Tag Archives: unemployment

World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 07-10 January 2013. Hundreds of cops poisoned! First Green on Blue attack of the year!

10 January 2013

ISAF said: “A U.S. Forces-Afghanistan service member died today following an insurgent attack in eastern Afghanistan.”

Independent truck drivers went on strike, protesting a new Pakistan law requiring them to give up their independence and become part of authorized companies contracted to deliver supplies to U.S./NATO/ISAF forces in Afghanistan.

09 January 2013

Four Polish NATO troops are on re-trial for the deaths of eight civilians, including women and children.  Five years ago a Polish NATO patrol open fired on a wedding party.  Seven Polish troops were originally let go for lack of evidence, but prosecutors are now re-trying four of them based on new evidence.

08 January 2013

In Balkh Province, at least 250 policemen were poisoned. The incident happened in a military compound, the cops became sick after eating their breakfast.  The cause of the poisoning is under investigation.

Reports saying Kandahar airbase came under rocket attack.  One report says ten rockets were launched, another report says two rockets were launched.  Apparently a Pakistan International Airlines aircraft was nearly hit while on the runway.

07 January 2013

ISAF said: “An individual wearing an Afghan National Army uniform turned his weapon against International Security Assistance Force service members in southern Afghanistan.”

Other reports say it was an Afghan National Armyman who fired on Red Coat troops from United Kingdom.  One was killed, three wounded.  It happened in Helmand Province.

In Farah Province, six cops disappeared from their check post in Pusht-e-Rud district. Mujahideen say the six cops have joined them.  Also, another cop was killed in an ambush.

Afghan government officials have asked the United States to turn over all spy balloon operations to them, after the U.S. pullout in 2014.  Afghan military officials say the big advantage of the spy balloons is the night vision equipment.

U.S. Influenza update, 18 January 2013: Outbreaks spike! Dozens more deaths! Reporting procedures fallible, possibly more deaths than what’s being reported by state & federal officials! More proof vaccines don’t work; U.S. & Canada only countries to push for it!

“If the vaccine does not prove to be effective the way it is professed to perform, then maybe the risk of the getting the flu shot is not worth the non-existent benefit of the vaccine.”-Peter Hanson, Everett, Washington doctor

On 17 January 2013, Minnesota state health officials reported 60 deaths, 33 in just the past week!  They also report a spike in hospitalizations and outbreaks in schools and nursing homes. There are now 107 nursing homes and 90 public schools reporting outbreaks.  Nearly 2,000 people are hospitalized with flu symptoms.  This at a time when the flu season was supposed to be past its peak in the North Star State.

Pennsylvania reporting 40 deaths (18 just in the past week) and at least 16,511 lab confirmed cases (5,000 in just the past week).  Health officials in Allegheny County are also reporting an increase in Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) cases.  The Geisinger Health System is banning visitors younger than 12 years of age from their hospitals.

The governor of Indiana got a flu shot.  He demanded progress reports on flu cases in the Hoosier State. 27 people have died.

New Hampshire reporting 20 deaths so far.

In Massachusetts 18 people have died.  Hospitals report a 40% increase in cases in the past week.  A vaccine shortage resulted in the cancellation of a flu clinic at Gloucester’s Addison Gilbert Hospital. But read what the Bay State governor had to say about vaccine shortages: “This is serious. There is a heightened level of flu activity across the state. But we’re prepared. There is no shortage of vaccine.”-Deval Patrick on 10 January 2013

In Maine, the Pine Tree State’s Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported a quadrupling of cases, and the death of a six years old girl.  The Maine CDC is also warning of a surge in flu cases in the next few weeks.

In Alabama, hospitals are getting tough on visitations. The East Alabama Medical Center said beginning today visitation to the newborn, pediatrics and intensive care units will be restricted. Also, Mobile County Health Department reported the death of a 34 years old man.

After blowing off the severity of this year’s flu season, Idaho health officials are now saying it’s worse than expected. Nine people have died so far (funny, I was watching a local east Idaho noon TV news show earlier this week, and I swore the anchorwoman said there hadn’t been any deaths. guess she’s not reading my postings).  The Troy School District had so many students and teachers out sick that they canceled school on 16 January 2013.  The Gem State’s deputy state epidemiologist, Leslie Tengelsen, admitted there is a lack of standardized reporting procedures: “Influenza is not an officially reportable condition, and so it’s a little tricky to try and get a handle on what’s going on out there.”

Last week Michigan reported four children died.  There are 338 confirmed flu cases.

North Carolina reports decrease in cases, but upticks in deaths.  Nine people died last week.

Health officials in Kansas are saying this year’s influenza is not the same as usual. Doctors are reporting that not only is the flu season earlier, but the symptoms are more severe. Also, there is an increase in flu like illnesses as well.

School officials in Connecticut are reporting an increase in student and teacher absences, because of the flu. Some schools are reporting a 32% increase in absences compared to the same time during the 2011-12 flu season.

A doctor in Maryland warned of more cases to come: “We’re going to have a fairly rough winter because I am anticipating more and more positive cases and more and more people getting sick.”-Alexander Samohin, Concentra Urgent Care

Alaska reporting a spike in cases. Officials say a few weeks ago hospitals were seeing an average of ten cases per week, it’s now averaging 40.  And forget about washing your hands, remember flu is an airborne disease: “This is the season in terms of the winter weather in terms of people sharing tighter quarters in the winter and breathing the same air…”-Brian Yablon, Department of Health and Social Services

California state health officials reporting the number of deaths at five, however that does not include the six deaths reported by San Diego County, nor the death recently reported by Santa Clara County.  A San Francisco Chronicle report pointed out that state officials are not including the County reported deaths in their official count. The article pointed out that because of the lag time in local officials reporting to state, then state to federal, the official state and federal counts could be way behind.  Golden State health officials say their flu season won’t peak until February.

