Tag Archives: crime

World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 16 July – 22 July. Afghan cops launch vengence attack on U.S. led forces! World Bank gives Afghanistan $125 million! Mystery massive rocket attack on Afghanistan! NATO admits they can’t bribe the Mujahideen!

22 July 2012

Reports saying three U.S. led occupation forces killed by Afghan cops in Herat Province.  International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) confirmed at least three contractors (being called mercenaries by regional media sources) working on a military training base were killed.  The incident happened after U.S. led occupation forces arrested a local Shindand district police officer and two other people.  Local officials say the arrests were arbitrary.  Local officials claim the U.S. is still launching night raids, and arresting people leaving no information on what happens to the people after they’re arrested.   The people of Shindand district are planing a massive public protest!

ISAF also reporting more U.S. troop deaths in a separate incident: “Two International Security Assistance Force service members died following an improvised explosive device attack in eastern Afghanistan today.”

The number of deaths of U.S. led occupation forces, since January 2012, is now at 251.

ISAF also reported an Afghan army helicopter crashed in Nuristan Province. One person injured.

In Maidan Wardak Province, Mujahideen killed five private security guards.

An interpreter for U.S. led NATO occupation forces has caused the deaths of two teenaged girls.  He convinced them to run away with him to Kandahar.  When they returned home their father killed them for dishonoring the family.  The father has been arrested, and an arrest warrant has been issued for the NATO interpreter.

The U.S. based World Bank’s (World Bank HQ is in Washington DC) International Development Association announced they are giving Afghanistan $125 million USD for road development projects (called Afghanistan Rural Access Project).  That’s right they’re giving the money away, it’s not a loan!

Another $207 million USD, for the Afghanistan Rural Access Project, is coming from the World Bank’s Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund!

21 July 2012

ISAF reporting that one U.S. led occupying troop was shot dead in eastern Afghanistan.

In Nimroz Province, firefights between Mujahideen and Afghan government troops left at least nine people dead.  Local officials say two cops were killed and one intelligence agent was killed. Two other cops were wounded. Six Mujahideen were killed and four wounded.

In Herat Province, Mujahideen attacked Afghan cops.  Three cops killed and two Mujahideen killed.

Also, in another part of Herat Province,  a rocket attack on a town left one child dead, and wounded at least six others.  The children were gathering metal for scrap when the attack took place.  No word on who launched the attack.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan claims Pakistan launched a massive rocket attack on Kunar Province.  Afghan officials claim hundreds of rockets were fired from Pakistan in the past few days.  At least four people were killed on Saturday, 21 July. German media reporting that 300 rockets were fired on two locations within Kunar on Saturday alone.  Pakistan swears they are not the ones firing the rockets.

ISAF claims to have arrested an explosives expert in Khost Province.

In Nangahar Province, four people killed, two wounded, after they drove over a mine.

20 July 2012

ISAF claims to have killed a “leader” in Khost Province, using a NATO airstrike.

In Uruzgan Province, five cops, including the local police chief, were killed when they drove over a mine.

Australia revealed that their Australia Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS) is active in Afghanistan, and that it will operate alongside their military in any other future Aussie Digger deployments to other countries.

19 July 2012

In Herat Province, local government officials claim they captured six people planning to launch suicide bomber attacks.

ISAF reports two occupation troops killed, one in eastern Afghanistan, the other in southern Afghanistan.

In Kapisa Province, a U.S. led construction dam site was attacked by Mujahideen. Three people killed, two wounded.  Also, a NATO supply convoy was attacked.

In Faryab Province, as many as 15 civilians were killed after the bus they were in drove over a mine.

18 July 2012

“An International Security Assistance Force service member died following an improvised explosive device attack in eastern Afghanistan today.”-ISAF

“A second International Security Assistance Force service member died of wounds following an improvised explosive device attack in eastern Afghanistan today.”-ISAF

In Samangan Province, local government officials report that 22 NATO supply trucks were destroyed by a Mujahideen attack. 18 of the 22 trucks were fuelers.  Two drivers wounded.

“Two International Security Assistance Force service members were injured following a helicopter crash in western Afghanistan today.”-ISAF

17 July 2012

“An International Security Assistance Force service member died following an insurgent attack in southern Afghanistan today.”-ISAF

A British officer with NATO has admitted that efforts to bribe Mujahideen have failed: “Has it made a dent in terms of a nationwide perspective? Probably not. Is it having an effect across the whole of Afghanistan in what I would think of in military and strategic terms? No.”-Major General David Hook, Force Reintegration Cell (military term for the bribery operation)

The Force Reintegration Cell (started at the end of 2010) basically bribes Mujahideen to stop fighting.  They’re offered $360 USD every three months, which is a hella lot o’money in Afghanistan!  Apparently the Mujahideen have higher standards!

16 July 2012

“Two International Security Assistance Force service members died following an insurgent attack in southern Afghanistan today.”-ISAF

In Laghman Province, local government officials claim they’ve cleared two districts of Mujahideen.

In Kunduz Province, a bomb attack on a local police convoy killed one person and wounded eight.

In Nuristan Province, major battle between Mujahideen and Afghan government forces. One afghan cop was killed, two wounded. No word on Mujahideen casualties.  Witnesses say both sides of the battle were trying to ambush each other.

In Helmand Province, a motorcycle bomb went off, killing one Afghan cop, and wounding eight people including civilians.  The bomb went off after evening Muslim prayers.  Local officials believe the target were the police taking part in the prayers.

ISAF claims to have killed a “leader” in Maidan Wardak Province.

Evil British Empire has returned 600 archaeological items to the National Museum of Afghanistan.  What is interesting is that the items were stolen in the 1990s, and yet somehow ended up in the United Kingdom.  But this is not the first time the British returned stolen goods.  In 2009 as many as 2,000 historical items were returned to Afghanistan!

Also, since 2007  the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has helped to return 9,000 stolen Afghan artifacts!




Corporate Evil: Subcontractor admitted to falsifying radiation exposure of employees!

21 July 2012, Japanese health officials were alerted to a case of cover up by a subcontractor to Tokyo Electric Power Company.  TEPCo operates the GE designed nuclear disaster reactors at Fukushima Daiichi.

The president of a subcontractor called Buildup, says one of his executives has just admitted that back in December 2011 he ordered their employees to cover their dosimeters with lead.

By covering their dosimeters the radiation exposure readings were much lower than what the workers were really being exposed to.  As a result Japanese health officials were given lower falsified exposure level data, which allowed the executive to keep his men working in highly contaminated areas.

The executive said he issued the order to falsify dosimeter readings when a radiation alarm went off in the area they were working in.  His main concern was not the safety of his men, but the completion of their work.  He claims he now regrets that decision.

Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, U.S. generals and even Obama facing investigation and War Crimes trials by International Criminal Courts

If you go to the ICC website and do a search under Bush or Rumsfeld or Cheney you’ll get lists of investigations and even trials against these infamous leaders.

Most of the reports are in French.  They even include U.S. military officers like USMC Colonel Bryan P. McCoy, and USA General Tommy Franks!

One international political activist told reporters, back in May 2012, that even current U.S. President Barack Obama is being investigated: “If President Bush was the President of extra-judicial torture then U.S. President Barak Obama is the President of extra judicial killing through drone strikes. Our work has only just begun.”-Moazzam Begg, a British citizen held by the U.S. in Afghan prison, Iraqi prison as well as GITMO, for three years. Released in 2005. Successfully sued the British government in 2008.


Media Misleading: Some news sources continue to say Romney is king of “small dollar” donations! How is $50,000 per person “small dollar”? Fundraiser held by convicted U.S. war criminal! Oh, and Israelis can’t wait to pay it on July 29!

I’ve noticed some news media sources seem to be marveling at how much money vulture capitalist Mitt Romney has been raising.  They even mislead people by claiming his campaign donations are “small dollar”!

Maybe small dollar if you’re one of the elites!  Try $50,000 per plate dinner fundraisers, that’s at least $10,000 more than what Obama is asking!

The most recent fundraiser was on July 12, in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.  It was hosted by recently convicted (in absentia, in May of this year!) war criminal Dick Cheney: “At the end of the week-long hearing, the five-panel tribunal unanimously delivered guilty verdicts against Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and their key legal advisors who were all convicted as war criminals for torture and cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment.  Full transcripts of the charges, witness statements and other relevant material will now be sent to the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, as well as the United Nations and the Security Council.”-Foreign Policy Journal

The Jackson Hole war criminal fundraiser started out with $2,500 per person minimum donation and worked its way up to $100,000 for couples who would get to eat right along side Romney and Cheney, and, become a Founding Member of Romney Victory.

Another $50,000 per plate fundraiser for Romney is coming up on July 29, but not in the United States. It will take place in Israel.

But July 29 is a day of fasting for many Israelis, Tisha B’Av, to remember the victims of World War 2.  Does that stop Romney? Nope, his people said they’ll work around it: “Don’t worry, they’re not going to not have a fundraiser. They’ll find a way around it maybe by having a breaking of the fast meal combined with a Romney fundraiser.”-Jonny Daniels, Republican political strategist based in Israel (isn’t that interesting, the U.S. Republican party has strategists based in Israel)





World War 3: Hundreds of thousands of Syrians flee into neighboring countries in past two days!? Or, is the United Nations playing a game to get more support for war against Syria?!

“As of last week, it was estimated that 1 million people may have been forced to flee inside the country since the conflict began…….Hundreds of frightened refugees have called the hotline and outreach volunteers in the past 24 hours, reporting direct threats and fears of being caught up in the fighting.”-Melissa Fleming, UNHCR

20 July 2012, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is claiming that hundreds of thousands of Syrians have left their county.

UNHCR officials are using estimates, but claim that as many as 180,000 people have fled Syria in the past 48 hours!

However, UNHCR admitted they don’t know for sure, they are actually guesstimating using local government estimations. For a specific example, UNHCR officials said as many as 30,000 people fled into Lebanon, but then also stated that the number could be as low as 8,000.  That’s a big variance! 

The United Nations says it will try to get officials on the ground to get a more exact count: “In consultation with government authorities, UNHCR and its partners are now in the field verifying numbers and assessing the profile and needs of newly arrived Syrians…”-UNHCR press release

If the UN does not have people on the ground now, documenting the refugees coming out of Syria, then how can the UN justify reporting these huge refugee numbers?

World War 3: Breaking News; New York cops accuse Iran & Lebanon of terrorist attacks against Israel & United States!

20 July 2012, in an exclusive Reuters’ report, city of New York Police Department (who’ve suddenly gained the powers of an international spy ring!) are accusing Iran of at least nine terrorists plots against Israel and the U.S.

NYPD has released a report called Law Enforcement Sensitive.  New York cops somehow acquired information saying the January, February and June bombings in Thailand, India, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kenya and Cyprus, were carried out by Iranian or Lebanese agents.

Reuters said unnamed U.S. Federal officials backed up the NYPD report.  Since when did the NYPD become an international intelligence gathering agency of the Federal government of the United States (however, it makes sense as New York City is truly an international city)?

It’s interesting that this NYPD report is issued the day after the Bulgarian bus bombing!

World War 3 & Government Lies: U.S. officials back up Israeli claims about who the Bulgarian bomber was, yet FBI still in Bulgaria trying to identify bomber! Bulgarians say the bomber was a Man from Michigan, U.S.A.!

In a fine example of lies, on 19 July 2012, the New York Times published an article saying U.S. officials (whom they didn’t name) supported Israel’s claim that the Bulgarian bus bombing was perpetrated by Iran and Lebanon!

Also, The Times of Israel even published the name of the bomber, but said he was from Sweden!!!

However, on 20 July 2012, Bulgarian media reported that U.S. FBI agents, and European Interpol agents, still have not identified the bomber!  Bulgarian officials say the man had documents indicating he was from Michigan, U.S.A.!!!

Bulgaria’s Interior Minister, Tsvetan Tsvetanov, said airport security video showed the suspect as being a tall white male with long hair.  Also, airport officials, and taxi drivers, said the man had a Michigan drivers license!

Kalina Tchapkanova, a prosecutor for Bulgaria, stated during a TV interview that Bulgarian agents had been tracking the ‘man from Michigan’, and that he entered the country at least one day before he blew up the Israeli tour buses (Israeli media says the man was in Bulgaria for five weeks!).  They also have testimonies from taxi drivers who refused to drive the man to the airport because they were suspicious!

Bulgarian officials claim their agents notified Israeli Mossad! Sounds like yet another conspiratorial false flag event to me!


World War 3: Israel ready to attack Syria! U.S. ready to back Israel up! Syrian situation the result of failed secret peace talks!

19 July 2012, Israeli and U.S. defense officials have revealed plans for military action against Syria.

First off, Defense Minister Ehud Barak restated that Israel will not accept any refugees from Syria, and will use the IDF to stop refugees, including shooting to kill: “If we have to stop waves of refugees we will stop them.”

U.S. Department of Defense officials revealed that they are working with Israel on a plan to attack supposed Syrian chemical weapons facilities (yeah, remember the same claims about Iraq and Libya?).

U.S. officials said they are warning Israel against military action, but at the same time are also working with Israel to come up with battle plans against Syria.

An Israeli newspaper has revealed that from 2004 to 2006 U.S., Israeli and Syrian officials held secret peace talks. Those talks involved oil revenues, water rights, the return of Golan Heights to Syria, and demanded Syria stop supporting Lebanon’s Hezbollah, stop supporting Palestinian Hamas, and end ties with Iran.

Apparently the Israeli attempted invasion of Lebanon in 2006, and the refusal of U.S. and Israeli officials to openly and officially announce the peace talks, ended Syria’s participation, because it proved Israel and the United States can not be trusted.


What Economic Recovery? GE outsources innovation, spends millions building new China Innovation Center!

“These facilities…will play an instrumental role in building out much needed local innovation capabilities in the critical industries that are key to the region’s long term growth.”-Mark Hutchinson, president and CEO of GE Greater China

On 18 July 2012, unAmerican Corporate America giant, General Electric (GE), announced they’ve opened the China Innovation Center.

This as the Obama administration has been calling for more spending on innovation, but I thought he meant in the United States!  Here’s what he said: “We now live in a world where technology has made it possible for companies to take their business anywhere. If we want them to start here and stay here and hire here, we have to be able to out build and out educate and out innovate every other country on Earth.”-Barack Obama, September 2011

How can you “out innovate every other country on Earth”, when your own corporations are outsourcing the innovation?

The GE China Innovation Center in Xi’an cost $60 million USD to build.  I wounder if GE somehow got any U.S. taxpayer money, or some kind’o U.S. tax break, for their China project?

World War 3: Syria has new Defense Minister. Russia & China block UN sanctions against Syria.

“This vote should never have taken place at all!”-Vitaly Churkin, Russian ambassador to the United Nations

19 July 2012, Russia and China vetoed the latest UN Security Council resolution, on the grounds that it is totally one sided.  It is the third time the two countries blocked a UNSC resolution against Syria.

Also today, the Syrian government announced a new Defense Minister, replacing the general killed on 18 July.