Government Evil: U.S. backed South Korea forces entertainers to perform for soldiers!

18 July 2013 (13:21 UTC-07 Tango)/10 Ramadan 1434/27 Tir 1391/11 Ji-Wie (6th month) 4711

Recently it was revealed that Republic of Korea forces Korean entertainers to perform for military units.  Entertainers are conscripted as ‘entertainment soldiers’ and serve with the Defense Media Agency.

Now, the Rok Defense Ministry was forced to end such a program after scandals publicly revealed the program.  The scandals involved favoritism and bribery of government officials and entertainers.

In the U.S. backed southern Korea, all men must serve two years in the military.  Despite South Korea having a higher ‘democracy’ rating than even the United States, the people have been under Martial Law since 1972, declared by U.S. backed dictator Park Chung-hee.  Today, the new dictator of RoK is his daughter, Park Geun-hye.

Also, POVs (Privately Owned Vehicles) could become property of the ‘democratic’ government of Republic of Korea, if full blown war were declared.

Remember who pulls the strings in the Martial law controlled South Korea; the United States.  The U.S. has a lot of experience with martial law.