Tag Archives: ebola

Influenza Update, 03 November 2014: Flu kills 3 Canadians! U.S. CDC blasts ignorant U.S. doctors! 71% of French refuse vaccinations! More proof vaccines are overrated & all about the money as British empire takes control of U.S. flu shot supply?

Australia: The British empire country is about to take partial control of flu vaccine supply in the United States.  Specifically, Aussie pharmaceutical giant CSL has made an offer to take over Novartis’ North Carolina U.S.A. flu vaccine operations.   Novartis is based in Switzerland and is in big trouble primarily because of numerous revelations that they doctored the effects of their vaccines and drugs.   Many revelations came when employees in Japan blew the whistle on Novartis, revealing that many ‘independent’ lab workers ‘testing’ the drugs were actually undercover Novartis employees, or were being paid off by Novartis!

This is just more proof you can’t trust government health officials when they push you to get vaccinated, and you have to wonder why Australian CSL wants to take over a potentially fraudulent vaccine operation in the U.S.?  I’ll give you a couple of reasons why; Novartis’ North Carolina vaccine ops were just given a big contract by the Obama regime to make ebola vaccines!  Also, officials with CSL openly stated that they expect the future of forced inoculations around the World to make the Aussie drug pushing company $1-billion USD annually, within five years!   It’s all about the money.

Canada: In Alberta Province, three people now dead.  At least 30 people hospitalized, 66 cases confirmed by lab work.  The versions of flu being reported are H1N1, H3N2 and flu B.  Alberta Health Services report that nearly 400-thousand residents are vaccinated. Provincial health administrators are now making vaccinations free to everybody (upfront anyway, they’re actually paid for with taxes the British empire government takes from the people. In the United States people are robbed by both their government in the form of taxes, and by insurance companies, and in most cases they still have to pay upfront for vaccinations! So much for Obama Care).

Frightened by the deaths in western Alberta Province, health administrators in eastern Quebec Province say they’re getting aggressive with vaccinations.  No they’re not going to make them free for everybody, they’re just going to spend more taxpayer money on TV PSAs (Public Service Announcements).

Officials in Quebec claim 300 provincial residents die every year from flu, however I could not find any hard-n-fast facts to back that claim up.  I checked my previous flu season reports and didn’t find any reported death toll that high.  In fact, for the 2013-14 flu season the first reported flu death in Quebec was in January 2014.  The actual death toll is more likely in the dozens, not hundreds.  Oh, and that’s with only 25% of Québécois (including English speakers) getting vaccinated!

Remember, in my last posting I pointed out that a Canadian news source called the ‘official’ flu death toll hyperbole, because it was totally based on computer model simulations, not actual cases.

The Canadian Public Health Agency reporting that the flu A strain known as H3N2 is the most common type of infection.

European Union:  French Institute of Health and Medical Research administrators are freaking out because seven out of ten (71%) French citizens refuse to get vaccinated!  46% of French citizens say they will never ever willingly be inoculated!  According to French news reports this attitude towards vaccines has remained unchanged for years, despite the French government spending bookoo taxes on trying to convince people to get the shot.

For the 2013-14 flu season only 1202 people were hospitalized in France, mostly children under five and old people over 65.  I didn’t see any reports of deaths.

In Neuwied District, Germany, local health administrators report that 2014 has been an uneventful flu season for them: “We had only five reported cases in 2014; one in February, three in March and one in October.”-Hilde Hamm vom Neuwieder Gesundheitsamt auf RZ

The doctors in the Rhineland-Palatinate (home to Neuwied) say the warmer temps for 2014 are keeping flu at bay.  But wait, you mean it’s not the increased vaccination rate in the German state?  Doctors expressed amazement at the high rates of infections in 2013, and so far hardly any in 2014.   Surveys by an insurance agency, DAK, seems to link increased vaccinations rates (over the privious ten years) with increased numbers of people getting sick!  Mmmm, was it the vaccine making people sick (as I postulated last year)?

Israel: Vaccine maker BiondVax has now patented their one stop shop flu vaccine in every major country in the World.  They claim it renders all other vaccines inept: “BiondVax’s vaccine was designed to contain small pieces of the flu virus that do not change as they are required for the virus’s life cycle. These small pieces are enough to teach the human immune system to recognize all flu strains, so that the body quickly stops the virus from causing illness. Based on these findings, BiondVax anticipates that the universal vaccine, when the development stage is completed, will be broadly effective against present and future strains in contrast to current vaccines that are strain specific.”-Tamar Ben-Yedidia

Switzerland (is not a member of the European Union): Studies show most Swiss are refusing to get vaccinated. The Swiss Office of Public Health is also adjusting their vaccination program, targeting only ‘at risk groups’ (kids, chronically ill and old people, estimated to make up 36% of the Swiss population) for voluntary inoculation. Many studies show that healthy ‘working age’ adults do not get any benefit from vaccinations.

Swiss Office of Public Health (Bundesamt für Gesundheit, oder BAG) surveys also show a reluctance by healthcare workers to get vaccinated, despite massive taxpayer funded pro-vaccination campaigns.    Government administrators are also toying with the idea of following the United States and allow pharmacists to give flu shots.

United States: Apparently ignorant U.S. doctors are still presribing antibiotics for virus infections!  The U.S. Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has launched a campaign to get doctors to stop doing that: “Recently I authored a CDC study that examined clinician treatment practices for outpatients with influenza during the 2012-2013 season. Key findings showed that clinicians commonly underprescribed the influenza antiviral drugs oseltamivir and zanamivir, and potentially overprescribed common antibiotics to patients with influenza for whom antiviral therapy would have been most beneficial.

