Tag Archives: unemployment

OWS, What Economic Recovery? As promised, Occupiers shutting down busy U.S. West Coast shipping ports. Watch out, media reporting there are undercover cops amongst your ranks!

A video stream from the Port of Long Beach, in California, shows that it’s raining, and you can also hear what Occupiers say are police helicopters circling low.

California media reporting that Occupiers have moved onto several important shipping port; Los Angeles, Long Beach, Oakland, Portland in Oregon and Seattle in Washington.

Occupiers were hoping the port labor unions would join in, but one union official said there was not enough support from union members.

Bloomberg media says Goldman Sachs is the main target of the Occupiers.  Goldman Sachs owns the country’s largest port cargo operator: SSA Marine.

Reuters has confirmed that Los Angeles police sent in undercover officers prior to mass arrests last month.  The LA police said they used the info they got from spying on the occupiers to make the arrests.


Government & Corporate Incompetence: Still no decontamination efforts in Fukushima!

Just days after the the 11 March 2011 earthquake and tsunamis, several Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactors went critical, melted down, and some even exploded.  But to date (11 December 2011) no decontamination efforts have been carried out by the prefectural or national governments!

A couple of cities, and even neighborhood committees have attempted decontamination of their immediate surroundings, but nothing on the large scale that’s needed.  This is because no one in higher authority thought such a nuclear disaster would ever happen.

Testimony by many Japanese officials (and Tokyo Electric Power Company officials) say representatives from General Electric (and other U.S. nuclear power companies), and the U.S. government, had claimed the U.S. designed disaster reactors were the safest in the world.  Japanese officials thought there was no justification for such preparations as the U.S. designed nuke plants were so safe.

As a result of the March nuclear disaster (which is still ongoing) officials in the national and prefectural governments have been scrambling to learn everything they can about how to deal with the situation (that included a trip to Chernobyl, albeit very late in the game).

But learning everything they could in a short time wasn’t enough.  The Japanese national government had to pass a law ordering the large scale decontamination!

The Japanese Environment Ministry says they will begin decontamination of roads and other infrastructure in late January 2012.  They do not expect to be able to start decontaminating residences until March 2012!  And that’s for areas contaminated with less than 20 millisieverts of radiation. Japanese officials admit they still don’t know how to deal with areas contaminated with more than 20 millisieverts of radiation!

The Environment Ministry says they are conducting new studies to see how best to handle decontamination in areas with more than 20 millisieverts of radiation, with a focus on protecting the workers.

What Economic Recovery? Idaho Governor finally admits economy sucks, tax revenues continue to crash, not enough jobs

“This recent string of sub-par showings has raised concerns whether the sales tax will be able to recover enough to meet its targets during the important holiday shopping season.”-Derek Santos, Chief Economist for Idaho

After years of being ‘optimistic’ in his rhetoric regarding the local economy, Idaho’s Butch Otter is finally sounding more realistic: “…for both fiscal 2012 and fiscal 2013 to be years of limited growth that will require us to be very selective in the authorization of new general fund spending.”-Clement Leroy ‘Butch’ Otter, Governor of Idaho

If times were bad when he was being optimistic, what’s really gonna happen now?

The reason why Governor Otter is turning down his optimism is that month after month State tax revenues have been much lower than hoped for.  November was no different.  Derek Santos, Idaho’s Chief Economist, says November 2011’s tax returns were 4.1% lower than November 2010.  And last year’s tax returns were down as well.

In fact, sales tax revenues for the first half of fiscal 2012 are already $19 million below what was hoped for!  Income taxes are $6.7 million below expectations!

Idaho’s fiscal 2012 year runs from July 2011 to June 2012.

Economic analysts hope that Idaho will end fiscal 2012 with a surplus of $130 million.  But realize that the State has run through $395 million in reserves since 2009!  Now add to that the fact that analysts also expect tax revenues to continue to drop.  One report said that State leaders did not have a “plan B” for when they run out of surplus money.

The only way that tax revenues will go back up is if a lot of good paying jobs are created. I guess that would be part of any “plan B” that our exalted leaders have failed to come up with.


