U.S. Influenza, 09 January 2013: Emergency declared! Supporter of vaccines admits they don’t work! What Economic Recovery, unAmerican Coporate America blaming lost billions on sickies?

“…I have to tell you that I’ve now been in two large city emergency departments in two days, and I’ve never seen anything like this in the United States”-Nancy Snyderman, medical reporter NBC Nightly News

On 09 January 2013, the mayor of Boston, Massachusetts, declared a public health emergency, because of influenza.  The Bay State reported 18 recent deaths, four in Boston (those 18 deaths are not the 18 pediatric deaths being reported by the CDC). During the 2010-11 flu season only one Bostonian died.

Florida reporting fast spreading flu. Of the 18 recent child deaths countrywide, two were in Florida. On 02 January 2012, the Memorial Hospital Pembroke Urgent Care Center recorded its busiest day ever:  “We had close to 200 patients during the day, which we’ve never had before.”-Roy Dubash, family medicine physician

Idaho has seen eight people die so far, and was one of the first states to report deaths caused by flu like illness. However, Gem State health officials don’t think it a big thing: “Average flu season we might have 12 flu deaths, last year was really mild we only had five.”-Dave Fotsch, Central District Health Department

Utah reports surge in flu cases. Beehive State health officials say the number of cases has already surpassed last year’s case load, for the same time period.  So far 233 people have been hospitalized.

Reports out of California say at least five people have died.  Golden State health officials are expecting a jump in flu cases.

In Wisconsin, Milwaukee county hospitals are being jammed with patients.  As many as eight of the county’s 11 hospitals are reporting temporary shut downs of their emergency rooms due to overcrowding. One doctor said they might have to start rationing Tamiflu: “If this is a prolonged epidemic that goes on for another week or so, Tamiflu may need to go only to the high risk.”-Paul A. Biedrzycki, Milwaukee Health Department

On 07 January 2013, 11 Illinois hospitals had to refuse anymore emergency room patients because of overcrowding.

The Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital in Cleveland, Ohio, is reporting much higher pediatric cases than last year.  For October 2011 to January 2012 they had 12 cases, so far this year they’ve seen 93 kids sick with flu.

Many mainstream media outlets, and health officials are pushing flu vaccines.  But, one such health official admitted vaccines don’t work for the people most vulnerable to getting sick. William Schaffner, chairman of the Department of Preventive Medicine at Vanderbuilt University, was interviewed on 09 January 2013 edition of PBS NewsHour.  He said vaccines work well in people who have strong, healthy immune systems.  He admitted vaccines do not work well on the people doctors hope to keep from getting sick; the young and the old! Shaffner then went on to tell people to get vaccinated.

It works best in young, healthy people who have a robust immune system, but, paradoxically, in the people who we would like to protect the most, senior citizens, people with severe underlying immunological illnesses, it’s not quite as effective.”-William Schaffner, 09 January 2013 PBS NewsHour interview

Think about this, he’s telling us that vaccines work, but this is based on the admitted fact that it seems that only people already healthy and strong benefit from vaccines.  How do we know it’s not because those people are healthy and strong to begin with?

UnAmerican Corporate America is blaming projected billions of U.S. dollar loses on flu sickies.  Actually, that claim is coming paradoxically from the U.S. CDC.  The CDC is projecting that companies will lose $10.4 billion due to employees being out sick.  It’s a paradox because health officials always tell you to stay home from school or work if you’re sick, yet here they are whining about all the lost money for unAmerican Corporate America! And you wounder why so many people go to work sick?

Sure, health officials think by projecting the huge money loses caused by employees getting sick that employers would encourage their employees to stay home sick in order to prevent spreading the disease, but that’s not the reality of what happens.  Stupid is as stupid does, maybe the answer is a true socialized health care system, not this Obama/RomneyCare crap!

The search program Google has been predicting U.S. flu outbreaks based on searches for info on the flu.  It’s been so accurate that it’s now working with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).  Click here for more info.  It’s predicting this year is gonna be bad.