Overall, only 16% of patients with laboratory-confirmed influenza received antiviral treatment, whereas 30% were prescribed one of three common antibiotics. Perhaps even more concerning is that only 19% of patients at high risk for influenza complications and who had respiratory symptoms for fewer than 2 days—a group likely to benefit from antiviral therapy—were prescribed an antiviral medication.”-Fiona Havers, CDC medical officer, read (or watch/listen to) more of her damning report here

In Colorado, reports that the Veterans Affairs medical center in Mesa County has already exceeded the number of flu shots they gave out for all of the 2013-14 flu season!   VA medical administrators blame it on public demand: “We’re doing about 100 to 150 shots a day! Normally this time of year we give 35 to 50 a day.”-Paul Sweeney

The sudden increase in paranoids demanding to be shot up with who knows what this flu season is being blamed on the ebola scare, and the fact that the CDC is now claiming this flu season could the most ‘contagious’ yet!

In Florida, a mom has gone public accusing the flu vaccine of paralyzing her daughter for life.  Her nine years old daughter got vaccinated during the 2013-14 flu season, then four days later developed Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM), which can be caused by influenza, or influenza vaccines.

Update, 24 October 2014: Canadian flu death toll is BullShit! 99% failure rate of Navy vaccination program! 

Ebola Update, 02 November 2014: “We had hoped this wouldn’t happen” Oregon 1st case? China joins Obama, sends in the troops! Korea quarantines everybody! New threat, Mosquitos! This is good for business?

Canada: The British empire’s Great White North joins a growing list of countries banning travelers from ebola hot zone countries.

China: In another move to prove the ‘western’ critics (like the Obama regime) wrong, government officials have now pledged unlimited material and money for the fight against ebola filovirus in western Africa!

Chinese officials are joining with the Obama regime, deciding that this new version of EVD is a matter of national security, and is now sending combat troops to Africa!  To show how tight the cooperation is, the People’s Liberation Army is following the lead of the U.S. Department of Defense and is creating special medical martial law teams (some members have experience fighting SARS), similar to Obama’s Operation United Assistance order.  (see Ghana, below)

Chinese manufacturers of hazmat suits are reporting skyrocketing sales as a result of the ebola scare.

Cuba: U.S. officials attended anti-ebola meetings in Cuba.  Despite the Caribbean country’s world leading healthcare track record (and the fact that no Cuban healthcare worker has yet to get infected with EVD) many U.S. republicans blasted the Obama regime for joining up with Cuban health officials.

Cuba recently hosted an anti-ebola meeting for the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of the Americas-Commercial Treaty of the Peoples (ALBA-TCP).  UN officials were there and commended not only Cuba, but Venezuela as well: “I urge countries in the region and around the world to follow the lead of Cuba and Venezuela, who have set a commendable example with their rapid response in support of efforts to contain Ebola. Cuba’s proud tradition of training doctors from developing countries has also helped improve medical care around the world.”-David Nabarro, UN secretary-general’s special envoy on Ebola

Another UN official blamed the United States for bringing ebola to the ‘New World’: “You are absolutely doing the right thing. You want to step up your level of preparedness.  Last month, the Ebola virus moved to your region, to the United States.  Any country with an international airport is theoretically at risk of an imported case of ebola.”-Margaret Chan, UN World Health Organization

European Union: The British empire’s United Kingdom Disasters Emergency Committee announced they are shocked by the overwhelming amount of donations flooding in to help fight EVD. So far $5-million USD was raised in just two days! The U.K. government promised to match (with taxpayer funds) up to $7.5-million that came by way of donations.

Of course a lot of the money will be spent on the U.K.’s hazmat supply industries.

France is now taking care of a United Nations employee infected with ebola.  The ’employee’ got infected while in Sierra Leone.  The UN is refusing to give out anymore details.

An Italian man was fined almost $2-thousand USD for a “sick joke” he made about ebola, while on an airliner flying to Ireland.  The man wrote Warning Ebola on the lid of a coffee cup he was sharing with his daughter.  I think the fine is a ‘sick joke’.  Court records show no other passengers saw the coffee cup lid!  An airline employee saw the lid after it was thrown in the trash.  However, prosecutors likened the joke to a terrorist writing a note saying there was a bomb on the plane, even though in this case the note was never shown to anybody other than the jokesters themselves!

Ghana: Not only has China agreed to join Obama’s Operation United Assistance, but the People’s Liberation Army Air Force is using the same U.S. airbase in the western African country of Ghana.  Chinese cargo planes recently off-loaded Personal Protection Equipment (PPE), sprayers, body temperature detectors and body bags.  Ghana has yet to have any ebola cases, but is being used as a distribution point by the U.S. and China for those countries that do.

Guinea: A Cuban fighting ebola in the western African country has died, but not from the filovirus. He died from protozoans that cause malaria.

Jamaica: The Caribbean country has recently hired a couple of Cuban healthcare personnel to oversea anti-ebola training for Jamaican healthcare workers.

Japan: An NHK report said Japan’s healthcare system is not ready for an ebola outbreak.  A health official also said the health systems of countries around the World are not ready: The Japanese government has tightened its border controls. But the root of the problem lies in West African countries. Japan and the rest of the international community should support these countries in two ways: One is to take countermeasures against ebola and the second is to build better healthcare systems for the future.”-Omi ShigeruJapan Community Healthcare Organization

Korea (DPRK): The ebola threat has scared the leaders in the north so much that they now require 21 days of quarantine for anybody entering the country, regardless of where they’re coming from!  The news was reported by China’s Ministry of Commerce, saying the DPRK had notified them of the new policy.

Liberia: There are reports that the government healthcare system has collapsed. The western African country is now being hit with a malaria outbreak, and NGOs and charities are trying to take up the slack caused by the failed government system.  Mosquitos are rampant, and if they can spread a blood-borne disease like malaria then why not ebola?

In the former U.S. colony, survivors of ebola are being used to care for new victims, but only for three months.  Supposedly a survivor is immune to EVD for a short time of only three months.   However, doctors say the many survivors stick around treatment centers for the three months because they are no longer welcome by their fellow villagers.

A recent claim by the UN World Health Organization, that ebola cases are decreasing, has been shown to be a lie.  The United Nations admits the true reason why their ‘numbers’ are down is because they can’t get to all the clinics or villages, impeding their ability to do an accurate body count!  After all, the UN also says the death toll in Liberia is not decreasing.

Liberian Christian leaders say ebola is God’s punishment for homosexuals.  Isn’t that what Christian leaders said about AIDS?   The Liberian Christians are now using the UN WHO claim that cases are decreasing as proof of God’s “forgiveness”!

A Christian charity estimates that in the capital city of Monrovia they are trying to help at least 157 children now orphaned due to ebola.   Another charity reports they are dealing with 500 ebola orphans.  There are dozens of charities, each working with hundreds of ebola orphans in the Greater Monrovia Area.

Sierra Leone:  Officials are accusing Canada of racism for banning all travelers from the western African country (which is also a former British empire colony).

United States: “We had hoped this wouldn’t happen, We’ve done a lot of work to prepare for an Ebola case.”-Dave Underriner, Providence Health & Services

In the Pacific Coast state of Oregon, a woman visiting from Liberia is now in home quarantine.  She was self monitoring when she noticed a spike in her temp.  She was released from the hospital, into the care of a family who will keep her under quarantine until blood tests results are in.  Officials say the woman claims she hasn’t come into contact with anybody infected.


Update, 27 October 2014

Ebola Update, 27 October 2014: Japan has 1st ebola case? Obama signs executive order for Medical Martial Law, then accuses news media & state officials of fear mongering!

Japan: A Canadian reporter (Japan’s NHK first reported him as a Japanese reporter), who flew from western Africa to Europe and then onto Japan, arrived at Tokyo International Airport with a fever and other signs of EVD.  He is now in quarantine, medical officials the results of an initial blood sample are negative for ebola.  The reporter made stopovers in Belgium and United Kingdom on his way home to Japan, he had spent two months in Liberia.

The news broke as prime minister Abe Shinzo ordered an emergency meeting to discuss ebola as a threat to national security!  Supposedly that meeting is not connected to the quarantined reporter.

It’s also convenient that Fujifilm announced they would buy Texas based Kalon, to help mass produce an experimental influenza drug for use against ebola (it’s called Avigan aka Favipiravir)

United States:  In a typical example of talking out of both sides of your mouth at the same time the leader of the supposed ‘free world’, Barack insane Obama, is now chastising state officials (several states now have mandatory quarantine for anybody coming from western Africa) and news media outlets for fear mongering about ebola.  Obama is specifically targeting news reports, insinuating that most are rumors and innuendo.

But wait, the overwhelming  number of reports from news sources are simply quoting health officials, and government officials including Barack Obama.

Florida has joined Illinois, New Jersey and New York in quarantining anybody from countries designated by the U.S. CDC as EVD hot zones.  That’s a fact, not a rumor mister president.

New York has just quarantined a five years old boy, that’s a fact mister president, not a rumor.  Initial blood tests show no EVD.

A nurse, who is not sick, quarantined in New York is now suing the state for treating her like a criminal in solitary confinement, she doesn’t even have access to a shower!  That’s a fact, not a rumor!

So far, everybody who’s gotten sick inside the United States has had all their possessions seized by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and then incinerated!  That’s a fact!

Recently Obama stated “First, you cannot get ebola easily. You can’t get it through casual contact with someone…”

If this is true why are so many healthcare workers, who’re using ebola treatment protocols, getting sick?   Why did the U.S. CDC revise their protocols saying 100% of your skin must be covered while treating people with ebola filovirus?  Why are so many relatives in western African countries getting sick from what appears to be ‘casual’ contact?  Why did two nurses in Dallas, Texas, get sick when both swear they were following ‘protocols’ and did not come into contact with bodily fluids of the man that died?  It was because of these facts that the U.S. CDC changed their protocols.  Those U.S. citizens who survived EVD did so because they underwent immediate and intensive treatments, the man who died did not.  In fact he was actually misdiagnosed, then later on had treatment delayed and was actually treated with a drug for pox viruses!  In other words, if you don’t get immediate treatment you will die, that’s a fact, not a rumor.

Obama also said “We have to keep leading the global response…”

Fact: The U.S. is not the one leading the global response, that would be Cuba!   Obama sends in 4-thousand combat troops to build military airbases and military hospitals, while thousands of west Africans get sick and die, yet Cuba has sent hundreds of medical personnel with great success where ever they operate.  In fact, Obama has accepted Cuba’s offer of help!     I’ve asked this before, why aren’t any of the Cuban medical personnel getting sick, unlike the privately funded U.S. and European medics working for NGOs and religious groups?

Obama said “We have to stop it at its source, in West Africa…”

Fact: Nobody knows the ‘source’!  The first case was documented in Guinea at the end of 2013, then it showed up almost overnight in Liberia and Sierra Leone. There have been claims that the first ebola victim in Guinea got sick by eating infected meat, however the fact is that’s pure speculation, no proof of such a claim has been presented!  I’ve postulated that it’s connected to the GMO United Nations food aid that was literally forced upon those countries at the beginning of 2013.  Even Liberians made that claim.  Don’t forget ZMapp anti-ebola drug is made with GMO tobacco infused with ebola filovirus.

Obama said “We have to be guided by facts, not fear…”

Fact: Barack Obama signed an executive order activating Department of Defense Reserve units, and deployed 4-thousand combat troops to western Africa, declaring EVD was a matter of national security.  That sounds like fear mongering to me!

Fact: Florida, Illinois, New Jersey and New York state governments have ordered mandatory quarantines for anybody coming from ebola hot zones overseas, sounds like fear mongering to me! (realize that if somebody got off a plane, and was infected, that means the airliner’s air circulation system along with all other passengers and crew could be infected as well. So why not quarantine everybody, mister Cuomo, Christie, Scott and Quinn?)

Fact: Even CDC officials realized they don’t know squat about this new strain of ebola.  They’ve changed their ‘protocols’.  Front line medical personnel, and even the governors of New Jersey and New York, question the competency of the exalted CDC.  Frontier Airlines expressed frustration over what they should do with the airliner that was contaminated by the infected nurse, because the CDC doesn’t know what to do with it! (on 15 October the CDC finally issued “interim guidelines” for airlines)

Fact: It’s government officials, including Barack Obama, who are doing the fear mongering!

Update, 25 October 2014: Get sick, lose all your possessions!

Ebola Update, 25 October 2014: Get sick, lose all your possessions! New birth control; Ebola is an STD! Got breast milk? Urine is not sterile! Korea bans Chinese! Unconstitutional Medical Martial Law has official title; Operation United Assistance!

“China has good systems and capacity in place to respond quickly should any case or possible case of Ebola be detected here.”-Bernhard Schwartlander, UN World Health Organization

China: Officials are spending an additional $82-million USD to fight ebola.  It’s the fourth time China has spent big bucks, despite criticism  from  ‘western’ countries who so far have only sent combat troops.

In Guangdong Province, random public health screenings have been stepped up, due to the fact that there is a large population of people from western Africa in the province.  The city of Guangzhou has designated seven hospitals as ebola treatment centers.

European Union:  France is now expanding their ebola checks from airports to boats and any other forms of mass transit coming into the country.  Since June, French health officials have investigated 480 possible cases of EVD.  So far all were negative.

Researchers in England, United Kingdom, now think the Medieval plague know as Black Death was not a bacteria, but a form of ebola virus!  The researchers say the spread rate of the Black Death was too fast for a bacteria.

Japan: Officials at all 30 international airports are conducting medical surveys to single out anybody from western Africa, or anybody who’s been to western Africa.

A Japanese surgical mask maker called Clever has donated 10-thousand masks to western African countries.  They report they are now getting requests from the EU country of France, and the U.S. city of New York.

Korea (DPRK): All travelers from China are now banned due to ebola fears.   It was Chinese travel agencies that revealed the Medical Martial Law by ‘North’ Korea.

Mail: The northern African country’s first victim died.  Reports are confusing, some say the two years old girl got infected while attending a funeral in Guinea, with her grandparents.  Another report says her father died from EVD.  It was a nurse who detected signs of ebola in the girl.  43 people in Mali are now under quarantine, most are healthcare workers.  Unconfirmed reports say the girl’s mother is now infected.   Mail is also a country where fierce battles have raged for years between pro-U.S.-European Christians and independence minded Muslims, who are fighting over who will control recently discovered oil reserves (which just happen to be in Muslim territory).

Mali was a French colony, and there are French military units in-country, under the guise of fighting terrorism.

Mexico: Health officials are handing out ebola warning pamphlets and posting signs at border crossings and airports.  About 90% of healthcare workers are undergoing ebola training.  21 people from western Africa were detained, but later declared free of ebola.

United States: The Center for Disease Control and Prevention revealed that ebola filovirus is also a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD)!   CDC officials say EVD can be passed on through sexual intercourse for three months after a person has been declared ebola free!  It’s based on their interviews with the New York doctor who is sick in quarantine.  Health officials are not sure if the doctor had sex with his fiancee, but she is being medically monitored.

The UN World Health Organization has been warning that EVD can survive in semen for at least 70 days after a person is considered cured!  The UN WHO also says ebola can survive for a long time in urine (killing the myth that urine is sterile, all you sicko urophilics out there) and breast milk!

The states of Illinois, New Jersey and New York announced they will automatically quarantine all medical personnel returning from countries experiencing ebola outbreaks. This after a sick doctor returned from Guinea, and traveled around the Big Apple for a week before being hospitalized. Also, anybody who has had contact with sick people in Africa will be quarantined.

In Texas, the U.S. Army’s San Antonio Military Medical Center began training the new Ebola Rapid Response Team.  These Teams are meant for domestic Medical Martial Law use.

Barack Obama issued the order last week, commanding all Reserve military units to prepare for implementing the Medical Martial Law called Operation United Assistance.   Many main streamer news sources reported that this includes the activation of National Guard units for deployment to western Africa, this is not so, it is for enforcement of domestic Medical Martial Law.

For one,  National Guard personnel have already been involved in U.S. operations in western Africa for some time now (at the beginning of October Kentucky’s 123rd Contingency Response Group was sent to Senegal, ostensibly to set up an “airbase” for fighting ebola, and South Carolina militias are about to be deployed to western Africa).

Number two, it is unConstitutional for the President to activate National Guard units to fight a disease.  Article I, Section 8, Clauses 15-16 clearly list three reasons for activating state militias (“to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrection and repel invasions”), and fighting diseases is not one of them.  If you read the executive order Obama is not activating National Guard units (which are technically state militias) he is ordering the call up of Regular Army, Air Force, Navy and Marines Corp Reserve units.  Reserve units are directly tied to federal Active Duty units.

However, a few more reasons why the news media is reporting that National Guard units are part of Operation United Assistance is because the following states revealed they are prepping for it:

The state of Virginia has complied with the Obama regime’s questionable executive order and placed its Air and Army militias (National Guard) on standby in case of a domestic ebola outbreak.

West Virginia: “First responders, health department folks, military, and law enforcement, all of those agencies are working together to prepare for the Ebola threat.”-Major General Jim Hoyer, West Virginia National Guard

The state of Wisconsin is ordering cooperation between National Guard units and local hospitals and fire departments: “We are currently putting together two teams of approximately 10 individuals made up of physicians, physician assistants, nurses and some support personnel.”-Major Paul Rickert, Wisconsin National Guard

There is a belief that infected people cannot spread the filovirus until they are showing symptoms.  But you have to wonder why so many healthcare workers, who are following protocols, are getting sick.

Warning, if you get sick with ebola prepare to lose all your life long possessions.  So far everybody who’s gotten sick in the U.S. has had all their possessions seized by the CDC and incinerated!   Everything that isn’t literally nailed down!

Update, 23 October 2014

Ebola Update, 23 October 2014: NYC doctor has ebola! U.S. accepts help from Cuba! U.S. hospitals rebelling against U.S. CDC? Says CDC issuing vague protocols, in frustration hospitals will refuse treatment! U.S. healthcare system regressing!

“This is another example of how this 21st century viral threat has pulled us back into the 19th century.”-Howard Markel, University of Michigan

Despite the fact that communist China has sent 10-thousand vaccines to western Africa, the UN World Health Organization announced they will begin experimenting with vaccines in western Africa, as if the Chinese vaccines don’t exist.  Of course the UN WHO vaccines that will be tested are produced by capitalist North American and European companies.  In other words, there’s a vaccine war going on!

Burundi: The African country is sending medical personnel to Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea, saying it’s a matter of national security: “The Ebola virus is more than a health issue, but also a security issue.”-Sabine Ntakarutimana,  Public Health and AIDS Control Minister

Botswana: The African country promises to donate medical supplies and money in the global fight against ebola.

Cuba: Cuban news media blames the out of control EVD (Ebola Virus Disease) outbreak in the former(?) U.S. colony of Liberia on intense poverty.

Germany: The Federal Ministry of Education and Research promises to spend an additional $6-million USD to fight ebola.  Apparently this is on top of the German government’s promise, last Friday, to spend $107-million fighting EVD!

Kenya:  The African country is training up 30-thousand medical personnel to fight ebola: “…the Ministry of Health would like to assure members of the public that the government is on high alert and has put in place measures to prevent any possible outbreak of Ebola.”-Nicholas Muraguri, Ministry of Health Director of Medical Services

Liberia: 51 medical personnel from the Caribbean country of Cuba have arrived.

Slovenia: The European country says it’s ready to take on EVD: “If the ebola virus appeared here, we guarantee that the people would be taken care of.”-Milojka Kolar Celarc, Health Minister

Suriname: The South American country has banned people from Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea.

United States: A doctor in New York City is now under quarantine, with symptoms of ebola.  He recently returned from Guinea, where he was working for Médecins Sans Frontières.  I’ve posted before that the UN WHO says quarantine days should be 42, not the 21 the U.S. CDC is pushing.  It was Médecins Sans Frontières who notified the New York City Department of Health & Mental Hygiene about the sick doctor.

The New York Times reporting that the Obama regime has relented and agreed to accept help from Cuba!  The newspaper cites the Department of State for the information.

And more proof ebola could be a False Flag op to justify Medical Martial Law; U.S. Army 4 star General Martin Dempsey just stated that ebola is the new biggest threat to U.S. national security, and admitted that the deployment of combat troops to western Africa was not about medical care, saying “…the mission in West Africa will not include direct care to patients…Domestically we will also have a team of medical experts to assist civilian healthcare professionals….” 

Texas Health Presbyterian, the hospital that unsuccessfully treated the man that died, and subsequently experienced a mass exodus of patients, reports they’ve lost $8.1-million since the beginning of October as a result.

The Texas Medical Association (TMA) have issued their own protocols for private practice doctors, regarding EVD.  This is because they believe the protocols issued by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are too vague!

The TMA is telling doctors to perform over the phone diagnosis, rather than have sick people coming into their office.

Connecticut doctors warn that the CDC protocols apply only to people taken down by ebola, not people still well enough to walk around on their own: “The CDC has had a good deal of guidance on the hospital environment, but less about the ambulatory environment; there’s been little guidance on that score.”-Rocco Orlando the 3rd, Hartford HealthCare

“Most of the information that has been disseminated is about containment at a hospital, but what we’re going to see in most cases is someone showing up in a physician’s office first, and physicians’ offices don’t have the equipment necessary.”-Matthew Katz, Connecticut State Medical Society

Reuters reporting that at least three major healthcare providers in the U.S. are considering to outright refuse treatment to people suspected of having ebola filovirus: “…discussions about adopting policies to withhold care in Ebola cases are under way at places like Geisinger Health System, which operates hospitals in Pennsylvania, and Intermountain Healthcare, which runs facilities in Utah…”

Back in Connecticut, reports say at least nine people are quarantined for possible ebola infection.  State officials refused to give details, but said the people had been to western Africa.

Update, 20 October 2014: “I don’t see a light at the end of the tunnel”

Operation Climate Change: “Politics or ideology must not get in the way…” U.S. DoD reveals ‘climate change’ is all part of a plan for global domination!

20 October 2014 (06:17 UTC-07 Tango)/25 Dhu l-Hijja 1435/28 Mehr 1393/27 Jia-Xu 4712

“In our defense strategy, we refer to climate change as a ‘threat multiplier’ because it has the potential to exacerbate many of the challenges we are dealing with today – from infectious disease to terrorism. We are already beginning to see some of these impacts.”-2014 Climate Change Adaption Raodmap

The U.S. Department of Defense announced new plans to use ‘climate change’ for domestic martial law and to expand the U.S. empire.