Japan Modern Day Atlantis round 4: Minamisanriku, hometown of Heroine Miki Endo is becoming the Atlantis I predicted

On March 11, a massive tsunami hit Minamisanriku.  If it wasn’t for a young woman, Miki Endo, as well as her boss ordering the residents to escape, many thousands more would have been killed.

Endo and her boss did not survive. They stayed at their posts on the second floor of the town hall building.  The water reached the top of the third floor of the building.  Endo’s last words over the city’s loudspeaker system were: “Take care mom!”

On November 7, Independent Television News updated the situation of Minamisanriku, and it looks like my past posts, comparing it to a modern day Atlantis, might apply.  A city official says no rebuilding can take place, because the land is slowing sinking into the ocean: “…our plan is to move the entire town to higher ground, because the ground level here has dropped by 70 cm [27.5 inches]. When we get higher tides, they come in and this entire area is underwater.”-Jin Sato, Mayor

Who said southern California can’t drop off into the ocean?



Occupy Los Angeles! OWS plans on shutting down biggest port in U.S., will rain on Rose Parade, homeless taking back their homes! Where’s the mainstream media coverage?

According to the Occupy LA website, on December 12, they will attempt to shut down the busiest port in the United States; the Port of Los Angeles, along with the Port of Long Beach.

The Port of Los Angeles is also known as America’s Port.

The OWSers will specifically target a shipping operation owned by Goldman Sachs; SSA Marine.

The attempted shut down is in conjunction with other OWS groups across the west coast, such as San Diego, Oakland, Portland and Anchorage.

In a report from the Los Angeles Times, OWSers will Occupy Pasadena’s 2012 Rose Parade.  Occupy Rose Parade organizers say they do not want to cause problems: “We want to make sure this is completely non-disruptive to the main parade.”– Peter Thottam, Occupy Rose Parade

On December 6, thousands of protestors from several different groups across the country, helped families who lost their homes take them back.  Occupy our Homes took place in Los Angeles, Riverside, South Gate, San Francisco, New York and other cities.

Big banks Wells Fargo and JP Morgan Chase were not happy.  One family said JP Morgan Chase had put their home up for auction without telling them, while they were still living in the home: “People started calling the house saying the house was going on auction, so I called the bank.”-Arturo de los Santos

De los Santos says he tried to work a loan modification deal, but JP Morgan Chase refused.  De los Santos says neighbors were told of Occupy our Homes, and support it: “On Sunday we went around the neighborhood and told neighbors we were doing this and they’re backing us up. All of them either know someone who’s going through a bad loan modification or know someone who’s out of their home because of a bad loan modification.”

According to the Washington Post, the Occupy Our Homes, or Occupied Real Estate (each movement had a different slogan), was huge.  They have lots of pics.  Where was the mainstream TV media coverage?



Government & Corporate incompetence: ECB to buy up European bonds but needs cash, EU to loan money…to the IMF, IMF will loan the money back to the ECB! The Elitist spiders are tangling their webs

“Oh what a tangled web we weave,
When first we practise to deceive!”-Walter Scott, Marmion, Canto vi. Stanza 17

I just read several reports.  One said the European Central Bank (ECB) wants to buy up the sovereign debts of European countries that are in financial trouble.  But the ECB says it needs about U.S.$150 billion to do it (notice they don’t have the cash on hand).

In another report the European Union said it will loan about $266 billion…to the U.S. based International Monetary Fund (not to their own ECB).  The purpose of the loan to the IMF is so the IMF can turn around and loan it back to European banks!

You must realize that the IMF is broke, just last week the President of the IMF came away from South America with a huge loan.  It was precedent setting, because for the first time in South America’s history they loaned money to the IMF, instead of the other way ’round.  So what did the IMF do with that money?

And why can’t the European Union loan the $266 billion directly to it’s member banks?  Is this just another accounting shell game?

The 1% elitist spiders have trapped themselves in their own web.  There’s no more flies to catch, the spiders are starving and they’re turning on each other!  It’s called World War 3!


Government, Corporate & Farmer Incompetence: MF Global scandal will destroy U.S. Agriculture! “Christmas is canceled.” Is it all about creating the Great Global Food Crisis?

