Tag Archives: genetics

Operation Jupiter: Another State caught illegally selling baby blood to Department of Defense!?

U.S. 4th Amendment: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated….”

Is this proof that your NATO-U.S. government/military is being controlled by a bunch of ‘vampires’?

Law360, 03NOV2023: New Jersey Keeps ‘Creepy Database’ Of Infant Blood, sells samples to Pentagon!

Institute for Justice, 02NOV2023: Civil rights group sues New Jersey to stop secret storage, use of baby blood…  Blood is secretly used by law enforcement!

“The state does not ask parents for their consent to keep their babies’ blood, failing to even inform parents that it will hold on to the residual blood. The only way parents could learn about such retention is by proactively looking it up on one of the third-party websites listed on the bottom of the card they’re given after the blood draw. And, once the state has the blood, it can use it however it wishes, including selling it to third parties, giving it to police without a warrant, or even selling it to the Pentagon to create a registry—as previously happened in Texas.” 

Here is an incomplete list of other blood thirsty shenanigans;

ABC News, 04AUG2023: Federal judge rules Michigan’s baby blood collecting operation to be in violation of the U.S. Constitution!

Forbes, 22SEP2022: Your baby’s blood can be used against you in court!

Detroit Free Press, 23JUN2022: State of Michigan agrees to destroy more than 3-million illegally obtained baby blood samples!

MLive.com, 12APR2018: Federal lawsuit reveals Michigan has been keeping and selling baby blood samples without consent of parents!

Healthline, 08JUN2017: Your government is collecting and storing baby blood without parental consent!

Nature, 09MAY2014: New Minnesota law allows indefinite storage of baby blood/DNA, overriding court settlement!

MPR News, 13JAN2014: Minnesota agrees to destroy more than 1-million illegally collected baby blood samples!

Courthouse News, December 2010: Texas Sold Baby Blood to Pentagon!

It has been happening in NATO-Canada, as well;

The Globe and Mail, 11MAY2010: Doctor admits the concerns about parental consent for baby blood collection/storage was never considered!



False Flag Bio-War? First GMO humans created! Clones next!!!

24 May 2013 (16:49 UTC-07 Tango)/14 Rajab 1434/03 Khordad 1391/15 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

“Ooplasmic transfer from fertile donor oocytes into potentially compromised recipient patient oocytes has led to the birth of nearly 30 babies worldwide.”-Mitochondria in human offspring derived from ooplasmic transplantation: Brief communication, journal of Human Reproduction

The journal Human Reproduction reporting that the first 30 humans created by Genetic Modification have been born around the World!  Genetic testing showed the infants have more than two parents!

At least 15 of those babies, over the past three years, were born at the Institute for Reproductive Medicine and Science of Saint Barnabas in New Jersey U.S.A.

Researchers say it was part of experiments to help women who could not conceive.  It involved using genes from another woman.  Testing shows the infants inherited genes from both women, meaning that technically they have two mothers and one father!

The professor in charge of the program boasted, last year, that he could use the same technique to clone humans: “It would be an afternoon’s work for one of my students.”-Jacques Cohen

Cohen claims he already gotten three requests for cloning.