More Fukushima Fallout: Contracted “throwaway” workers burning out! Being blamed for leaks!

09 October 2013 (12:17 UTC-07 Tango)/04 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/17 Mehr 1392/05 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

“…..if even the workers who are risking their lives are demoralized and have no trust in TEPCo…….why should the Japanese citizens or international public at large have any confidence in the Japanese government or TEPCo?”Dave Lochbaum, UCS Nuclear Safety Project

Japan’s Nuclear Regulatory Authority is blaming crashing worker morale for increasing radiation leaks. However, that low worker morale can be traced right to Tokyo Electric Power Company, and the elitist attitude of the entire nuclear industry in Japan (remember, an elitist Bilderberger recently took over TEPCo’s public relations and safety operations: “..radiation is scary. It’s like magic, it’s mystical…”-Lady Barbara Judge).

The majority of TEPCo’s workers at the melting down Fukushima Daiichi nuke plant are contracted and subcontracted, with little or no training.  I’ve seen documentaries that show that some subcontracted nuke workers, in Japan, are paid even less than the standard minimum wage with no benefits, many never finished high school.  It’s like running your nuclear power factory with illegal migrant farm workers.

In June 2011, Reuters revealed that Japan’s nuke industry workers are considered the lowest of the low, even an ‘untouchable’ class in Japan known as “throwaways” by their elitist employers: “This is an unfortunate thing to say, but the nuclear industry has long relied on people at the lowest level of Japanese society.”-Fujii Kazunori, retired nuclear project manager

Back in August 2012, the Japanese Labor Ministry warned there were not enough “qualified” nuclear plant workers in Japan.

Just last month, the Japanese Health Ministry reported that white blood cell counts for workers at Fukushima Daiichi were up.  That’s an indicator of cancer. And in the past three months there’s been increasing incidents were workers were contaminated directly with radioactive water.

Gee, I wounder why workers at Fukushima Daiichi are so demoralized?