“I simply do not know where the money is, or why the accounts have not been reconciled to date.”-Jon Corzine, former CEO of MF Global

On December 8, all those investors got their answer from the former boss of investment company MF Global.  Jon Corzine told the House Agriculture Committee that he doesn’t know what happened to the billions of investment dollars from clients, that include single moms and a lot of the country’s farmers.

“I can’t start my business at all because I have absolutely no capital…my twins’ birthday is December 9th, we can’t have a party now, Christmas is canceled.”-Jennifer DaRuzza, invested with MF Global in the hopes of raising enough money to start a business

The bigger concern is the fact that so many U.S. farmers were using investments with MF Global to fund their operations.  Historically farmers do not make enough money to “pay as you go”, they must deficit spend.

Senator Pat Roberts, who leads the Senate Agriculture Committee, told PBS’s Nightly Business Report that the MF Global scandal is bringing U.S. agriculture to a screeching halt: “…think of the farmer that was driving back to Kansas from Colorado, heard about this on the news, all of a sudden found out $30,000 of his assets were frozen. He was getting prepared to buy seed, fertilizer, was talking to a local realtor in regards to some land he might want to purchase or rent, that just stops it like that!”

Roberts also gave a dire warning for the country’s food supply in 2012: “…gonna have an impact on crops. This is gonna have an impact on our food prices. It is pretty broad across all the farm country and I’m hearing more about this than I am with what’s gonna happen in the farm bill!”

Try this:  Incompetent and greedy Corporate America just shot the United States in the Bread Basket!  Remember the Dust Bowl and Okies of the 1930s?  This time, instead of Mother Earth destroying U.S. agriculture it’s the hand of our divinely inspired leaders!

The destruction of the 1930s agriculture industry, in the bread basket of the U.S. (Midwest), is talked about as only one aspect of the Great Depression of the United States, but it should be discussed much more because people gotta eat!

(here’s a link to an interesting timeline of the Great Depression, where you should notice some ominous similarities between what happened then and what’s happening now)

It’s such a concern that United Nations officials have been warning of a coming Global Food Crisis for the past several years.  In 2008 UN officials called it “a silent tsunami” that was about to wash over the world.   This year the UN is stepping up preparations for long term famine relief (sinisterly involving the World Trade Organization): “My High Level Task Force is working to ensure that the UN system, international financial institutions and the WTO are ready to provide robust and consistent support to countries struggling to cope with food insecurity. This is a long term effort and it will require a comprehensive push to back solid partnerships, strong strategies and well financed actions that empower communities to become food secure.”-Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary General

The strange thing about Ban Ki-moon’s statement; notice the emphasis is on “financed actions”.  What happened to growing food?  This is even more reason for individuals to try and grow their own, remember Victory Gardens? We’re at war people, and it’s not one country against another, as our 1% Elitist leaders claim, it’s the We the 99% against the 1%!

Here’s another scary part concerning the UN preparations, I don’t think the UN had taken into account the possibility that the Japanese would destroy their agriculture with radiation, or that the U.S. agriculture industry would be done in by their own financial system!  If the UN was predicting, back in 2008, that more than 100 million people are going to be starving to death, what about now?

Conspiracy theorists blame the coming Global Food Crisis on the Trilateral Commission, the Club of Rome, UN Article 21, and more.  Why?  Because all these organizations and proclamations are about one thing: Destroying existing systems for the purpose creating an all powerful one world government.

Oh, don’t worry, there will still be national and local governments, but they’ll answer to one single world government.  As the Russian Foreign Ministry recently said, regarding the formation of CELAC, it’s all part of “…the formation of a polycentric world and the strengthening of the role of regions in the system of global governance…”

Trilateral Commission & Global Economic War: Italian & Greek austerity, slashing & burning the U.S. Postal Service, all part of Corporations taking over through Privatizing government services. House actor Hugh Laurie prophesied such a thing back in the 1980s!

The Italian and Greek prime ministers (both known members of the European branch of the Trilateral Commission, which is pushing for a one world government) forced their governments to pass austerity measures which include privatizing many government services.

Interestingly even though many government services will be privatized, the taxes Italians and Greeks pay will go way up.