Despite most state and federal officials saying there is no shortage of vaccine, Oklahoma is singing a different tune. The Cleveland County Health Department reporting that they’ve run out of adult vaccines. 500 people are hospitalized, more than 100 in just the past week.


Vaccine Hyperbole:

According to a CNN report, the United States and Canada are the only countries in the whole world that pushes flu vaccinations. Even the UN’s World Health Organization says there is no data proving that flu vaccines work (as I’ve reported many times)!

The CNN report showed that some influential U.S. health officials admitted that the policy to push everyone over six months of age to get the flu shot was nothing more than an attempt to simplify the process: “…in 2010, we said, ‘Let’s simplify this and recommended this vaccine for anyone over 6 months old.'”-William Schaffner, Vanderbilt University

For more proof of the vaccine BS, despite all the main stream media’s propaganda saying how great this year’s flu shots are, Bloomberg reports that there is a scramble to make a new vaccine.  They’re calling it the “…Broadest Vaccine Redesign Since 1981”.  If this year’s vaccine is so good, why the push to revamp it?  The problem, as I’ve written before, is that each year’s flu shots are based on the previous years flu infections.  Virus are not static, they mutate every year as a result of passing through so many of we hosts.  Also, current flu shots cover only three of last year’s flu strains.  New shots are reported to cover four strains.  That still doesn’t cover all of them, and again, it’s only the previous year’s flu strains.

Something else the main stream media doesn’t report, is that many people are allergic to vaccines!  Current vaccines use chicken eggs, and some people are allergic to eggs.  The Food and Drug Administration has just approved a new way of making vaccines that uses insects instead of chicken eggs.  Here’s something else you should know; both the eggs and the insect cells are used to grow flu viruses, which are then injected into you when you get the vaccine.

A New York Daily News report says that a growing number of chiropractors are telling people not to get a flu vaccine. A survey of licensed chiropractors reveals that most are against the use of vaccines: “Since the scientific community acknowledges that the use of vaccines is not without risk, the American Chiropractic Association supports each individual’s right to freedom of choice in his/her own health care based on an informed awareness of the benefits and possible adverse effects of vaccination. The ACA is supportive of a conscience clause or waiver in compulsory vaccination laws thereby maintaining an individual’s right to freedom of choice in health care matters and providing an alternative elective course of action regarding vaccination.”

Despite international criticism of the U.S. policy of flu vaccinations many hospital workers, in some states, have been put on leave, or even lost their jobs because they refuse to get vaccinated.  A former hospital worker in Ohio is now suing her former employer. She was fired for refusing to take the flu vaccine.

World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 03-06 January 2013. More bad behaviour by U.S. led forces documented! 133 children sacrificed everyday for the United States! Soldiers killing themselves while on leave!

06 January 2013

A new Afghan Defense Ministry report backs up claims that U.S. forces are instigating Green on Blue attacks by mistreating their Afghan counterparts.  The latest report says U.S. personnel, with the help of some of their Afghan interpreters, are harassing and humiliating villagers in Maidan Wardak Province.  Also, the report says U.S. forces are not coordinating military operations with Afghan National Army (ANA) troops, as promised in recent agreements.   Afghan defense officials tried to detain the interpreters but: “When we asked NATO forces to hand over the interpreters, they told us that they are not here and have fled the area.”

International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) commented on claims that U.S. led troops are abusing detainees, saying any abuse was at the hands of the Afghan interpreters and U.S. led troops were not involved or aware of the incidents.

According to data from the World Bank, and the United Nations,  at least 133 Afghan children die everyday (43,545 per year).  The main cause is dirty water.  This should be a concern for U.S. and European taxpayers, as millions of USD has been spent on water projects most of which never happened.  Recent investigations by U.S. government agencies revealed that many of the contractors who got the tax money to improve the water systems never showed up.  Is this intentional?  So much for U.S. claims to stabilize and improve life for Afghanistan.

In Kandahar Province, a suicide bomber blew himself up near a government compound.  Then Mujahideen infantry attacked the compound.  Local police say 10 people were killed, 15 people were wounded.

The Afghan government has freed hundreds of prisoners who were being held by U.S. forces at Bagram Prison, and at other prisons. General Mohammad Yar Barakzai said that despite “…no evidence to prove their involvement in the insurgency.”, U.S. forces held them in prison for at least a couple of years, Israeli style.

05 January 2013

Mujahideen warned of increased attacks if the U.S. does not withdraw all personnel at the end of 2014: “If America wants to leave a small or large number of its troops for whatever length of time then it means war and destruction will continue in the region for that same length.”

U.S. media reports have revealed that as many as 20,000 U.S. personnel could remain after 2014.

An official from Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC), Saeed Jalili, arrived in capital Kabul.  He said he was there on official invitation from President Hamid Karzai.  Iran is funding dozens of reconstruction projects in Afghanistan.

04 January 2013

Pakistan claims 25 mortar rounds were fired into their country from Afghanistan. They say it was Afghan government border forces that fired the short range artillery rounds.

Afghan public health ministry officials say at least one woman dies giving birth every two hours in Afghanistan.  However, they say this is an improvement.  They claim that 11 years ago it was one woman dying during childbirth ever 24 minutes!

A British Red Coat, who survived an explosion in Afghanistan, killed himself while on Christmas leave back home in the United Kingdom.  Officials said only that “Police are investigating the death of a soldier who was serving with 1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards.”

