Japan Modern Day Atlantis

12 March 2011

“A potentially catastrophic disaster,” said President Obama. Hello, can you say understatement?

Aside from the looming nuclear disaster, it is starting to look to me that there is a major catastrophic geological event taking place under Japan. There are now reports that suggest that the big 8.9 quake set off chain reaction quakes all over Japan’s main state of Honshu. It would explain why some areas experienced shaking for up to 5 minutes. Other reports are adding that there was more than one major tsunami, which would have been caused by multi-quakes around Honshu. Early morning, March 12, NHK reported that some parts of northern Honshu were still being hit by small tsunami every 30 minutes. This means the “event” is continuing. The east coast of Honshu moved at least 8 feet eastward. Also, there was the 6+ quake on the north west coast of Honshu on Friday, and there was a 7.3 quake the day before the bigger 8.9. A Japanese committee said GPS data indicates that the quakes were “synchronized”.

Honshu sits where three major tectonic plates converge: Pacific Plate, Eurasian Plate and Philippine Plate. A major quake with chain reaction quakes on the Pacific side, with a major quake following on the Eurasian side, signifies a major tectonic event. (There are more detailed smaller plate and trench structures that run through Honshu).

Also, in some areas of northern Honshu the flood water has not receded. An “expert” interviewed on NHK stated that it could be because the ground was saturated (don’t quote me, this was through hasty translation). I find it interesting that the ground was saturated that fast from flooding, I’m thinking liquefaction. So water is not only being pushed on land, but it is being pushed up through the land. Another possibility is that the land has actually dropped.

Liquefaction was a factor in the large earthquakes along the New Madrid fault line during the 1800s in the United States.

The Pacific Plate is making a major push eastward. The norther end of Honshu might go the way of Atlantis, being submerged under the ocean. But this brings up the question of what is happening on the eastern side of the Pacific Plate, North America.

The Pacific Plate is being pushed by the North American Plate (I assume that because the North American Plate is moving southwesterly, and is not being subducted, except along the Puerto Rico Trench). Big events should be expected in North America. It is known, by geological evidence, that a major quake/tsunami event is expected anytime for the Pacific Northwest. What is happening to Japan could be a precursor for a major event for North America, just as what happened in New Zealand could be considered a precursor to the Japan event (New Zealand sits on top of the converging Pacific and Australian plates). Don’t forget the super volcano known as Yellowstone, in the Pacific Northwest, is overdue for major eruption.

Be prepared.