Martial Law U.S.A.: Bilderberg tool Google turning neighbor against neighbor to track gun owners!

12 July 2013 (12:47 UTC-07 Tango)/04 Ramadan 1434/21 Tir 1391/05 Ji-Wie (6th month) 4711

“Geolocate Dangerous Guns and Owners with the Gun Geo Marker.”, maker of app

The Executive Chairman of Google, Eric Schmidt, has been documented as attending three Bilderberg meetings in a row.   Now the tool of the globalist elites is making available an app (on Google Play) to allow police state martial law lovers to accuse their neighbors of being gun owners!

It’s called Gun Geo Marker: “These locations are typically the homes or businesses of suspected unsafe gun owners, but might also be public lands or other locations where guns are not handled safely, or situations where proper rights to own or use any particular type of firearm may not exist. Electronically marking these locations can help others in the area learn about their geography of risk from gun accidents or violence. No matter what your safety concern with firearms might be, you should feel free to use this tool to provide the most accurate information you can such that others can make their own safety decisions.”

Note: This app automatically accuses any gun owner entered into its system as “unsafe” or “Dangerous”.

Who does walkingtools think are dangerous gun owners? “First time gun owners or others who may not have not taken basic gun safety training, or who were not raised in a culture of gun safety, represent a real and present danger to their community, themselves and their family members. Their locations may be marked at any time.”  Here’s a question:  How would the user of this app know if someone was a new gun owner, or had not taken a gun safety course, or was a danger to the community, without behaving like a neighborhood spy?

Also: “If a gun owner…..demonstrates a cavalier attitude toward gun safety, or becomes angry when you ask about it, then the location at which they store or use their guns should be marked….”  This statement suggests that the user of the app should interrogate their neighbors, because how else would they get such a response?

Also: “….someone who frequently displays or brandishes weapons, or those reveal their gun ownership status during normal conflict resolution.”  Guess what?   I believe such threatening behavior is already illegal, so you should call the police!

Also: “….any neighbor whose children speak frequently of their parent’s gun ownership…”  Wow!  That means me and my many High School acquaintances from 1978 to 1982 would have unknowingly ratted on our parents, because we always talked about guns, including the ones we owned as teenagers!!!!   I miss my Ruger Mini-14 that I owned as a teenager, it’s a better .223 shooter that the crappy AR-15/M-4, and way easier to maintain.  Had to sell it for financial reasons (no thanks to a failing marriage). Oh well, economic times were actually better then, I can’t buy a gun now even though I want to.  I can’t believe how expensive a Ruger Mini-14 is now compared to the late 1970s, and a crappy AR-15/M-4 type is now outrageously expensive, I saw one at my local Walmart for $1500!  Back in 1982 I paid less than $600 for a new CAR-15 (short barrel/ telescoping stock).  This is the kind of stuff me and my High School buddies would talk about, but according to the Gun Geo Marker app, that makes us and our parents “Dangerous” and “unsafe”!!!   (by the way, in my 45+ years of life I’ve never been arrested for anything!!!)

Walkingtools actually instructs the user of the app to use their neighbor’s kids as spies: “Talk to your kids and their friends! Younger kids in particular will talk about the things their parents frequently discuss, and they will tend to enact parental attitudes… a way that you might find out about insecure weapons in your neighborhood!”

Here are more NAZIistic instructions from the walkingtools Gun Geo Marker site:

“There are many locations, such as remote public or private lands where the discharge of firearms is legal [note they said legal gun shooting sites!]. If you frequent such a location, you are likely a gun owner yourself….”

“Bumper stickers or other public displays supporting gun ownership…..combined with radical anti-government propaganda and/or….paranoid political beliefs….”

“…potential medical condition that might alter their judgment or make them unable to tell right from wrong may well be worth marking…”

“….if the site is an active location for criminal activity (for example drug dealing), then you should not involve yourself in any way.”  So are they only after non-criminals?

Finally, walkingtools admits the real purpose of their app; gun control: “If enough members of your community take the time to mark dangerous gun sites and owners, then this crowd-sourced data may serve to save a life or perhaps even influence national policy.

Sounds to me like this will be used by police to come take your guns, because of people who can’t exist without a big brother/sister beast of a government controlling their every action.  But, you know who else would love this app?  Criminals, because in study after study repeat convicted criminals say the biggest deterrent to their criminal schemes is the possibility that a potential victim is armed with a gun!  Now they’ll know who they can safely victimize!

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”-U.S. 2nd Amendment