03 January 2013

In Helmand Province, a religious cleric was assassinated while leading prayer in a Mosque.  Reports say he was targeted because he supported the government.  Also, an ISAF soldier from Denmark was killed by an explosion while on patrol: “An International Security Assistance Force service member died following an improvised explosive device attack…”

In Ghazni Province, reports of a girl being gang raped and the local government trying to cover it up.  The girl is in critical condition and was sent to Kabul for treatment. A vigilante group claims to have detained one of the four men accused of the rape.  Local police say they did not cover up the rape, that simply it was never officially reported to them by the family.

In Kunar Province, Mujahideen report attacking several checkpoints, killing and wounding a handful of ANA troops.  Mujahideen also report destroying a Counter Terrorism Pursuit Team (CTPT) in Narang district, after a four hour battle.

In Laghman Province, Mujahideen report day long ambushes on Afghan government convoys. They claim they killed at least 17 Afghan government personnel, and wounded 13.  Three Mujahideen were killed, as well as one civilian.

2nd U.S. Civil War: Oregon sheriffs refuse to enforce any new anti-gun laws! The 2nd Amendment is about civilians owning military weapons!!!

“We must not allow, nor shall we tolerate, the actions of criminals, no matter how heinous the crimes, to prompt politicians to enact laws that will infringe upon the liberties of responsible citizens who have broken no laws.”-Tim Mueller, Linn County Sheriff

Read the rest of his letter here.    Crook County Sheriff, Jim Hensley, said he sent the Obama administration a similar letter.

“A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”-2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution

Note that this amendment says nothing about hunting!  It is totally about self defense!  Arms refers to whatever hand carried weapon is the current weapon of choice by military forces, it is about civilians owning military weapons!!!  That, and freedom of religion, is what made the United States so revolutionary!

The amendment can only be legally changed if a Constitutional Congress is held, which means writing a new bill of rights and a new constitution. It also means the United States we Constitutionalists know, and would like to have returned, will cease to exist.

What Economic Recovery? Updated list of U.S. job losses, 03-07 January 2013. Romney Care state Massachusetts hit hard! No more Ben & Jerry’s? Even the christian god can’t stop church closings! Corruption, greed, privatization, reduced sales, reduced tax revenues!

07 January 2013

New York based internet wine seller, Lot18, is laying off 25 people.  Company officials say it’s the only way they can be more profitable (greed factor).

Switzerland’s biggest bank, UBS, said it might end up laying off 10,000 employees worldwide, including in the United States, by the end of 2013.

Despite reporting record earnings, Disney officials say they will lay off an undisclosed number of employees.  They’re always looking for ways to keep their profits margins up: “We are constantly looking at eliminating redundancies and creating greater efficiencies, especially with the rapid rise in new technology.”– Zenia Mucha, spokeswoman

Cumberland Valley District Health Department, in Kentucky, will lay off 14 people. They blame lack of funding.

The Wall Street Journal predicted a wave of unemployed attorneys, as demand for legal services are being reduced by the fact that people are running out of money to pay for them.

06 January 2013

In Las Vegas, Nevada, Saint Rose Dominican Hospitals is laying off 100 people. Hospital officials blame reduced payments from Medicare, Medicaid and private insurance companies.

Just in time for the increase in crazy mass killings, nonprofit Columbia River Mental Health Services, in Washington state, laid off 16 employees. They blame lack of funding.

05 January 2013

Hospice of Siouxland, in Iowa, to lay off 28 people.  They blame rule changes to taxpayer funding for Medicare and Medicaid.

The Everett Herald, in Washington state, is laying off six people: “…our advertising revenues did not rebound in 2012 as much as we had hoped. We have taken some action this week to right-size our business for 2013. Unfortunately, that means some of our colleagues will be leaving soon. Additionally, some vacant positions will not be filled.”-David Dadisman, publisher

South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control to lay off 45 upper management employees.  DHEC officials said the layoffs could be offset by hiring 68 people, but at much lower pay.

The new Saint Tammany Parish Assessor, in Louisiana, laid off 15 people, claiming the department was overstaffed.  He then hired eight of his own employees.

California based Extreme Networks could lay off 85 people, due to decreased sales.

New York State Thruway Authority warned it will lay off a reported 360 people, due to decreased revenue.

04 January 2013

California’s Accuracy radiotherapy devices maker will lay off 13% of its global workforce, mostly in the United States.  Company officials said they need to save $40 million USD per year.

According to a Reuters report, public schools throughout the United States cut 11,000 jobs by December 2012.  They blame it on reduced tax revenues.

200 coalminers in Kentucky, will lose their jobs.  The mine is owned by Alpha Natural Resources.  They blamed it on “…a challenging time for the coal industry.”

Florida’s United Space Alliance laid off 111 people. Just the month prior they laid off 119 people at the Kennedy Space Center.  They blame the end of the taxpayer funded Space Shuttle program.

Russell Athletic has begun laying off 190 people at its Alexander City, Alabama, #9 mill.  They are owned by Fruit of the Loom. The cuts amount to almost half the mill’s workforce.

Washington Times laid off 20 people. More layoffs are expected. It’s all about making the Washington DC based newspaper becoming more competitive.

Virginia based BlueScout Technologies will layoff nine employees, due to a lack of cash as a result of ongoing legal disputes.

Belmont County, Ohio, will cut nine union jobs, and six management jobs, due to reduced county revenues.

The Florida Department of Corrections announced a privatization deal that will affect nearly 400 state prison employees.

Hatteras Yachts to lay off 150 people at their North Carolina operation. The parent company, Brunswick Corporation, said it was part of their new plan to focus yacht building on just a couple of companies. They plan to sell off Hatteras Yachts.

03 January 2013

City of La Quinta, California, to lay off 22 people.  Blames reduced tax revenues.

SN Servicing Corporation laid off 16 people in California.  Company officials said advances in technology allowed them to operate with fewer employees.

