Tag Archives: false flag

Martial Law China: Cops start carrying guns despite outright gun ban!

21 April 2014 (12:08 UTC-07 Tango)/20 Jumada t-Tania 1435/01 Ordibehest 1393/22 Wu-Chen 4712

“Wow, so cool! They were cool before but now they’re even cooler and can do the job of protection even better! Now they have the power to decide one’s life. If some of the police officers’ personalities are not so good, then I’m kind of worried. Will they feel free to shoot? As far as I know from cases I have read online, police might hurt people.”– Liang Jing, Chinese subject, I mean citizen who likes the idea of armed cops but at the same time is afraid

Associated Press reporting that Chinese cops have joined their British Bobby counterparts and have started arming themselves with guns.  This in a country where private ownership of guns is outright banned!

For the first time in ‘Communist’ China’s history, cops will be armed with guns for routine patrols.  Why?  Their own studies into why so many people are killed with knives show it is because there wasn’t anybody armed with a gun who could have stopped the knife attacks!  In other words, they’ve come to the same conclusion that many true U.S. citizens have, that if people are armed with guns then it’s much easier/faster to stop a violent crime.

There have been growing numbers of mass knifings in China, some by disgruntled Han who’ve been screwed over by the move towards capitalism, and others by Uighurs who’re tired of being screwed over by the Han elite.

In China, being an ethnic/religious minority seeking independence because you’re tired of being screwed over is reason to be called a terrorist, officially.

In crony capitalist Communist China, the government is viewed as the “people” while the people are viewed as potential enemies.  Therefore the only “people” allowed to have guns is the government.

Obviously the true people of China do not have the same attitude as their elitist government leaders, as proven by the record number of gun confiscations, year after year.

If China was a true Communist country then everybody should be armed with guns, not just the government.  And then there’s Switzerland, where every household can take part in the country’s militia and is actually issued machine guns they can keep at home.  Go ahead, check the violent crime rate in Switzerland against other countries who ban ownership of guns, I dare you!

World War 3, Asian Front-Afghanistan, 06-10 April 2014: Red Coat Captain says U.S. occupiers just as stupid as old Soviet occupiers! Oregonians protesting the deployment of their Guard units! Obama regime admits it wants to destroy the Guard! More proof USAID is money laundering!

Helmand Province: A former British Army captain, and now Doctor of History, Mike Martin, spent six years studying U.S./U.K. led NATO ops in the province.  His conclusion was that ignorance of Afghanistan’s history resulted in NATO military ops actually making life worse for Afghans. Martin said war lords took advantage of the U.S. occupation to wage war on their personal enemies and strengthen their positions.  Gee, that’s exactly what happened under the Soviet occupation, I though we in the West were smarter than that!  You mean our exalted ‘elected’ officials are just as stupid as the old soviet leaders who occupied Afghanistan from 1979-89?   Martin’s book is called An Intimate War: An Oral History of the Helmand Conflict 1978-2012, and is an official King’s College in London publication.  The British Ministry of Defence is trying to block the publication of the book.

Herat Province: In Shindand District, a police vehicle ran over a landmine, killing one cop and wounding three.

Kandahar Province: In Maiwand District, a NATO convoy was hit by a car bomber.  NATO and Afghan government officials refused to release any details.   In the same district, a mini-bus ran over a landmine, killing all 15 civilians onboard.  Afghan National Directorate of Security (NDS) admitted they kidnapped 86 men in the province.  A U.S. Army Captain from South Carolina was killed, supposedly in a “non-hostile” incident.

Kunar Province: Afghan government officials claim they killed 29 Afghan and Pakistani Mujahideen by calling in two U.S. drone strikes over two days.

Pakistan claims 12 mortar rounds were fired from Afghanistan into Zoya-ba village.   No reports of casualties.

While the Obama regime is calling the Afghan elections a success, the Afghan Defense Ministry reported at least 690 attacks.   General Zahir Azimi says about 170 people were killed, at least 100 wounded.  If Obama considers such violence to be a sign of success, then people of the United States are lagging behind!

Afghanistan’s Independent Electoral Complaints Commission reports at least 1269 complaints of election fraud, during this latest “democratic” elections.  211 voting stations were actually closed during the elections.

In the past the evil U.S. Agency for International Development swore to the U.S. Congress that it “made 333 recommendations on how to mitigate the risk” of corruption by Afghan agencies.  Then they admitted that they were imposing only 24 of those recommendations on Afghan agencies.  However, U.S. Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, John F. Sopko, discovered that not only are they not imposing any recommendations, but that “USAID admitted to auditors that Afghanistan is the only country in the world where it waived its own strict internal policies before providing such direct assistance.”  As a result, USAID can’t account for at least $17-billion USD spent in Afghanistan, so far.

250 air-militiamen of the Air National Guard’s 169th Fighter Wing (South Carolina) returned from Afghanistan.

950 militiamen of Oregon’s National Guard scheduled to deploy to Afghanistan this year.  Now, 18 anti-war groups have petitioned the state’s Governor to stop the deployments: “…as Commander in Chief of the Guard, keep our men and women home to aid in search and rescue, firefighting, and other important functions that are not possibly in violation of international law.”

 160 militiamen of the Army National Guard’s 379th Engineer Company (Massachusetts) deploying to Afghanistan.

U.S. Army General Ray Odierno admitted the Obama regime wants to neutralize the state run Guard units: “We are not eliminating aviation brigades in the Guard. What we are doing is transferring the attack capability out of the Guard.

South Carolina representative Joe Wilson said the Obama plan “…significantly reduces personnel, many of whom are aviation personnel with years of experience as either pilots or in aircraft maintenance. Over 6,000 of these personnel, whom the Army has invested significant time and money, will be forced out of a job and will be cut from the Army National Guard as a result of this proposal.”  Wilson is gaining Congressional support to block the Obama regime’s evil plan.

World War 3, East European Front: Obama regime lackies break Cease Fire on Easter Sunday, kill at least 3 unarmed ethnic Russians!

20 April 2014 (11:22 UTC-07 Tango)/19 Jumada t-Tania 1435/31 Farvardin 1393/21 Wu-Chen 4712

At 01:00 hours on Easter Sunday, about three vehicles approached a ethnic Russian manned checkpoint outside the city of Sloviansk (Slaviansk).  When the driver was asked for ID somebody inside the vehicle started shooting at the unarmed checkpoint personnel.

The people in the vehicles then piled out, shooting and killing more unarmed people.  Finally, armed militia came running from the city, destroying the vehicles and chasing off the armed attackers.

Reports say between five and seven people were killed, in total.

Do your research on what happened in Libya, Egypt and Syria.  Every time a ceasefire was arraigned, pushed by the Obama regime, it was Obama regime backed insurgents that deliberately broke the cease fire.  Then when the government, or pro-government citizens, defended themselves the evil Obama regime accused them of breaking the cease fire.

On 17 April 2014, John Kerry stated that a new agreement was made between United States, Russia and the Obama puppet government in Kiev: “All sides must refrain from any violence, intimidation or provocative actions.” 

Obviously the Obama puppets in Kiev have no intention of honoring any cease fire agreements.

Martial Law U.S.A. 2014: Christian gun “giveback” a big fail! Only 29 piece-o-crap guns turned in!

20 April 2014 (02:17 UTC-07 Tango)/19 Jumada t-Tania 1435/31 Farvardin 1393/21 Wu-Chen 4712

The Peace Lilies for guns “giveback” in South Carolina resulted in a whopping 29 old, worn out, piece-o-crap guns being turned in for a piece-o-crap flower.  However, local unAmerican news media tried to make it out as a big success.

The program to convince people who had guns to give them “back” to law enforcement (as if they came from law enforcement to begin with) was lead by the United Methodist Church along with the Faith Coalition on Gun Violence.  It’s interesting that some local news media did not mention that the gun confiscation was lead by Christian groups, instead calling them “non-profits”.

The overwhelming majority of guns were turned in by people who had inherited them, or were given the guns, even though they didn’t really want them.  Many expressed paranoia over the Sandy Hook shooting.  In other words they weak minded, easily manipulated people.


Martial Law U.S.A. Mexican Style: New study shows Mexican anti-gun laws a big fail, and don’t blame U.S. guns! Government behind most of the violence!

19 April 2014 (13:36 UTC-07 Tango)/18 Jumada t-Tania 1435/30 Farvardin 1393/20 Wu-Chen 4712

A new study by David Kopel, Adjunct professor of advanced constitutional law, Denver University, Sturm College of Law, has revealed that the anti-gun laws imposed on Mexicans in the 1970s is a big fail, and it is not because of U.S. guns being smuggled in, it’s plain old government corruption!

Here in the U.S. we’ve already had shining examples of ‘elected’ officials, who claimed to be anti-gun, being caught in gun running ops.  And what about the 40 British anti-gun politicians arrested for owning and selling illegal guns?  And then there’s China with an out right ban on guns yet somehow, year after year, record numbers of guns are captured by Chinese NAZI cops!

Kopel’s research shows that since the implementation of Mexican anti-gun bans, in the 1970s, gun crimes and violence has only skyrocketed in Mexico.  And who are the ones with the most guns?  Government agencies and ‘drug lords’!  Two former Mexican federal officials admitted that only 14% of ‘law abiding’ Mexican families actually own illegal guns, and most of them because they live in crime ridden neighborhoods where the cops refuse to go!

