Tag Archives: stanford

Study proves Fracking destroys your drinking water, main stream news ignores it!

01 April 2016 (12:28 UTC-07 Tango 01) 13 Farvardin 1395/22 Jumada t-Tania 1437/24 Xin Mao 4714

“This is a wake-up call!”-Dominic DiGiulio, Stanford School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences

Yesterday, Stanford University published the results of their study on drinking water in a Wyoming town afflicted by the oil industry’s fracking operations.

The Stanford case study points out that “only one industry is allowed to inject into underground sources of drinking water”; the petroleum industry.

The researchers had to file Freedom of Information Act demands to get the data they needed.  The data concerns the Pavillion Fields in Wyoming.  The data was originally collected by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, then for some reason the EPA turned the data over to the pro-mining industry government of Wyoming (the oil industry is technically part of the mining industry).

The state of Wyoming has bee releasing tids-n-bits of data, but not the damning evidence that fracking is destroying the aquifer.

The conclusion of Stanford’s case study is that the drinking water cannot be used, and that the entire Rocky Mountain area could lose its precious aquifers: “Geologic and groundwater conditions at Pavillion are not unique in the Rocky Mountain region. This suggests there may be widespread impact to underground sources of drinking water as a result of unconventional oil and gas extraction.”-Dominic DiGiulio

USGS restates: 7 million Americans at risk of man-made earthquakes

The First Official Map of Human-Induced Earthquake Hazards

Natural Resources Canada confirms: Many Man-Made Earthquakes in Western Canada Can Now Be Linked to Fracking

Blind Bat News: Fracking causes Oklahoma quakes, ironically shuts down oil wells! 

Blind Bat News: Proof Fracking uses radioactive material!

Blind Bat News: Unexplained & increasing Idaho earthquakes caused by secretly authorized Fracking?

Occupy America! New study shows U.S. Middle Class shrinking fast, the 99 percenters are right!

A Stanford University study has researchers shocked at how fast the middle class is disappearing in the United States: “We already kind of knew that segregation by income had been going up from 1970 to 2000, though I was struck by the magnitude of that increase. One of the striking findings in the report is that in 90% of metropolitan areas, income segregation went up in the 2000s.”- Sean Reardon, Professor

The number of families living in middle income neighborhoods dropped to 44% in 2007, down from 65% in 1970.  The study looked at 2007 U.S. Census Bureau data covering 117 metropolitan areas.

The Stanford study also found what many economists, the IRS, and the Occupy Wall Streeters have been saying; fewer people are getting most of the money: “Given that in 2008 the top 10% of earners controlled approximately 48% of all income in the United States, the increasing isolation of the affluent from the low and moderate income families means that a significant portion of society’s resources are concentrated in a smaller and smaller portion of neighborhoods.”

Analysts say that it’s a good bet that Census Bureau data from 2008 to present would should an even bigger decline in the middle class.