Tendril Networks will lay off 56 people, in Boulder, Colorado: “…as we enter 2013, we have learned a lesson. Many utilities don’t have the economic path to justify the investment in consumer energy engagement in the short term.”-Adrian Tuck, CEO

Liberty Medical to lay off 260 people in Florida, by February 2013: “As we started updating financial information two weeks ago it became clear that we needed to take immediate cost cutting steps to ensure the ongoing viability of the business.”-Frank Harvey, President & CEO

Stores/organizations closed/closing for good:

07 January 2013

Ben & Jerry’s on 5 S. Main street in Pittsford, New York.   No official word as to why, but local residents say there are too many ice cream shops in the area.

Dope Jams in Brooklyn, New York. Owners said “…our rent has been raised threefold…”.

The Golden Guernsey dairy plant in Waukesha, Wisconsin.  Employees at the plant went to local media to report the dairy plant had been taken over by a California company, and the employees had just been told they would soon be unemployed.

Merial Select bird flu vaccine plant in Berlin, Maryland.  45 jobs lost. Company officials are transferring vaccine production to other plants across the U.S.

Mills Hardware in Perrysburg, Ohio.   Bruce Brigode, the owner of the 85 year old business, says “…we’re closing, because we can.”

Catholic Social Service Center at Holy Cross Church Campus in Springfield, Pennsylvania. Church officials say they are trying to cut costs by merging social service centers.

Great Lake pizza restaurant in Chicago, Illinois.   After being called the best pizza in the U.S., the owners of the 20 year old restaurant told the landlord they were not renewing their lease.

Georgia Power closing down the last of its coal and oil fired electrical plants. Georgia Power officials say the hundreds of employees affected will not be laid off directly, instead they will “…manage the workforce over the next few years through attrition, transfers and relocations.”-Swann Seiler, spokeswoman

Casalinga restaurant in Raleigh, North Carolina. The owners of the 18 year old restaurant said only “To us 2013 is the beginning of new opportunities.”

Andrew’s Hallmark in Moses Lake, Washington. “It got to the point where it didn’t make sense economically to keep two stores open in a town this small….that’s part of it, the economy is not so great and the owners are just ready to retire.”-Amy Scott, store manager

The Cottage Exchange art shop in Dixon, California. The owner said her no-profit operation for local artists just can’t handle the bad economy.

06 January 2013

G&T Conveyor in Tavares, Florida.  125 jobs lost. The company was the largest baggage handling equipment maker in the United States. Five Star Airport Alliance, the parent company, will consolidate operations to their company in Salt Lake City, Utah, called Horsley.

One The Cupcake Spot bakery in Tampa, Florida.   The owner says the market for small bakeries has changed and she will now focus on catering and wholesale.

Takk for Maten Café in Duluth, Minnesota. Owners say their business was busy, but their profit margin was not high enough to justify staying open.

Kids World toy store in Bend, Oregon.  The owners blamed other employment/family commitments.

Solano AIDS Coalition Thrift Store in Vallejo, California.  The owner blames bad sales and complicated city regulations.

Ruby’s Diner in Seal Beach, California.  The 25 year old restaurant was closed after company officials and city officials could not agree on many issues.  The company wanted to turn the restaurant into a independently owned operation, and they wanted to renovate.  Also, the city canceled a bus service that brought customers to the diner.

Charly’s Market in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.  The grocery store hadn’t been open for even a year.  City officials had spent tax money trying to attract a grocery store.  The store’s co-owner said: “Business just wasn’t here. There just wasn’t the volume. The decision (to close) was made between our landlord and ourselves …”-Carolyn Miller

Lloyd’s Hallmark in Charlottesville, Virginia.  Owner of the 45 year old store says he’s being forced out to make room for a computer store.

05 January 2013

Northview Senior Living Center in Johnstown, Ohio.  Zandex Health Care Corporation owns Johnstown’s only nursing home, and says it is closing due to ongoing legal battles with the zoning commission.  65 jobs lost.

Breakell construction in Roanoke, Virginia.   The CEO of the 50 year old company blamed a corrupt project manager who happened to steal at least $1 million USD from the company.  Stan Breakell said one thing to his employees: “It’s the end.”

Havertys Furniture in Roanoke, Virginia, and a Havertys Furniture in Florida.   Company officials blamed increased lease prices, but did not elaborate on sales nor other planned closings.

Lord’s Department Store in Medfield, Massachusetts.  After 73 years in business, the owners blame the state’s Romney Care healthcare rules: “Business was a lot harder with the economy, rules and regulations with all the health care stuff….”-Tom Kelly, co-owner

Two Unique Tutoring Individualized Children Academy day care centers in Warner Robins, Georgia.  State officials say the day care centers violated regulations multiple times, and were closed down.

Arico’s Hallmark in Seal Beach, California.  Could be part of ongoing Hallmark store closings.  Owner says they’ve lost their lease.

04 January 2013

Nonprofit Henry Lee Willis Center closing in February.  Massachusetts state taxpayer funding ended, 158 jobs lost.

One year after being praised by President Barack Obama, for bringing jobs back to the U.S., North Carolina based Lincolnton Furniture Company closed for good. Owners blamed it on a huge drop in orders.

Henredon Furniture closing factory in Mount Airy, North Carolina. More than 100 jobs lost.

Frosty Sparkling Beverages in Fall River, Massachusetts.

The Burns Studio in Boise, Idaho.

Brown’s TV in Northborough, Massachusetts.

Burger’s Market in Louisville, Kentucky.

Cottonwood Cinema in Cottonwood, Arizona.  Owners blame lack of sales, despite the fact they sell tickets for less than their competitors.

TiGeorges’ Chicken in Los Angeles, California. Owner blames lack of business.

BabyBuzz in Los Gatos, California. Owner switching to internet sales only.

