Government Evil: Samantha Power & the United States are the tools of Israel! U.S. is anti-Palestinian!

18 July 2013 (12:21 UTC-07 Tango)/10 Ramadan 1434/27 Tir 1391/11 Ji-Wie (6th month) 4711

“Sam had been the point person at the White House on all issues related to Israel at the UN.”-Ben Rhodes, deputy national security adviser

Barack Obama’s nominee for Ambassador to the United Nations has revealed who she, and Obama, really work for; Israel!

Here’s some of what the zionist told the U.S. Senate:

“The United States has no greater friend in the world than the state of Israel. We….have a special relationship with Israel.”

“And just as I have done as President Obama’s UN adviser at the White House, I will stand up for Israel and work tirelessly to defend it.”

“The Security Council seat is one that has eluded Israel, despite its many contributions across the years, and I commit to you wholeheartedly to go on offense, as well as playing defense on the legitimation of Israel, and we’ll make every effort to secure greater integration of Israeli public servants in the UN system.”

“We need to deter the Palestinians in any way we can…”

Implied by one U.S. official, Samantha Power was actually nominated by Israel: “Samantha has always made herself available and accessible to many Israeli officials visiting Washington for coordination on our efforts at the United Nations.  And that has produced strong relationships, an ease of communication, and a lot of mutual trust that will continue when she is UN ambassador.”-Dan Shapiro, U.S. Ambassador to Israel

Keep in mind that it’s interesting that U.S. Senators are apparently concerned Power wouldn’t properly represent Israel!   Is Israel a taxpaying member of the United States?