 Wu-Wu (4th month) 4711

“This study highlighted the genes potentially responsible for poor response to the rubella vaccine. We found differences in genes responsible for antigen interactions, inflammation and differences in the gene pathways involved between low and high vaccine responders.”-Gregory Poland, Mayo Clinic

In Nepal, the Child Health Division is using the rubella vaccine for the first time.  This is because of increasing rubella outbreaks in the Himalayan country.

In Wales, United Kingdom, health officials are pushing for rubella vaccines in an effort to stop an expected outbreak, and protect pregnant women.  Apparently there is an outbreak in Swansea.   One health ‘expert’ called it a “MMR timebomb”.

Pakistani health officials now reporting massive measles outbreaks.   One report says the number of cases are now at 20000!  The U.S. led War on Terror is making things worse: “Most of the children who come into the hospital with measles are also extremely malnourished and dehydrated. They’re operating on an already compromised immune system.”-Ali Faisal Saleem, Agha Khan University Hospital

According to Japan’s National Institute of Infectious Diseases, the number of rubella (german measels) cases hit 5444 during the first four months of 2013!

Men between the ages of 20 and 40 are the primary target.  This isn’t the first time Japan has dealt with record rubella cases.  In 2004 a total of 39000 people were infected.  However, that was at a time when government health officials did not require public notification of rubella outbreaks.

Health officials are blaming lack of vaccinations for this year’s outbreaks, even Bill & Melinda Gates are pushing for 700 million rubella vaccinations, mainly for teenaged girls: “….more than 700 million children against measles and rubella…”-GAVI Alliance statement

But the claim that vaccines work are being challenged by recent studies.

A recent Mayo Clinic study said it turns out that some people have genes that actually work against vaccinations.   In other words, the Mayo Clinic study showed that rubella vaccines worked only on people who’s genetic make up allowed it to work!  (see the quote at the beginning of this article)


What Economic Recovery? Fast oil money, and a big wind farm, brings Hyper Inflation to Kanasas

“Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas any more.”-Dorothy, MGM’s 1939 movie version of Wizard of Oz

Just as North Dakotans are dealing with hyperinflation thanks to their exploding economy, which in turn is no thanks to their oil boom, now Kansans are experiencing the same thing: “It’s like a gold rush. No one knew this little area was worth anything, and now all of a sudden there’s all kinds of business going on, and everyone wants a piece of it.”-Kathy Smith, motel owner who turns away 25 customers per day!

The oil industry has been busy in Kanasas, and the result is that in the past three years the cost of living there has tripled, at least.  Oh and don’t forget the new wind farm that was built.  The result is a population boom, caused by the wind farm and the oil industry, and that has caused prices, like rent and even food to skyrocket.

Sure there are lots of good paying oil jobs in Kansas now, but those oil workers are paying thousands of dollars in rent, for homes that were costing only hundreds to those living in them before the oil boom.

In fact, just as in North Dakota, the Kansans living in those rental homes were actually kicked out by the property owners, so that much much higher rents could be charged to the incoming oil workers: “We’re one of the ones forced out of our home. We lived in our home 11 years and four months, we received a certified letter in the mail saying we had one month to get out.  There was no where to go.  That month was a holy hell!”-Eileen Morris, Harper County resident

Here’s what a real estate “entrepreneur”, who caters to the oil industry, said about the housing situation: “My goal was to get housing available as quickly and efficiently as possible.”-Bobbie Oliver

To give you an idea just how high rents have gone, mobile homes (aka “modular” homes) that would normally rent for several hundreds of dollars per month, are renting for as much as $2,100 USD per month!

But what about those Kansans who aren’t working for the oil industry?  Here’s what a local county official in Kansas said about that: “…people are charging higher rent prices and so these guys that have jobs that are paying $12 to $15 an hour, it’s a hardship for them.”-Mike Lanie, Economic Development Harper County

Some of the oil companies, like Shell, are actually paying holding money on homes that were forcefully vacated, in order to ensure that their oil workers have a place to live when they get there.  So far no one’s said what’s happened to those Kansans who were kicked out of the homes they were living in.

And just like North Dakota, Kansas is seeing a skyrocketing crime rate.  According to Tracy Chance, Undersheriff of Harper County, the biggest increase so far has been car accidents and public intoxication.

Isn’t the promise of fast easy money wonderful?  Welcome to the false Christian run western Whore of Babylon oil industry!  Like Peter Voser, current CEO of Shell, who will be attending this year’s Bilderberg beast conference in Virginia!  Like Edward P. Cross, current president of the Kansas Independent Oil & Gas Association and a paid lobbyist for the oil industry!  Like Tom L. Ward, current CEO of Oklahoma based SandRidge Energy, which holds horizontal drilling rights in Kansas!

Scotland moving fast towards independence from England, independence from NATO, could join Nordic Alliance, yet still be led by the Queen? The Royal Nordic Alliance is a revival of the Hanseatic League, and they’ve got big plans!

“The Scottish Government will of course publish a white paper in advance of the referendum, detailing independence, including the new relationship of equality with England, such as the Queen remaining as our head of state, and this will be the positive platform for Scotland’s future that people will be asked to approve.”-Scottish government statement

In an article found in the Scotsman, Scottish officials are working fast on legislation that would not only free them from the English tyranny but create their own military force.

Plans could also include leaving NATO in favor of a military partnership with the recently created Nordic Alliance. The Nordic Alliance is currently made up of Norway, Sweden and Denmark.

Despite what some bloggers say about Scotland not being Nordic, a check of Scottish history proves a direct connection with Nordic peoples (and lets not forget the even older pan-European Celtic peoples).

However, it’s now clear that while Scotland wants independence from England, it does still want to be part of the Monarchy. I don’t base that on just the official Scottish government statement, but the fact is that the current members of the Nordic Alliance are monarchies, with direct ties to the Queen of England.

So much for Scottish Independence.  In fact, this whole “independence” movement in Scotland could just be part of bigger plans to create a grand Royal Nordic Alliance, with the Queen of England in charge.

According to the HeraldScotland it’s all about money and control. Their article calls it a Scottish-Nordic financial institution that will eventually include Scotland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and possibly  Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands.  These regions were all part of the Hanseatic League in the Middle Ages.

This new Nordic Alliance is part of an anti-government, pro-privatization (pro-business, modern day feudalism) movement:  “…the public sector is failing to engage with this [business, private] sector when it comes to procurement. There is also a serious funding gap, both the difficulty of obtaining ‘micro’ credit from banks and the total absence of any ‘microinvestment mechanism’.”-Anne-Grethe Eckman, Nordic Enterprise Trust

Supporters of the Nordic Alliance movement claim they are doing this for the good of small/micro businesses. They point to the fact that governments seem only interested in helping big businesses. That sounds good, but the major problem I have is the connection of the Nordic Alliance to the monarchies of northern Europe, like the Queen of England. History shows that the little guy always suffers by the hands of Royalty.

I also wonder if this Nordic Alliance movement is also part of a conspiracy to take down the European Union and replace it with a more corporate/private sector centered system.  (research Club of Rome, Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg)