Tag Archives: idaho

Martial Law U.S.A. 2014: Idaho’s police response to Crisis Calls a big fail! Lawmakers respond by creating three massive Crisis Center jails! False Flag op to comply with ObamaCare?

03 March 2014 (05:13 UTC-07 Tango)/01 Jumada l-Ula 1435/12 Esfand 1392/03 Ding-Mao 4712

“…..they unknowingly overmedicated him. He went into a psychotic episode. And they couldn’t transfer him to another facility unless he was restrained and accompanied by police. Law enforcement finally had to transport him for four hours to the closest facility, and when he came off of the drug, he wonder where he was and what the heck had happened. This is just one example of something that got out of control and shouldn’t have.”-Michelle Stennett, state Senator from Ketchum

“This is not getting better. We need to do something.”-Dick Armstrong, Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, commenting on the  growing number of Crisis Calls

Apparently the bad economy is taking a mental toll on the people of Idaho, yet the crony capitalist leaders don’t see it that way.  They believe it’s a failure in how police respond, and the answer is to create three massive jails, I mean mental health centers called Crisis Centers.

According to Idaho Department of Health and Welfare (IDHW), the number of calls from people in ‘distress’ have gone way up.  In Idaho these distress cases are called Crisis Calls, and can range from people who are just upset over their situation (like unemployment) to people actually suffering a mental breakdown, or even someone who’s been labeled a terrorist (aka “mental holds” aka “a threat to themselves or others”).  The police handle Crisis Calls.

IDHW officials say that specifically, the biggest increase in Crisis Calls is something the cops call “mental holds” (a possible danger to themselves or others), but sometimes this turns out to be people overly intoxicated.  Cops give a mental hold the option of going to jail or a stay in a hospital until they detox.  There is no long term mental care for the average person in Idaho.

The only stat I’ve seen, so far, is that Boise cops respond to as many as 20 Crisis Calls everyday,  which is a little high compared to the rest of Idaho.  I’d like to know the stats for the rest of Idaho, as the population drops way off from the ‘Boise area’.  It would suck that we taxpayers are actually footing the bill for a project that’s really meant to benefit Boise.

That project is Senate Bill 1352, which has already passed the Senate and is likely to pass the House.   At an estimated cost to overburdened taxpayers of an estimated $5-million, it would create three Crisis Centers, one in Boise, one in Idaho Falls and one in Coeur d’Alene.

Here’s an interesting catch; police (supposedly) can’t force anybody into a Center, it’s totally voluntary.  The idea is to provide a place for people feeling stressed out to get long term help, because there is no such service in Idaho, unless you’ve got lots-o-money to hire a professional counselor or attend an expensive privately funded clinic.

Perhaps the real motivator for these Crisis Centers is Obama Care, because under Obama Care people are supposed to have access to affordable mental health care, and right now Idaho has no such thing (unless you meet Idaho’s draconian standards for Medicaid).  So it looks like we Idaho taxpayers are getting double, triple taxed because of that great Affordable Health Care plan.

Martial Law U.S.A. 2014: Wimp ass Idaho governor begs Obama regime not to steal Army National Guard’s air assets!

01 March 2014 (21:18 UTC-07 Tango 28 February 2014)/28 Rabi ‘ath-Thani 1435/10 Esfand 1392/01 Ding-Mao 4712

Not only is the Obama regime planning on stealing the last of Idaho’s Air National Guard air assets, but they also want to take Idaho’s Army National Guard air assets as well!

The Obama regime wants all of Idaho’s AH-64 Apaches and the newer Eurocopter designed UH-72 Lakotas (based on the old Messerschmitt-Kawasaki BK-117).

Here’s the pathetic appeal by puppet governor Butch Otter:

Dear Mr. President,
I join my fellow governors in strongly opposing the potential cuts to the Army National Guard advocated by the U.S. Army’s fiscal 2015 budget request.

For more than a decade, our National Guard has demonstrated it is a cost-effective operational force that is critical to our national security at home and abroad.

As commanders-in-chief, we appreciate the need to reorganize, restructure and modernize the military to meet new threats and economic realities. All sectors of the military need to be involved in meeting the targets set by the Budget Control Act of 2011 and the realities of having fewer forces engaged abroad. In doing so, however, the Army Guard’s operational capabilities and 350,000 personnel strength level must be preserved. The Army’s proposed cuts suggest a pre-2001 strategic reserve construct.

Governors are extremely proud of the role that the National Guard plays in protecting this nation and its citizens. The modern National Guard is a highly experienced and capable combat force and an essential state partner in responding to domestic disasters and emergencies. A return to a pre-9/11 role squanders the investment and value of the Guard and discredits its accomplishments at home and as an active combat force.

Two years ago we opposed similar efforts to dramatically cut personnel and equipment from the Air National Guard. Congress subsequently chose not to impose the cuts and called for a National Commission on the Structure of the Air Force. That commission recently concluded that the Guard is a cost-effective and invaluable force that should be a critical component of the total force structure. The Commission’s conclusions and the ongoing Army debate strengthen the case for a similar independent review of the Army’s future force structure and active and reserve component mix.

We respectfully request that you reconsider proposed cuts to the Army National Guard and changes to the Guard’s combat aviation capabilities, and that you work with us to fashion solutions that provide a scalable, cost-effective force that best serves the interests of our nation.

As Always – Idaho, “Esto Perpetua”
C.L. “Butch” Otter
Governor of Idaho

Martial Law U.S.A. 2014: Idaho parks & rec cracks down on parents who cheer for their kids in sporting events!

28 February 2014 (11:19 UTC-07 Tango)/27 Rabi ‘ath-Thani 1435/09 Esfand 1392/29 Bing-Yin (1st month) 4712

On 22 February 2014, the Rathdrum Parks and Recreation Department, in northern Idaho, held an “experimental no cheer day” basketball game.  Any parents caught cheering were placed in time out.

Recreation coordinator, Justin Brown, said he got the idea after attending a sporting event in NAZI-land San Diego, California.  He says the new theory in the new children’s sporting industry is that kids play better if their parents are shut up.

The Rathdrum Parks and Recreation experiment was a big fail, as more than a dozen of parents were placed in time out, including teacher Cherish Hansen: “My daughter made a free-throw, I had to shout!”

A grandma expressed shock at the idea of not cheering for your grandkids: “Nobody had ever heard of this before. I thought, ‘I’m going to get thrown out right off the bat.'”-Lorna Allen, and yes she made it into time out

Even Brown admitted his NAZI plan failed.  He said parents were allowed to clap but even that backfired on him: “I’ve never heard them clap that loudly before!”

The NAZI Rathdrum Parks and Recreation actually employed two “referees” to monitor the parents!  They handed out a total of 15 “parent penalties”.

If I remember right, cheering for the home team is the main reason people go to watch a sporting event.

Exceptional Failed State: Washington property manager sued over sickening water supply in Idaho mobile home park!

28 February 2014 (10:35 UTC-07 Tango)/27 Rabi ‘ath-Thani 1435/09 Esfand 1392/29 Bing-Yin (1st month) 4712

The Washington based manager of the Syringa Mobile Home Park in Moscow, Idaho, is being sued by 150 residents and the state of Idaho, after nearly three months with no clean water.

Residents say their water supply is so bad that it’s still not safe to drink even after boiling it.  The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) backs that claim up, and says the management has consistently failed to comply with state water testing and reporting requirements.

Back in December 2013, residents were told to boil the water due to a drop in pressure.  It was blamed on the failure of water pumps.  However, by the end of December the problem got worse, and the DEQ told residents that the water was now so contaminated that even boiling it wouldn’t help!

By then the DEQ realized that boiling the water was actually raising the toxic led (sic) content.  On top of that the chlorination system had malfunctioned and was either adding too much chlorine or not enough. It was noted that the type of water pumping and chlorination system in use at the mobile home park could take six months to repair.

Exceptional Failed State: Double taxation as restaurants from Florida to California charge new ObamaCare tax!

28 February 2014 (22:14 UTC-07 Tango 27 February 2014)/27 Rabi ‘ath-Thani 1435/09 Esfand 1392/29 Bing-Yin (1st month) 4712

A Los Angeles, California, based restaurant, Republique, is charging a 3% ACA “surcharge” on any meal you eat there.

In Florida, the restaurant chain, Gator’s Dockside, is charging a 1% ACA “surcharge”.

Company officials say it’s the only way they can financially comply with Obama Care laws.

Now realize that individuals are already paying for Obama Care, unless their income is so low it’s free for them, but most U.S. citizens who don’t qualify for ‘free’ Obama Care are paying far higher health insurance fees.  Many that had employer provided insurance have lost that as employers have cut work hours as a way of avoiding the Obama Care mandate for company provided insurance.  And then there are those of us who can not get ‘free’ Obama Care because the states we live in have refused to adopt the new ACA Medicaid rules, we’re still gonna have to pay at the end of the tax year through IRS imposed Obama Care fines!