Blair’s Hallmark in Bolivar, Missouri.  Could be part of ongoing Hallmark store closings.

H3 Pet Supply in Shelton, Connecticut: “Our lease at our store on Bridgeport Avenue in Shelton is expiring on January 31, 2013. We were unable to reach an agreeable lease renewal with our landlord so we will be consolidating our Shelton location into our Hawley Lane location in Stratford.”-Cynthia Socha and Lisa Gay, owners

Hobby Craft Etc. in Corsicana, Texas.  Death in family.

Zazios Italian Restaurant & Bar in Birmingham, Michigan.

End of December 2012 to 03 January 2013

Ralcorp Holdings to close down Silver Creek and Dunkirk, New York, factories. 375 jobs lost.

Macy’s will close stores in California (116 jobs lost), Hawaii (91 jobs lost), Massachusetts (101 jobs lost),  Minnesota (153 jobs lost), Nevada (a Bloomingdale’s, 35 jobs lost) and Texas (138 jobs lost).

f.y.e. music store in Beverly, Massachusetts.

f.y.e. music store in Montgomery, Alabama.

Mother Nuture parenting store in Lexington, Kentucky.

Coldwater Creek women’s clothing store in Glendale, Wisconsin.

Christopher & Banks women’s clothing store in Glendale, Wisconsin. (actually closed at the end of December 2012)

 Barnes & Noble book stores, two in Texas.

A&W All American Food restaurant in Boise, Idaho.

Bakers shoe store in Boise, Idaho.

Blockbuster video store in Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania.

Savvy Spaces furniture store in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Eddie Bauer clothing store in Yakima, Washington.

Eddie Bauer clothing store in Appleton, Wisconsin.

Eddie Bauer clothing store in Rockford, Illinois.

Pearle Vision Center in Mall at Steamtown, Pennsylvania.

Shambala clothing store in Mall at Steamtown, Pennsylvania.

Verizon cell phone store in Mall at Steamtown, Pennsylvania.

Gap clothing store in Shoppes at Montage, Pennsylvania.

C.J. Banks women’s clothing store in Wyoming Valley Mall, Pennsylvania.

H&M women’s clothing stores in Eastview Mall and Mall at Greece Ridge, New York.

Soccer Plus stores in Palatine and Libertyville, Illinois.

Easy Street Records in Seattle, Washington.

Justice IGA grocery store in Grayson, Kentucky.

Sheetz convenience store in Johnstown, Pennsylvania.

The last of the Cub Foods grocery stores in Trotwood, Ohio.

Vons grocery store in Hesperia, California.

Amy’s Hallmark greeting card store in Albany, Georgia.

Restoration Hardware store in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin.

American Eagle Outfitters clothing store in Birmingham, Alabama.  (closed at the end of December 2012)

Piggly Wiggly grocery store in Florence, South Carolina.

Disney Store in Reno, Nevada. (closed at the end of December 2012, recent reports say Disney will not renew its store leases)

Klingenberg’s Hardware and Paint store in Newport, Kentucky.  (closed on 29 December 2012, after 90 years in business)

The Papery paper product store in Clarendon, Virginia.

Larmon Camera Shop in Wayne, Pennsylvania.

Tasti D-Lite frozen dessert West End store in Nashville, Tennessee.

Vision Video store in Athens, Georgia.

Corporate Evil: UnAmerican Corporate American airlines accused of massive tax evasion!

“It seems as if Sycamore is doing at the local level what the Cayman Islands does at the federal level.”-Brian Imus, Illinois Public Interest Research Group

16 January 2013, the Regional Transportation Agency (RTA) is now charging United Airlines and American Airlines with tax fraud!

It says the airlines ripped off the city of Chicago, and Cook County, Illinois, and the RTA itself, to the tune of $300 million USD in lost taxes since 2005.

The RTA says United and American airlines did this by setting up fake fueling operations in an Illinois town called Sycamore.  RTA says the address United gave for its fueling operations is a Sycamore strip mall, and American’s fueling operations are located in a windowless office in the Sycamore town hall.

“The Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) is alleging that United Airlines and American Airlines operate sham offices in Sycamore, Il. that they use to avoid paying higher taxes from their actual offices in Chicago. These small, part-time offices are rarely occupied and, in at least one case, don’t appear to even have a computer. But both multi-billion dollar companies claim they purchase their jet fuel – one of their largest expenses – from those offices.”RTA press release

What Economic Recovery? New Mexico Kmart down! Sears invading Canada?

16 January 2013, a Kmart on El Paseo Road, in Las Cruces, New Mexico, will close in April. The store had been in operation for about 40 years.  At least 58 people will lose their jobs.

Since the beginning of 2013, the official reason for closing down Sears and Kmart stores is that they’re “under performing”.

There are reports out of Canada, saying that while Sears is closing down in the U.S., it’s taking over Zeller stores: “The U.S.-based retailer is expanding into Canada and setting up shop in many of the spaces previously occupied by Zellers.”-The Western Star, a New Foundland/Labrador based media source

Here’s my updated list of store closings since the end of 2011:

Arizona: Scottsdale Sears/Great Indoors, Chandler Sears/Great Indoors.

Alabama: Gadsden Kmart (50 jobs lost), Mobile Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Auburn Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Anniston Kmart (no word yet on how many jobs lost).

California:   El Monte Sears (at least 40 jobs lost. Damien Arrula, El Monte’s economic development director, said the store manager had lied about what was going on: “The general manager of the store had just indicated to me that they were remodeling.”), two San Diego Sears (at least 80 jobs lost), Pleasant Hill Kmart (more than 50 jobs lost).

Colorado:  Broomfield Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Glenwood Springs Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Lone Tree Sears/Great Indoors, Longmont Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Pueblos’ South Side Kmart (52 jobs lost),  Denver Kmart (number of jobs lost have not been made public at this time, but could be at least 40).