The DoD issued a 2014 Climate Change Adaption Roadmap report stating that climate change is now a threat to U.S. national security and that U.S. officials must be prepared to invade and occupy other countries under the guise of saving them from the wrath of Mother Earth, and the DoD issued a warning to ‘elected’ officials: “Politics or ideology must not get in the way…”

The immediate goals of the DoD are:  “….enhance collaboration within the Department itself, across the Federal Government, and with external entities that include partner nations, non-­‐government organizations, and the private sector.”  

“…to train and test…”

“…collaboration with internal and external stakeholders will be required…”

“Collaboration with the private sector, including major manufacturing, supply, and transportation corporations…”

Ebola Update, 20 October 2014: “I don’t see a light at the end of the tunnel” U.S. DoD forms special Medical Martial Law teams! ObamaCare insurance reforms forcing sick people to go to ill equipped clinics! Medical Martial Law as cops start killing ebola victim’s pets!

Despite China having hundreds of medical personnel in western Africa, sending 10-thousand experimental vaccines and giving three western African countries $6-million in food aid, the evil UN World Health Organization just accused the people of China of not doing enough!

Liberia: Daniel Lucey, medical doctor and professor from Washington DC’s Georgetown University serving a tour with Medecins Sans Frontieres, backs up independent journalist claims that things are snowballing downhill: “I don’t see a light at the end of the tunnel, the epidemic is still getting worse.”

United Kingdom: Oxford based international terror group disguised as charity Oxfam declared that ebola filovirus is the “definitive humanitarian disaster of our generation”, and then demanded more taxpayer funding from the European Union.

United States: In Texas, the Carnival cruise ship, with the Dallas nurse onboard, docked in Galveston.

Galveston is also were the medical waste of ebola victims are being incinerated.

It’s been revealed that Obama Care (Affordable Care Act) insurance reforms are forcing sick people, who’ve been in contact with ebola victims, to go to ill equipped clinics instead of hospitals.

Recently a Dallas County deputy, who inspected the apartment of the man who died from ebola, got sick and rushed himself to an urgent care clinic.  Insurance industry written Obama Care actually penalizes people for going to a hospital.

A similar thing happened in Boston Strong, Massachusetts.  David Weber, an epidemiologist at the University of North Carolina’s hospital, says sending people with potentially infectious diseases to clinics is the wrong thing to do because clinics are “…an even less controlled situation.”

In Mississippi, ignorant parents pulled their kids out of school after they learned a teacher had been to Zambia.  So far there is no ebola outbreak in Zambia, but for some reason many Mississippians think all of Africa is a giant EVD hot zone!

The incompetent U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have announced their ‘new’ ebola protocols, now saying absolutely no skin should be exposed on medical personnel treating ebola victims.

The U.S. Department of Defense announced they are creating special 30 person medical martial law teams, that will be deployed inside the United States to ‘aid’ civilian authorities!

Spain: A nurse who survived ebola is now outraged, because while she was in the hospital paranoid police state officials killed her dog, out of an unconfirmed fear that the dog was infected.  Almost a decade ago doctors in central Africa claimed that dogs were getting infected by eating the dead bodies of ebola victims.  However, Spanish officials didn’t bother to quarantine or test the nurse’s dog before killing it.

Her husband posted a video to the internet saying the Spanish government’s response to ebola is “lousy”!  At least 390-thousand Spanish people are protesting the dog’s death at the hands of a police state.

Update, 19 October 2014:….it’s a bio-weapon 

hemorrhagic disease killing dogs in United States!

Ebola Update, 19 October 2014: Queen reveals it’s a bio-weapon, and a Pandemic in 2015 for sure! Cuba offers to help U.S.! Cruise ship becomes living nightmare for passengers! West African reporter says it’s far worse than what western officials are admitting! Hospital avoided like the plague!

“People are scared. I’ve seen people crying. You’re using the same buffet line as someone else….It’s really difficult to control any type of virus that’s on a cruise ship. It’s like a floating petri dish. It spreads very rapidly.”-Jon Malone, Carnival Magic passenger

The cruise ship that became the unfortunate carrier of a female nurse that was involved in handling the medical samples of the man that died in Dallas, Texas, is now being described as a “floating petri dish” by passengers.

A British empire news report has revealed that the ship has been essentially quarantined in the western Caribbean.  The report says passengers knew something was up when the ship apparently wasn’t moving for about four days.

The nurse was, for some reason, allowed to go on the Carnival cruise to Belize just days after the ebola victim died.

On 18 October, a U.S. Coast Guard helicopter was dispatched to the cruise ship, to pick up a sample of blood from the nurse.  Cruise line officials claim the nurse is not showing any signs of infection.   This goes against early reports that said the Obama regime tried to get the woman off the ship in Belize, because she was sick, only to be rebuffed by the Belizean government.

On 17 October, Mexico refused to allow the the ship to dock at Cozumel.

Canada: The British empire’s Great White North claims they have an anti-ebola vaccine.  Health officials say the vaccine is ten years in the making (and involves U.S. companies), and seems to work on non-human animals: “Canada views this experimental Ebola vaccine as a global resource and in the interest of global public health, we are sharing it with our international partners to help address the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.”-Rona Ambrose, Canadian Health Minister

China: Chinese State Councillor Yang Jiechi and U.S. Secretary of failed State John Kerry agreed to enhance cooperation on fighting ebola filovirus.

China’s National Health and Family Planning Commission has ordered all health districts to prepare for EVD in China.

China is in the middle of a dengue fever epidemic.  More than 36-thousand cases, so far. The worst form of dengue is like ebola; hemorrhagic.

