World War 3, Asian Front-Afghanistan, 28-31 October 2013: Australia says war is worth it! India rethinks economic investments! Mujahideen kill 3-thousand people! People forced to vote, with help of U.S.! More rip offs for U.S. taxpayers!

Ghazni Province: In Andar District, villagers beat a man to death.  They accused him of being the one who planted a land mine that exploded when a bus drove over it.  The explosion killed at least 18 women and children.  However, earlier reports by provincial officials said the perpetrator of the land mine was killed during the explosion.

Kandahar Province:  Government cops say they arrested a man armed with an exploding computer.  They say that Pakistani Mujahideen are now packing desk top computers with explosives and sending them into Afghanistan.  On FOB Walton, the Missouri Army National Guard has been training Afghan cops.  One of the courses being taught to Afghan police is how to use computers and the internet.  Another course being taught is enforcing political elections.  That’s strange because I was in the National Guard and I don’t recall ever being activated to enforce elections in the United States.

Paktika Province: In Khair Kot District, a suspected suicide bomber was shot and killed by police.  The cops shot the driver of the car saying he rammed a National Directorate of Security (NDS) building.  But the car exploded anyway and wounded two NDS cops.

Parwan Province: In Charikar City, a fuel supply convoy was set on fire.  City officials say many buildings were damaged when some of the the fueler trucks blew up.

Sar-e-Pul Province: In Kohistanat District, a battle between Mujahideen and Afghan National Army (ANA) troops. At least one Mujahid killed and two ANA troops killed, dozens wounded.  Independent reports say as many as 20 people were killed.  The ANA troops were taking part in a government program to force people to register to vote.

Uruzgan Province: On British empire Aussie controlled Tarin Kowt base, Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott declared the war over, but said it was worth it: “Our mission in Afghanistan has been critical to our national security. We have worked to ensure Afghanistan does not again become a safe haven for terrorists and have worked with our allies to make the world a safer place.”

According to the Afghan Interior Ministry, the Mujahideen have killed almost 3-thousand government personnel and civilians in the past seven months.  The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) backs up the claim, saying civilian deaths have increased by 16%.  So much for Obama constantly saying the Mujahideen are decimated.

The government of Afghanistan is going to crack down on the use of boys for homosexual sex.  The Independent Human Rights Commission of Afghanistan (AIHRC) demanded an investigation into the age old practice of Bacha Bazi, or using boys to substitute for sex with women.  Many ignorant elders (who can’t read) have reasoned that it is the only way to remain true to Islamic morals, however it is actually a violation of written Islamic rules.  It’s also interesting that most of the Afghans calling for a stop to Bacha Bazi are women.

According to Reuters, a consortium of Indian companies, which were awarded a contract for the extraction of iron ore in Afghanistan, are now demanding better contract terms from the government of Afghanistan.  Afghanistan’s iron ore reserves, covered under the contract, are estimated to be worth $10.8 billion USD.

According to the U.S. Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), another $100-billion in U.S. taxes are at risk for being stolen.  SIGAR discovered there is no oversight regarding the U.S. taxes that’re to be given to Afghan government forces, supposedly to buy fuel and spare parts.

The British empire’s United Kingdom just pledged another $200-million in U.K. taxes to Afghanistan!  That’s not all, it’s $200-million per year until 2017!  I thought the taxpayers of the U.K. were broke.