8-million jobs lost by 2030, just in Japan! Even with 2% economic growth?

24 November 2015, 18:12 UTC-07 Tango 01 (04 Azar 1394/12 Safar 1437/14 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713)

The Ministry of Labor issued a warning to the neo-imperialist leaders of Japan; if you can’t fix the economy then prep for at least eight million permanent job losses over the next 15 years!

The study looked at jobs in eight prefectures and concluded that even with an expected increase in healthcare and social work employment the economy is so bad that the net result will be eight million job losses by 2030.

On top of that, even if the Japanese economy manages to miraculously grow at an annual rate of 2% (2% is actually stagnation, as I’ve pointed out many times in previous posts), and the government subsidizes the employment of old people and women, then the net result is still 1.82-million job losses!

The biggest job cuts will be in the retail sector followed by manufacturing.