Cuba: “We will gladly cooperate with American personnel in that task (the fight against Ebola), and not in search of peace between the two states that have been adversaries for so many years but, in any case, for peace in the world, a goal that can and should be attempted. The medical personnel who heads anywhere to save lives, even at the risk of losing theirs, are the greatest example of solidarity that a human being can offer, especially when one is not driven by material interest.”-Fidel Castro

United Kingdom: A report by thegaurdian’s globaldevelopment byline (which just happens to be funded by the population control freaks known as Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) says a former Sierra Leone journalist just returned from Liberia, and he says the death toll is far worse than what’s being reported by Liberian officials.

He also said that cremation of dead infected bodies has been ordered, but the families are refusing to follow through as it goes against their culture.  The in-depth report will air on Al Jazeera English on 12 November.

The queen’s Royal Army is sending 3-thousand Red Coats to Sierra Leone.  General Nick Carter says the combat troops will be used to help enforce a military lockdown of the entire country (Martial Law), if necessary!  An unnamed Ministry of Defence official slipped up and intimated biological warfare was afoot: “From a military perspective ebola is like a biological warfare attack and should be countered accordingly. There needs to be a clampdown on human movement inside Sierra Leone and possibly to and from the country between now and late 2015 when it is hoped that an antidote will have been developed.”

United States: Frontier Airlines officials have now released a list of 800 passengers who rode on the same aircraft that a infected nurse rode on. That nurse is now in quarantine in Atlanta, Georgia. The 800 airline passengers are being told to contact the incompetent U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The Christian Texas Presbyterian Hospital is reportedly now a “ghost town”. The death of a man infected with ebola, after his seemingly incompetent handling by hospital staff, has resulted in people avoiding the hospital like the plague.

In Dallas, a bus and train station was locked down an decontaminated after a sick woman apparently spit and threw up. She was reported to have lived in the same apartment building as one of the infected nurses. Amazingly, after all the panic, Dallas Area Rapid Transit officials then said the woman was not a threat because she is not on the official ebola watch list.

There are reports that more and more U.S. hospitals are taking it upon themselves to impose their own protocols for handling ebola.

At New York’s JFK Airport you to can become an ebola screener, for only $19 per hour!

The Wall Street Journal reporting that many of your favorite food flavorings are going to get expensive, because they come from the very western African countries being shutdown by ebola: “There is no ‘Ebola clause’ that will easily cover companies in the supply chain. It’s a real gray area right now.”-Adam Rekerdres, Rekerdres & Sons Insurance Agency, which offers insurance for commodity suppliers and users

The man appointed by Barack Obama to be the Ebola Czar (with the authority to declare Medical Martial Law) is not experienced in medicine, Ron Klain is a Washington DC lawyer! It just goes from bad to worse.

update 18 October 2014

Ebola Update, 18 October 2014: Why is U.S. DoE involved in ebola research? Damning reports from professors & former government officials of False Flag Ebola ops by Obama regime? U.S. troops sent to Africa to protect, or destroy once secret U.S. bio-weapons labs?

“The incompetence of U.S. public health authorities in responding to ebola gives legs to these theories. Real conspiracies abound. Those who say ‘it’s just a conspiracy theory’ need to look up the meaning of conspiracy. As one commentator observed, the CDC’s response to ebola is too stupid for stupid…..

…..why not close down Washington and outsource our governance to a more competent country?”-Paul Craig Roberts, former assistant secretary of the U.S. Treasury for Economic Policy

I’ve reported that since the beginning of this ‘ebola’ (EVD) outbreak that Liberians have suspected it was a False Flag operation conducted by the United States and their corrupt politicians.

Cyril Broderick, former professor of Plant Pathology at University of Liberia’s College of Agriculture and Forestry, outright accuses the U.S. of genetically modifying this new strain of ebola and using west Africans as guinea pigs.  Read his report here.

Don’t forget that I’ve postulated that it’s in the GMO crops! 

Could mosquitoes be the new vectors for this new EVD? “Although Oxitec Limited was the developer who engaged in most of the groundwork for the GM insects, the project was not theirs alone. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Health Organization, The PEW Charitable Trusts, and government agencies in the United States, England, Malaysia, and others were all involved in the development and promotion of the GM mosquitoes.”  

“U.S. government agencies have a long history of carrying out allegedly defensive biological warfare research at labs in Liberia and Sierra Leone. This includes the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which is now the point agency for managing the Ebola spill-over into the U.S.  Why has the Obama administration dispatched troops to Liberiawhen they have no training to provide medical treatment to dying Africans?   ….Why is the CDC not better-prepared for this emergency after the U.S. government spent about $70 billion since the anthrax attacks of October 2001 to prepare for this exact contingency?”-Francis Boyle, University of Illinois College of Law

But wait, there’s more! The U.S. Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Knoxville, Tennessee, just revealed that they have an ebola filovirus detection kit that can confirm infection within seconds, instead of days!

A contractor in Louisiana is stepping forward saying they are ready to work with the DoE to mass produce and sell the EVD detection kit.  How convenient.

Anybody wondering why the Department of Energy has been working on an ebola detection kit?  Shouldn’t that be the Department of Health and Human Services, or Center for Disease Control and Prevention?   Many times the DoE has worked on projects in conjunction with the Department of Defense.  That’s exactly right, the DoE intimated that Obama’s National Security Council ordered them to come up with the new detection kit!   The NSC refuses to answer questions from the mainstream news media about it.

By the way, Obama’s new ebol ‘czar’ has the authority to call up state militias (National Guard units) to combat ebola.  Say isn’t that de facto Martial Law?

Whew, the shit’s gettin’ deep!

Update, 17 October 2014

Ebola Update, 17 October 2014: UN admits 2015 “perfect storm” Pandemic a sure bet! Bio-warfare at the Pentagon? Infected(?) Texas nurse found in Caribbean, on ship with hundreds of passengers! 12 Ohioans under quarantine! China reports first case? Cuba kickin’ ass, so far!