Georgia: Macon Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Buford Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Douglasville Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Atlanta Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Columbus Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Jonesboro Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Cartersville Kmart (74 jobs lost).

Guam:  Sears Hometown Store.

Florida: Fernandina Beach Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Callaway Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Orange City Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost),  Deland Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Stuart Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), West Palm Beach Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Port St. Lucie Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Crystal River Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), New Smyrna Beach Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Saint Augustine Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Pompano Beach Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost),  Jacksonville Kmart on 5751 Beach Boulevard (71 jobs lost), second Kmart in Jacksonville on 4645 Blanding Boulevard (83 jobs lost), Ocoee Sears (102 jobs lost), Pensacola Kmart on Airport Boulevard closed in 2011, Pensacola Kmart on Mobile Highway to be closed by 03 February 2013 (69 jobs lost), Hialeah Kmart (67 jobs lost).

Idaho: Lewiston Sears (at least 60 jobs lost).

Indiana:  Anderson Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Saint John Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Indianapolis Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost).

Illinois:  Alton Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Melrose Park Sears parts and repair center (50 jobs lost), Zion Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Oak Lawn Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), McHenry Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Peru Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Lombard Sears/Great Indoors (at least 40 jobs lost), Fairview Heights Kmart (81 jobs lost), Freeport Kmart (45 jobs lost), Pontiac Kmart (more than 47 jobs lost), Homer Glen Kmart (82 jobs lost), Streator Kmart (45 jobs lost), Lombard Kmart (70 jobs lost).  By the way, Illinois elected officials gave Sears Holdings/Hoffman Estates a $150 million USD tax break to keep their headquarters in the state.  The tax break was not tied to any promise not to close stores.

Iowa:  Cedar Rapids Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Davenport Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Burlington Kmart (50 jobs lost), Coralville Sears (94 jobs lost, this is a store sold to GGP earlier in the year).

Kansas: Lawrence Sears (at least 40 jobs lost).

Kentucky: Middlesboro Sears (in September 2012 the Sears store re-opened under independent ownership, official grand re-opening scheduled for November), Winchester Kmart (back in May, Rankin Paynter bought out what was left of the inventory and gave it to charity), Hazard Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost).

Maine: Lewiston Sears (60 to 70 jobs lost).

Maryland: Ellicott Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Gaithersburg Sears/Great Indoors.

Michigan: Novi Sears/Great Indoors, Brighton Sears Grand/Essentials,  Harper Woods Sears Full line, Monroe Sears Full line, Adrian Sears Full line, Washington Township Kmart, Chesterfield Kmart, Woodhaven Kmart, Flint Kmart (46 jobs lost).

Minnesota: Willmar Kmart, Duluth Kmart, New Hope Kmart, White Bear Lake Kmart.

Mississippi: Jackson Sears Full line, McComb Sears Full line, Columbus Sears Full line.

Missouri: Lee’s Summit Sears Grand/Essentials, Saint Louis Sears Full line.

Montana: Missoula Kmart (50 jobs lost).

New Hampshire: Nashau Sears Grand/Essentials, Keene Sears Grand/Essentials.

North Carolina: High Point Sears, Moorehead Sears, Rocky Mount Sears, Statesville Sears, Durham Kmart (79 jobs lost), Asheville Kmart (53 jobs lost),  West Smithfield Kmart (59 jobs lost), Winston-Salem Kmart (69 jobs lost).

New Jersey:  Lawnside Kmart (about 80 jobs lost).

New Mexico: Recently revealed Las Cruces Kmart (58 jobs lost).

Ohio: Chagrin Falls Kmart, Springfield Kmart, two Toledo Kmarts, Medina Kmart, Columbus Kmart, Columbus Sears/Great Indoors, Zanesville Sears (67 jobs lost), Trotwood Kmart (71 jobs lost).   Also, Van Wert Sears franchise bought out by Kirk Berryman, owner of Computer & Networking Technologies (CNT), who plans on moving the store to a new location.

Oklahoma: Oklahoma City Sears (98 jobs lost, GGP owned).

Oregon: Roseburg Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Tualatin Kmart Center (new property owner from California is tearing everything down for new shopping center, so far no indication the Kmart will be part of the new shopping center).

Pennsylvania: Upper Darby Sears Full line, Pottstown Sears Full line, Pittsburgh Kmart, Wilkins Sears, Warminster Kmart (85 jobs lost).

South Carolina: Sumter Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Orangeburg Sears (approximately 50 jobs lost).

Tennessee: Antioch Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Cleveland Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Oak Ridge Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Hendersonville Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Morristown Sears (about 70 jobs lost).

Texas: Two Sears parts and repair centers closing in The Woodlands (117 jobs lost), rebuild center in Garland (58 jobs lost), Farmers Branch Sears/Great Indoors, Houston Sears Great/Indoors.

Virginia: Norfolk Sears (at least 40 jobs lost),  Midlothian Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Richmond Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Lynchburg Sears (84 jobs lost).

Washington: Walla Walla Sears Full line (in August 2012, it was reported that an independent owner of Sears Hometown stores will open a store in Walla Walla), Lacey Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Kelso Sears (47 jobs lost), Lakewood Kmart (59 jobs lost), Bellingham Sears (92 jobs lost).

West Virginia: Oak Hill Kmart (59 jobs lost).

Wisconsin: West Baraboo Sears (at least 40 jobs lost, local village officials say the store generated 3% of local tax collections), Rice Lake Kmart (about 71 jobs lost).

On top of that, Sears Holdings sold stores to General Growth Properties (GGP), of which it has been reported that most of those stores will be closed.