In other words, the people of the United States are being double and even triple taxed for health care (that some people like me isn’t going to get)!   Unfair taxation was the primary motivation for the creation of the United States, but I don’t see anyone running around shouting “No taxation without representation!”

Wake up you idiots!

Our ideals and principles, as well as our national security……..That’s what makes America different. That’s what makes us exceptional.”-Barack Obama, 10 September 2013

The lies about gas prices! Southeastern Idaho sees 50 cent increase in 2 weeks, and drivers don’t notice!

27 February 2014 (01:56 UTC-07 Tango)/26 Rabi ‘ath-Thani 1435/08 Esfand 1392/28 Bing-Yin (1st month) 4712

I’ve seen many a news report trying to explain why fuel prices suddenly jumped, and once again they’re mierda de toro!  Reports say the average price increase for low octane gas, for the United States, increased 12 to 14 cents in the past two weeks.  Well in the cities of Pocatello and Chubbuck, Idaho, we’ve seen a 50 cent increase!

At this popular Pocatello fuel station the price of low octane was $2.79 two weeks ago.  It's now $3.25.  Low news reports revealed that many Idahoans are oblivious to the price hike!

At this popular Pocatello fuel station the price of low octane was $2.79 two weeks ago. It’s now $3.25. Local news reports revealed that many Idahoans are oblivious to the price hike!

Some Idahoans have noticed the increase, but apparently most have not.

A week ago, when the price jumped to $3.19 per gallon, a local TV station did an explainer report.  Of course the reason they gave was bogus (blamed on the switch to summer grade gas, which is a bogus claim because the same claim is made when they switch to winter grade gas), but what caught my attention was that the reporter discovered that most east Idahoans filling up at the pump were not aware of the price increase!

One guy she interviewed was standing right in front of the gas pump, filling his car, and admitted he didn’t know that the price went up and thought it was still $2.79 per gallon!  Hello, you idiot drivers how can you not notice such a big jump in gas prices?  You’re the reason the oil industry gets away with ripping us off!

“Between now and April we’re likely to tack on another 40 cents a gallon, in some areas it could be 30 in other areas it could be 50!”– Patrick DeHaan, GasBuddy.com

There are reports that the national average of low octane gas will be $4.00 per gallon by summertime.

Oil industry stooge, Trilby Lundberg, tired to use a red herring and  blamed fuel price increases on Obama regime backed violence in Venezuela and South Sudan.  Why is this bogus?  Because the United States is no longer an oil importer, we have a glut of extracted oil sitting around waiting to be refined!  The United States is on the verge of becoming the World’s number one oil exporter!   So why would problems in other oil producing countries affect our fuel prices?

Another excuse for high gas prices is that refineries are shutting down for maintenance.  So what, they always do that.  That’s why some areas have tank farms, where fuel is built up for storage for something like a refinery shutting down for maintenance.

Another oil industry stooge, Andrew Lipow of Lipow Oil Associates, claims gas prices are up because “…..that crude oil prices have been rising, as well as prices of gasoline futures.”

Here’s what Oil&GasJournal said about that: “Crude oil futures prices and natural gas prices fell on the New York market on Feb. 25 while analysts awaited a weekly government report that they correctly expected to show a sixth consecutive increase in US crude oil inventories.  The US Energy Information Administration said Feb. 26 that estimated crude oil inventories, excluding those in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, increased…..”

In other words, and what the U.S. EIA has been reporting for years now, is that there is plenty of petroleum in the United States!

The U.S. EIA has also been reporting a consistent drop in fuel demand, for years now!  But, here’s where fuel price increases come into play.  The U.S. EIA is reporting a drop in available refined fuels for the U.S. market.  This is also a consistent trend in the U.S. fuel market, and I’ve explained it before: Most of the fuel refined in the U.S. is being exported to other countries, creating an artificial shortage for those of us in the U.S.   So even though demand has gone down, available supply of refined fuel is also down, hence the industry justifies charging us more.

This is apparently the price we U.S. fuel consumers have to pay as the U.S. petroleum industry returns to the number one spot as the World’s oil/fuel supplier.   And you thought all that rhetoric about ending U.S. dependence on foreign oil would be a good thing for your middle class/lower class pocketbook.

Members of prominent Idaho Mormon family found dead!

24 February 2014 (14:04 UTC-07 Tango)/23 Rabi ‘ath-Thani 1435/05 Esfand 1392/25 Bing-Yin (1st month) 4712

Four members of the prominent Parrish family were found dead in their Pocatello, Idaho, home on Sunday.  Police suspect carbon monoxide poisoning, but are investigating the cause.

Two adult children are away on a Mormon mission.  The large Parrish family is invasive throughout Chubbuck and Pocatello, controlling much of the commercial property, with family members working as attorneys, real estate agency owners, and even as doctors and dentists.

Bannock County corner, Kim Quick, said in his past 25 years as corner he’s never seen so many family members killed by suspected carbon monoxide.

Exceptional Failed State: U.S. job losses & store closings 30-31 October 2013. Thousands of bank layoffs! More health care job cuts! ObamaCare killing insurance company!

Incomplete list of announced closings and layoffs:

Health insurance company, Assurant Health, laid off 108 people in Idaho, Minnesota and Wisconsin! Company officials directly blame Obama Care, saying the job losses are mandated by the government: “…due to the elimination of underwriting for major medical policies effective in January 2014, as required under the Affordable Care Act.”-Robert Pollock, CEO

Solstas Lab Partners blamed Obama Care for its layoff of 76 employees across the country.  Company officials said Obama Care is reducing how much they get paid, and is forcing people to rely on independent doctors for medical help, rather than hospitals.

California: Concord’s Panama Red Coffee Company cafe shutdown.  Company officials blame high rent and operating costs for causing them to run “…out of gas, ideas, and time.”  In Redondo Beach, Shark Attack gift shop on the Redondo Beach pier shutdown.  The owners had operated stores for 41 years, many had been destroyed in pier fires.  But this time city officials are administering the coup de grâce.  The city owns the pier and Judy Milner says the rent is now too high to pay, because city officials are trying “….to make it too upscale. It’s not Laguna Beach. It’s a pier. People come here to fish….”  In Santa Clarita, Spectrum Athletic Club laid off 88 employees. Berkeley Heartlab continued to layoff employees, this time four people were let go.  According to a WARN filing, the San Leandro Hospital shutdown, at least 464 health care jobs lost!  In Carson, British empire Australia based construction company Transfield Services laid off 90 employees.

Idaho: Sandpoint based women’s clothing retailer, Coldwater Creek, warned it will layoff at least 20% of its employees in 2014.

Louisiana: In Monroe, the 70 years old Keene’s Shoe Store shutdown.  The current owner said the impending rent increase was a sign to retire!

Maryland: In Baltimore, Too Big to Jail investment company Legg Mason laid off 20 auditors.  They were replaced with contracted workers.

Massachusetts:  University of Massachusetts Memorial Health Care warned of massive layoffs, due to a $57-million USD loss, and reduced payments by Obama Care.   In Worchester, the Spirit of Knowledge Charter School shutdown despite protests from families. Board members blamed each other for the school’s failure. The official reason for the shutdown is that there is no more money to continue operations.

Michigan: In Battle Creek, ClydeUnion Pumps shutdown its factory, 175 jobs lost! Taxsucker Metaviation shutdown, 113 jobs lost!

Missouri: In Saint Charles, after 25 years The Columns Banquet Center shutdown.  The property was sold off.

New York: BorgWarner Morse TEC closed its Cortland Powdered Metal Operation, 30 jobs lost.  In West Henrietta, Tyco Integrated Security shutdown, 132 jobs lost!

North Carolina:  The Christian god is slowly killing off Johnson C. Smith University.  51 jobs eliminated due to crashing student enrollment.  On Fort Bragg, the Womack Army Medical Center laid off 200 personnel!  Officials admitted that they’ve been ripping off taxpayers by employing more people than what their budget allows. In Elkin, Hugh Chatham Memorial Hospital laid off 31 employees.  Hospital officials blame it on less people seeking medical care, and reduced payments from Obama Care.

Ohio: What housing market recovery?  Too Big to Jail Bank of America laid off 1149 people in their mortgage division!  In Hannibal, aluminum company Ormet shutdown its factory, 901 jobs lost!

Oregon: In Albany, the Mongolian Grill shutdown. The owners blamed the bad economy for crashing revenues.  In Portland, health care provider Kaiser Permanente eliminated 111 jobs by shutting down a call center!

South Carolina: In Greenville, 25 years old John Paul’s Armadillo Oil Company restaurant shutdown.  The owner said it was time to retire because business was crashing.