Here in the United States, the scandal with the U.S. Postal Service might just be a move to fully privatize the service.  Why has the U.S. Congress stolen, I mean, forced the USPS to pay so much of their hard earned, non-taxpayer dollars, into government employee funds, and then refused to give it back when the USPS is in money trouble because of it?

There are many private delivery services that would love to get that business, and FedEx is already a contractor with the USPS (they’re the ones who actually handle those overnight and express mailings).

A few months ago I posted about protests in Australia.  What’s so important about Australia?  Well for one their economy is actually booming (being tied directly to the booming Chinese economy), and for second people are still losing their jobs!  It’s mainly government employees, and employees of companies that were getting government subsidies, who’re losing their jobs.

The Premier of New South Wales, Barry O’Farrell, actually said that privatization was a necessary step in preparing for the new world order, and that was why he was laying off 5,000 state government employees!  I wonder if he’s a member of the Trilateral Commission?

Now here’s a surprise, it turns out that Hugh Laurie, along with Stephen Fry,  actually predicted privatization back in the 1980/90s, in their comedy sketch called The Privatisation of the Police Force.

In the skit, a Brit has just returned from being away from England for awhile and his car is stolen.  He tries to report it only to learn that the police have been privatized.  He also learns that being a “citizen” is no longer enough, you must own “shares” in your local police service.  You must also be a “shareholder” of the streets you use in your everyday routine, if not “You can not pass!” (actually that quote is from the Fellowship of the Ring movie).  In the end the man is arrested for not having invested in any police service, or street, and is kicked in the nuts.  The skit ends with the man saying “I see some things haven’t changed.” (regarding Bobbie Brutality, and also prophetic of what’s happening now).

By the way you can watch it here.

The skit also makes reference to the United States, saying that America is to blame for the privatization trend, and remember this was in the 1980/90s!  But that shouldn’t be too much of a surprise, many conspiracy theorists, who investigated the Trilateral Commission, warned of it, only back then it was made fun of by comedians like Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry.

More seriously, here’s a link to a report on U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron’s push to privatize the Brutal Bobbies. Who’s laughing now?

Government Incompetence: Mafia Medicare deadline nears, but applications aren’t getting through, if you don’t sign up when you turn 65 you’ll pay for it!

“Some people had difficulty accessing the [Medicare] online enrollment center. Others have not had calls returned due to high call volume.”-Bill Deal, Idaho Department of Insurance

Midnight (00:00 hours) December 8 is the deadline for the elderly getting Medicare applications in, yet many are not going through.  Idaho officials are reporting that phone in enrollments are overwhelming their system.  For those people they will now have until December 10 to enroll.

“We’re seeing various people who delayed enrollment into Medicare for various reasons.”-Frederic Riccardi, Medicare Rights Center

And if you don’t think you need to sign up for Medicare, even though you’ve just turned 65, you’re going to pay for it later on.  Medicare actually penalizes you for not signing up when you become 65 years old.

For those people who enroll in Medicare after their 65th birthday, the government will increase your Medicare premiums by 10% for each year you delay enrollment!

If you’re still a “current” employee, then you don’t need to, but the instant you lose your job you better do it. And you can’t trust Social Security officials to tell you, or even the Medicare handbook, as one man learned the hard way: “On my last day of work, I went to the Social Security office, asking for some guidance.”  “I’ve never had a problem, until I tried to sign up for Medicare.” -Robert Joseph

Joseph lost his job after he turned 65.  Because of bad advise from a local Texas Social Security official, and because he misinterpreted instructions in a Medicare handbook, he waited 18 months after losing his job to enroll.  Now he’s paying a higher monthly premium because of those 18 months he waited!

Medicare is not ‘free’.  You pay for it with the FICA (Federal Insurance Contributions Act) taxes that are taken out of your paycheck.  Then you pay again when you enroll at the age of 65, in the form of Medicare insurance premiums.  And guess what?  You still have to pay out of your pocket for some of your medical care!  Sounds like the Mob is runin’ da joint!

OWS, What Economic Recovery? U.S. houses burning down, and people dying, direct result of local government budget cuts and insurance policies! More reason to get rid of government and the insurance industry!