Here’s the list of 11 Sears stores now owned by GGP:

Iowa: Coral Ridge Mall (it’s official the Sears is closing, see above), and Mall of the Bluffs

Texas: The Woodlands Mall (this does not involve the two repair centers being closed by Sears)

Florida: West Oaks Mall

Utah: Fashion Place, and Provo Towne Centre (note the evil British empire way of spelling town & center. Due to a favorable lease agreement the GGP owned Provo Sears will continue to stay open under Sears Holdings management)

Oklahoma: Quail Springs Mall (it’s official, the Sears will be closed, see above)

Hawaii: Ala Moana Center

Washington: Bellis Fair Mall (Bellingham store, see above)

Minnesota: Apache Mall

Illinois: Market Place Shopping Center


United Corporate Police States of America & Class Warfare: Corporate run prison behind gang violence in Idaho? CCA has established history of being sued over prison violence in Idaho!

Back in November 2012, eight inmates surviving in the Corrections Corporation of America’s (CCA) Idaho Correctional Center (aka Gladiator School) filed a lawsuit against the unAmerican corporation, claiming CCA intentionally uses gangs and gang violence to control their privately run prisons.

On 14 January 2013, CCA asked a federal court judge to throw out the claim.

This is not the first time Idaho’s unAmerican corporate run Gladiator School has been sued for violence.  In September 2011, a former inmate settled his lawsuit with CCA over the fact that he was beaten almost to death, while prison guards watched.

Other lawsuits claim CCA withholds medical treatment from prisoners.

Recently the American Civil Liberties Union-Idaho, has accused CCA of not following through on its promise to clean up its act (a result of a March 2010 lawsuit).

CCA, a Tennessee based unAmerican corporation, is a major supporter of Idaho politicians, overwhelmingly Republicans.  Click here for a list of Idaho politicians who got money from CCA in 2006 and 2008. You should note that most of them are continually ‘re-elected’.

World War 3: UN demands war in Mali! France goes on warpath! Rebels promise long war against western invaders! Obama promises are proof of christian war against Islam, in the name of oil!

“France has opened the gates of hell for all the French. She has fallen into a trap which is much more dangerous than Iraq, Afghanistan or Somalia!”-Oumar Ould Hamaha, Mali rebel

14 January 2013, a little earlier than first thought, but it looks like the United Nations has given the go ahead for western invasion of Mali, and France is launching airstrikes.

Mali is a former colony of France, and recently several British empire oil companies have been exploring for black gold in the west African country.  The United States has recently increased troop strength there.

France began airstrikes on 11 January 2013, after the christian dominated UN Security Council issued a statement saying they were afraid the Islamic rebels were winning their revolution.  Today, 14 January 2013, French reports say that despite their weekend long airstrikes the rebels are winning.  Rebels quickly reconstituted after the airstrikes and actually captured another town.  French military leaders are basically calling for a ground invasion by U.S. led NATO.

There are already 2,500 French troops, and 3,300 West African troops (at the behest of the UN), in country trying to save the pro-western Mali government.   Canada has already sent military transport aircraft to help the French.

U.S. President Barack Obama has promised France all the help it needs: “What we have promised them is that we would work with them, to cooperate with them, to provide whatever assistance we can to try to help them in that effort.”-Leon Panetta, U.S. Secretary of Defense

The European Union (EU), and the United Nations (UN) are holding emergency meetings.



What Economic Recovery? New Kmart & Sears closings for the start of 2013: Pennsylvania loses another Kmart! Sears trying to force Colorado to pay for its closing?

On 13 January 2013, it was revealed that the Warminster Kmart, in Pennsylvania, will close on 17 March. 85 people will be unemployed.

On 09 January new Sears Holdings CEO, Eddie Lambert, bought more than $13 million USD in Sears Holdings stock. Up ’till then he already controlled 62% of stocks in the company.

An analyst writing for Forbes said Sears is expected to show a drop in sales for the holiday season.

In Fort Collins, Colorado, Sears Holdings and the Foothills Mall owner are fighting, over how to get rid of Sears. In a confusing article out of Colorado, it’s being reported that Sears Holdings wants to leave the mall, and the mall owners want them out.  The problem seems to be over the property value of the Sears store.  What it comes down to is that Sears Holdings wants to close down their Foothills Mall store, but they’re trying to actually be paid to do it: “Sears won’t say publicly how much it would accept to vacate Foothills Mall. And while new mall owner Alberta Development Partners won’t say publicly what it has offered to pay Sears to leave….”Coloradan, 11 January 2013

But Sears and the Foothills Mall could lose out if local government authorities play their eminent domain card.  They’ve been given a 30 day warning.

Here’s my updated list of store closings since the end of 2011:

Arizona: Scottsdale Sears/Great Indoors, Chandler Sears/Great Indoors.

Alabama: Gadsden Kmart (50 jobs lost), Mobile Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Auburn Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Anniston Kmart (no word yet on how many jobs lost).

California:   El Monte Sears (at least 40 jobs lost. Damien Arrula, El Monte’s economic development director, said the store manager had lied about what was going on: “The general manager of the store had just indicated to me that they were remodeling.”), two San Diego Sears (at least 80 jobs lost), Pleasant Hill Kmart (more than 50 jobs lost).

Colorado:  Broomfield Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Glenwood Springs Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Lone Tree Sears/Great Indoors, Longmont Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Pueblos’ South Side Kmart (52 jobs lost),  Denver Kmart (number of jobs lost have not been made public at this time, but could be at least 40).

Georgia: Macon Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Buford Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Douglasville Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Atlanta Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Columbus Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Jonesboro Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Cartersville Kmart (74 jobs lost).

Guam:  Sears Hometown Store.