“It’s the regional office in Africa that’s the front line, and they didn’t do anything! That office is really not competent. I called for a state of emergency to be declared in July and for military operations to be deployed!”-Peter Piot, co-discoverer of the ebola filovirus blaming UN WHO for quarantined pandemic during interview with the U.S. ABC news

“Nearly everyone involved in the outbreak response failed to see some fairly plain writing on the wall. A perfect storm was brewing, ready to burst open in full force.-United Nations World Health Organization admitting failure in response to ebola, it’s too late to stop pandemic now!

Despite admitting failure, the UN WHO is now asking the World’s taxpayers to shell out billions of dollars more to fund the UN WHO ebola response.  That’s on top of what those taxpayers and insurance buyers already pay to their respective country’s healthcare systems.

Belize: An infected(?) nurse from the U.S. state of Texas was found on a cruise ship off the central American country, and is now under quarantine!  The nurse had handled the biohazard waste of the man that died in a Dallas hospital.   The cruise ship operators declared Medical Martial Law on the nurse and put them in quarantine.   Here’s the big question: Why in the hell did U.S. health officials allow this nurse to go on a cruise ship ride with hundreds of other passengers?

The Obama regime tried to evacuate the nurse through the Belize airport, but the government of Belize basically said ‘hell no, that nurse ain’t gettin’ off that ship!’: “…we have maintained the position that when even the smallest doubt remains, we will ensure the health and safety of the Belizean people.”

Most Caribbean and central American countries have imposed bans on people coming from west African countries.  And some have even banned travel to west Africa.

Canada: Ten hospitals in the Great White North have been designated ebola pandemic treatment centers: Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Hamilton Health Sciences, Health Sciences North, Hospital for Sick Children, Kingston General Hospital, London Health Sciences Centre, The Ottawa Hospital, St. Michael’s Hospital, Sunnybrook Hospital, and Toronto Western Hospital.

China:  Thousands of experimental ebola vaccines, developed in co-ordination with the People’s Liberation Army, have been sent to ebola afflicted African countries.

Zhejiang Science and Technology Press and Gabon’s NTSAME have published a book titled Prevention and Treatment of Common Diseases in Africa, with a focus on ebola.  China is providing the book to African countries for free!

Nationalist China (Taiwan): In Ningbo, a man from Nigeria is in the hospital with ebola symptoms. He had just gotten off a flight from Africa, today, and showed signs of fever.

Taiwan’s Centers for Disease Control (CDC) claims the Mandarin Airlines plane was decontaminated before resuming flights.

Cuba: The country that the people of the United States love to hate the most is not only kicking ass in the international response to ebola, but will now host a Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our Americas-Treaty of Commerce for the Peoples symposium on how to fight ebola.  It will be held on 20 October in Havana.

United States: Christian preacher/politician Jesse Jackson is now calling for an end to five decades old U.S. embargoes against Cuba, in light of the now guaranteed ebola pandemic.

In Kentucky, the doctor/politician Rand Paul says the ebola filovirus (aka Ebola Virus Disease, EVD) can travel through the air three feet!  He said U.S. health officials need to be honest with the U.S. public.

In Washington DC, a woman who had been to west Africa got sick on a bus while in the Pentagon parking lot.  The Pentagon Force Protection Agency freaked out and called for help.  Arlington County officials say that as of now there is no confirmation that the woman has ebola.

In Pennsylvania, governor Tom Corbett revealed that three residents are under “medical observation” in Texas.  He refused to call it ‘quarantine’.  They were on the flight shared with the infectious nurse from Texas.

In Boston Strong (but apparently dumb) Massachusetts, doctors are reporting that they are getting little to no advise on how to handle suspected ebola infections!   Local news reports say only since yesterday has state and federal health officials been making that info available.

In New York, eight hospitals have been designated ebola pandemic treatment centers: Mount Sinai Hospital in Manhattan,  NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital in Manhattan, Bellevue Hospital Center in Manhattan, North Shore/Long Island Jewish Health System in Nassau County, Montefiore Medical Center in Bronx,  SUNY Upstate University Hospital in Syracuse, Stony Brook University Hospital in Long Island, University of Rochester Medical Center in Rochester.

In Texas, about 50 hospital employees voluntarily agreed to legally restrict their own travel, until they’re proven to be clear of infection.  They were involved in caring for the man that died from ebola at the incompetent Texas Health Presbyterian hospital.

In Colorado, Frontier Airlines has voluntarily grounded the airliner that the infected nurse from Texas rode on.  They’ve cleaned it at least four times, but airline officials now say the incompetent U.S. CDC is not giving them any advise on whether the plane is OK to use again: “Right now, the CDC is telling us we don’t need to dispose of anything, so we don’t have any information on to how to dispose. That’s why right now, it’s just not being moved.”-Barry Biffle

In Ohio, the owner of Coming Attractions Bridal got a Medical Martial Law visit from U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.   It’s because an infected nurse from Texas paid a visit to the bridal shop.  The CDC ordered the shop owner to stay home for several days, after she decontaminated her entire bridal store!

The CDC confirms that at least 12 people in Ohio are now under quarantine, after they contacted the infected nurse from Texas.  The CDC is also trying to contact every person that flew on the airliner that the infected nurse flew on.  Health officials now admit that the sick nurse was infectious for at least four days before originally stated!

The incompetent CDC considers 21 days to be the max length of time to develop symptoms if you’re exposed to ebola (but they’ve been wrong before).  In fact, the UN WHO has reported that 98% of African victims had an incubation period as long as 42 days!  Meaning the current 21 day ebola quarantine used in the U.S. is too short!

The Obama regime is panicking and has created an ebola ‘czar’ position.  Apparently Obama has lost faith in the CDC’s Tom Fieden.

they’re all infected!