“To me, it’s not an issue. To me it’s like car insurance. If you have a car, you pay insurance. If you want protection, you pay the price.”-Benny McGuire, Obion County Mayor

If you listen to Mayor McGuire’s statement it sure sounds like extortion.

For the second time this year, Tennessee firefighters stood by and watched a families home burn to the ground. The latest fire burned down a home on December 5.  When Obion County firefighters arrived they were ordered not to put out the fire, because the family had not paid a $75 firefighting fee!

Homeowner, Vicky Bell, told KFVS TV that she and most of her neighbors have not paid the fee because they were told they are ineligible for firefighting service anyway, because they don’t have home insurance!

Back on October 4, another Tennessee home burned to the ground for the same reason.  But this time the home owner offered to pay right then and there. The fire didn’t even start in the home!  The firefighters refused, and the home burned down killing three dogs and a cat!

“They coulda’ been saved if they put water on it. But they didn’t do it!”-Gene Cranick, watched pets burned alive

Some Tea Party ass holes think this is they way things should be done. Bull Shit!  I’ve been in Third World Countries and that’s the way it’s done there.  So you Tea Party ass holes want the United States to revert to Third World status?  Don’t worry, I think you’ll get your wish for freakin’ Xmas!

As previously stated, even if the home owners could afford the extortion fee of $75 , if they did not have insurance, which most home owners don’t have once they reach a certain point on making their mortgage payments (or they’ve paid off their home) because they can’t afford the insurance, they do not qualify to pay the extortion fee!!!

By the way, this is why you should not call a firefighter, EMT or cop, a hero.  Hero’s don’t require payment!!!

Oh, now I’ll get to the guy who died why public servants literally stood by and wrung their hands.

“I thought it was kind of weird that they weren’t going out to bring the guy in, you know, he was out there, his head was above water, he was looking at everybody, there was plenty of time for them to react.”-Perry Smith, witness

On May 30, a distraught man drowned after treading water for more than an hour.  It happened in daylight, on Alameda Beach in California, in front of dozens of people, including emergency personnel.  The beach goers all thought the paid emergency personnel were going to take care of it, they were wrong, and many are shocked: “It’s horrible. How can we let that happen? How can our emergency personnel allow that to happen? I don’t get it, I don’t understand it.”-Gary Barlow, witness

The Coast Guard said they didn’t have a boat that could reach him where he was, and their helicopters were busy!  Police said it’s not their job: “We’re not trained to go into the water, obviously the type of gear that we have on, we don’t have the type of equipment that you would use to go into the water.”-Joe McNiff, Alameda Police Department

What about firefighters?  “…I would have to stay within our policies and procedures because that’s what’s required by our department to do.”– Ricci Zombeck, Alameda Fire Division Chief

Those policies don’t allow firefighters to go into the water.  In fact, it was a woman, a civilian, a true hero, who went in, albeit too late (the man died), and recovered the body.  The taxpayer paid emergency personnel were not even going to recover the body!

The ‘hero’ division fire chief admitted they should have done something, and “…that we’re going to evaluate our response protocols.”

The next day it was revealed that the city had quietly stopped funding their water rescue program, back in 2009, in an attempt to save the city some money.  On top of that the city’s firefighters were ordered to stay out of the water.

To prove the point that paid emergency personnel are not heros, here’s what the interim fire chief of Alameda had to say: “I know that yesterday, those crews, it was killing them to stand on those shores and not be able to do anything. But under the circumstance and because of the policy, they really didn’t have a choice.”-Michael D’Orazi, Interim Fire Chief

Notice; “…because of the policy…”.  The ultimate concern of emergency personnel is not violating their policies (for cops it’s a different story, so many of them violate their own policies all the time, but in a bad way)!

I had a lot of bad experiences with emergency personnel, and cops, and this was decades back when the economy was good!  So pardon me if I seem upset!

For you Tea Party ass holes who’d like to see the U.S. turn into a Third World Country, there’s a saying that should be applied to you: “Git a rope.”

However, if people can’t work together and overthrow their oppressive governments and corporations, and create a better system, then let Anarchy reign!!!