Tennessee: Two Sweet Pepper Delis shutdown.  50 jobs lost. The franchise owners refused to give a reason.  In Memphis, Concentra Advance Toxicology Network was sold off to competitor Quest Diagnostics, 185 jobs lost!

Texas: In El Paso, Sweden based Electrolux shutdown their distribution center, 72 jobs lost.  Connecticut based Precision Camera laid off 32 people at their repair shop.  What automotive industry recovery?  Heavy equipment maker Caterpillar shutdown their Kilgore factory.  100 jobs lost!  Company officials blame it on crashing sales.

Virginia: In Hampton, Alcoa Howmet laid off another 70 employees.  This is on top of the 70 jobs cuts made in August.  The factory makes parts for electricity generating turbines.  Company officials blame the job cuts on the bad economy.  What housing market recovery? In Christiansburg, home building products maker CraftMaster is playing mind games with its 138 employees.  There has been a back and forth of factory shut down announcements, and then retractions of such statements.   The Farm Fresh Supermarket in Virginia Beach shutdown. Company officials blamed the greedy property owner.  Too Big to Jail StellarOne Bank shutting down 13 banks in 2014.  It’s blamed on the takeover by Union First Market Bank.

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) doesn’t count the hundreds of layoffs involving less than 50 people each, in its mass layoff reports. It also doesn’t count all the little ‘mom & pop’ businesses that shut down.

“Our ideals and principles, as well as our national security……..That’s what makes America different. That’s what makes us exceptional.”-Barack Obama, 10 September 2013

Exceptional Failed State: U.S. citizens unite and sue Obama regime! Well, maybe Obama is living up to one of his promises afterall!

19 February 2014 (01:53 UTC-07 Tango)/18 Rabi ‘ath-Thani 1435/30 Bahman 1392/20 Bing-Yin (1st month) 4712

“It’s none of their business what I’m doing, who I call, when I call, how long I talk! I think it’s awesome that I have the right to sue the president. I’m just a small town girl.”-Anna Smith, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

“Today we ask the question for every phone user in America: can a single warrant allow the government to collect all your records, all the time? I don’t think so.”-Rand Paul

Rand Paul, U.S. Senator from Kentucky, and hundreds of thousands of U.S. citizens (through the FreedomWorks group) have united and filed a class action lawsuit against the Obama regime’s NSA program.

Dozens of lawsuits have been filed in federal courts in the states of California, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, New York, Oregon and Virginia.  Click here to see a list of lawsuits, including some that have been successful!

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is also supporting lawsuits, which is actually inspiring individuals to file their own suits against the Obama regime.

In Idaho, Anna Smith (wife, mother, night shift nurse and pissed off Verizon customer) filed her own lawsuit against Obama in June 2013.  Her husband is also her attorney, and was motivated to take action when he read about the ACLU lawsuits: “It’s kind of the American way to stand up to authority when you feel something is wrong. I don’t live in Russia or China, where I’d probably disappear if I did this. Why would anyone care about Anna’s phone records? She’s a mom, has two kids, lives in Idaho. She engages in normal mom activities.”-Peter Smith

In the Rand Paul-FreedomWorks lawsuit, Barack Obama, James Clapper, Kieth Alexander and James Comey Junior are specifically named as defendants.

The NSA is consistently violating the 4th Amendment.

U.S. citizens urged to join class action lawsuit against Obama regime!

United Police States: Idaho governor orders surprise investigation into evil for profit prison operator CCA!

19 February 2014 (20:15 UTC-07 Tango 18 February 2014)/18 Rabi ‘ath-Thani 1435/30 Bahman 1392/20 Bing-Yin (1st month) 4712

“….I believe the public interest would benefit from a formal criminal investigation into the acknowledged falsification of Corrections Corporation of America’s staffing records at the Idaho Correctional Center during 2012. Please accept this letter as my direction for the Idaho State Police to undertake such an investigation immediately….”-C.L. ‘Butch’ Otter, Governor of Idaho

In a surprise move, Idaho governor Butch Otter has ordered state police to investigate for profit prison operator Corrections Corporation of America.  It’s surprising to me because my own research shows that in the past govna Otter has been the biggest individual recipient of CCA political financing in Idaho.

The criminal investigation order comes after state audits showed CCA lied about their operations at the infamous Gladiator School (Idaho Correctional Center).  The audits also showed that CCA was not saving Idaho taxpayers any money, in fact the state could do a better job for less.

Idaho kicks out for profit prison operator CCA!

British empire controls United States, and Idaho