Florida: Fernandina Beach Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Callaway Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Orange City Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost),  Deland Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Stuart Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), West Palm Beach Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Port St. Lucie Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Crystal River Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), New Smyrna Beach Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Saint Augustine Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Pompano Beach Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost),  Jacksonville Kmart on 5751 Beach Boulevard (71 jobs lost), second Kmart in Jacksonville on 4645 Blanding Boulevard (83 jobs lost), Ocoee Sears (102 jobs lost), Pensacola Kmart on Airport Boulevard closed in 2011, Pensacola Kmart on Mobile Highway to be closed by 03 February 2013 (69 jobs lost), Hialeah Kmart (67 jobs lost).

Idaho: Lewiston Sears (at least 60 jobs lost).

Indiana:  Anderson Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Saint John Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Indianapolis Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost).

Illinois:  Alton Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Melrose Park Sears parts and repair center (50 jobs lost), Zion Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Oak Lawn Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), McHenry Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Peru Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Lombard Sears/Great Indoors (at least 40 jobs lost), Fairview Heights Kmart (81 jobs lost), Freeport Kmart (45 jobs lost), Pontiac Kmart (more than 47 jobs lost), Homer Glen Kmart (82 jobs lost), Streator Kmart (45 jobs lost), Lombard Kmart (70 jobs lost).  By the way, Illinois elected officials gave Sears Holdings/Hoffman Estates a $150 million USD tax break to keep their headquarters in the state.  The tax break was not tied to any promise not to close stores.

Iowa:  Cedar Rapids Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Davenport Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Burlington Kmart (50 jobs lost), Coralville Sears (94 jobs lost, this is a store sold to GGP earlier in the year).

Kansas: Lawrence Sears (at least 40 jobs lost).

Kentucky: Middlesboro Sears (in September 2012 the Sears store re-opened under independent ownership, official grand re-opening scheduled for November), Winchester Kmart (back in May, Rankin Paynter bought out what was left of the inventory and gave it to charity), Hazard Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost).

Maine: Lewiston Sears (60 to 70 jobs lost).

Maryland: Ellicott Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Gaithersburg Sears/Great Indoors.

Michigan: Novi Sears/Great Indoors, Brighton Sears Grand/Essentials,  Harper Woods Sears Full line, Monroe Sears Full line, Adrian Sears Full line, Washington Township Kmart, Chesterfield Kmart, Woodhaven Kmart, Flint Kmart (46 jobs lost).

Minnesota: Willmar Kmart, Duluth Kmart, New Hope Kmart, White Bear Lake Kmart.

Mississippi: Jackson Sears Full line, McComb Sears Full line, Columbus Sears Full line.

Missouri: Lee’s Summit Sears Grand/Essentials, Saint Louis Sears Full line.

Montana: Missoula Kmart (50 jobs lost).

New Hampshire: Nashau Sears Grand/Essentials, Keene Sears Grand/Essentials.

North Carolina: High Point Sears, Moorehead Sears, Rocky Mount Sears, Statesville Sears, Durham Kmart (79 jobs lost), Asheville Kmart (53 jobs lost),  West Smithfield Kmart (59 jobs lost), Winston-Salem Kmart (69 jobs lost).

New Jersey:  Lawnside Kmart (about 80 jobs lost).

Ohio: Chagrin Falls Kmart, Springfield Kmart, two Toledo Kmarts, Medina Kmart, Columbus Kmart, Columbus Sears/Great Indoors, Zanesville Sears (67 jobs lost), Trotwood Kmart (71 jobs lost).   Also, Van Wert Sears franchise bought out by Kirk Berryman, owner of Computer & Networking Technologies (CNT), who plans on moving the store to a new location.

Oklahoma: Oklahoma City Sears (98 jobs lost, GGP owned).

Oregon: Roseburg Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Tualatin Kmart Center (new property owner from California is tearing everything down for new shopping center, so far no indication the Kmart will be part of the new shopping center).

Pennsylvania: Upper Darby Sears Full line, Pottstown Sears Full line, Pittsburgh Kmart, Wilkins Sears, recently revealed Warminster Kmart (85 jobs lost).

South Carolina: Sumter Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Orangeburg Sears (approximately 50 jobs lost).

Tennessee: Antioch Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Cleveland Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Oak Ridge Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Hendersonville Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Morristown Sears (about 70 jobs lost).

Texas: Two Sears parts and repair centers closing in The Woodlands (117 jobs lost), rebuild center in Garland (58 jobs lost), Farmers Branch Sears/Great Indoors, Houston Sears Great/Indoors.

Virginia: Norfolk Sears (at least 40 jobs lost),  Midlothian Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Richmond Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Lynchburg Sears (84 jobs lost).

Washington: Walla Walla Sears Full line (in August 2012, it was reported that an independent owner of Sears Hometown stores will open a store in Walla Walla), Lacey Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Kelso Sears (47 jobs lost), Lakewood Kmart (59 jobs lost), Bellingham Sears (92 jobs lost).

West Virginia: Oak Hill Kmart (59 jobs lost).

Wisconsin: West Baraboo Sears (at least 40 jobs lost, local village officials say the store generated 3% of local tax collections), Rice Lake Kmart (about 71 jobs lost).

On top of that, Sears Holdings sold stores to General Growth Properties (GGP), of which it has been reported that most of those stores will be closed.

Here’s the list of 11 Sears stores now owned by GGP:

Iowa: Coral Ridge Mall (it’s official the Sears is closing, see above), and Mall of the Bluffs

Texas: The Woodlands Mall (this does not involve the two repair centers being closed by Sears)

Florida: West Oaks Mall

Utah: Fashion Place, and Provo Towne Centre (note the evil British empire way of spelling town & center. Due to a favorable lease agreement the GGP owned Provo Sears will continue to stay open under Sears Holdings management)

Oklahoma: Quail Springs Mall (it’s official, the Sears will be closed, see above)

Hawaii: Ala Moana Center

Washington: Bellis Fair Mall (Bellingham store, see above)

Minnesota: Apache Mall

Illinois: Market Place Shopping Center