The study also shows that government officials, backed up by cops, have created highly publicized false flag gun confiscation ops to justify the anti-gun laws.  Kopel found most of these to be totally bogus (hence “false flag”).  This reminds me of the recent NYC cops who set up a gun buying op (false flag sting) and then tried to claim illegal gun selling was rampant in order to justify more and more anti-gun laws. Turned out the only “customers” buying the guns were the cops under the guise of a “sting” op.  And let’s not forget the son of a NYC cop caught gun running.

Kopel was able to determine that guns in the hands of ‘drug lords’ were not being bought in the U.S. specifically for Mexicans: “…..of the Mexican guns that are successfully traced to the U.S., the average firearms age is fifteen years, according to data compiled by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives. The age of these guns is strong evidence that they were legal American guns that were stolen and then sold into the black market–and not guns which were bought at a gun store as part of a plan for them to be immediately transported to Mexico.”

Apparently, the only ops to run U.S. guns into Mexico are being done by our own government: “…’Fast & Furious’ and ‘Wide Receiver’ programs run by the Phoenix BATFE office, to facilitate the export of new American guns to Mexican drug trafficking organizations.”

The study is called Mexico’s Gun Control Laws: A Model for the United States?

Exceptional Failed State: Mormon bank caught violating U.S. sanctions against Iran! Money laundering or drug running by Bank of Utah, maybe CIA ops?

18 April 2014 (16:28 UTC-07 Tango)/17 Jumada t-Tania 1435/29 Farvardin 1393/19 Wu-Chen 4712

A small commercial plane owned by the Mormon Bank of Utah was caught by New York Times journalists at the Mehrabad Airport in Tehran.

Iranian airport officials said the plane was considered a “VIP” flight.  Iranian officials also told the New York Times to talk to the owners of the plane for more info.  But, Bank of Utah officials swore up and down that they had no idea why the plane was in Iran.

The U.S. FAA also said they had no idea who was flying the plane.

For some reason amateur photogs have been tracking the plane (tail number N604EP).  Supposedly the plane is being operating by a company out of Ghana, apparently making flights between London and Tehran.

It turns out that the relatively small Bank of Utah is trustee owner of a lot of freakin’ planes, even the big 747s!  In fact the New York Times investigation revealed that the Bank of Utah owns more aircraft than any other U.S. bank! Why for?

Under FAA rules trustee owners of aircraft do not have to reveal who is actually operating their aircraft, or for what reason!

Anybody remember the Iran-Contra operations?

Exceptional Failed State: Unexplained & increasing Idaho earthquakes caused by Fracking?

18 April 2014 (22:27 UTC-07 Tango 17 April 2014)/17 Jumada t-Tania 1435/29 Farvardin 1393/19 Wu-Chen 4712

For the past month the area around Challis, Idaho, has been hit with hundreds of earthquakes ranging from 2 to 4.9 magnitude, three happened within 40 minutes of each other, this is not normal.

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is now installing a total of five portable seismograph machines in the area.   Even the University of Utah is sending a team of scientist.

Guess what people, I think I found the cause!  Since 2011, fracking and mini-fracking has been taking place all over Idaho!

In 2012, your asshole ‘elected’ state officials not only legalized fracking but banned your local governments from banning fracking! The new law was co-written by a lobby group called the Idaho Petroleum Council.  The law also legalized the use of caustic chemicals and allowed the fracking companies to keep their poisonous mixture secret, this stuff is going to end up in your water!

The fracking companies come from as far away as Arkansas.  Oh, by the way the USGS has stated numerous times that fracking causes the very type of quakes that are now taking place in the center of the Gem State: “…the seismicity rate changes described here are almost certainly manmade…”, due to “…oil and gas production.”

Go to DrillingMaps and look at all the drilling/fracking going on in Idaho.  You should notice the Salmon/Challis area is surrounded by fracking ops.

Why don’t you people vote these assholes out of office?  Oh, that’s right a new Princeton study says that officially there is no such thing as democracy in the United States!

Here’s some other fracking reports your bought off ‘elected’ officials didn’t care about: Fighting Fracking: Where Moral Outrage Fails, Earthquakes Prevail

Ohio cracks down on fracking over earthquake worries

Oklahoma Suffering From Huge Increase in Earthquakes as Fracking Intensifies

Ohio suffering mass earthquakes

Arkansas hit by dozens of earthquakes

Fracking Causes Earthquakes-Confirmed by Gas Company

How fracking caused earthquakes in the UK

Martial Law U.S.A. 2014: Christians join cops demanding gun owners “giveback” their guns, in exchange for a gottdamned flower!

18 April 2014 (21:35 UTC-07 Tango 17 April 2014)/17 Jumada t-Tania 1435/29 Farvardin 1393/19 Wu-Chen 4712

The United Methodist Church in South Carolina is joining with law enforcers in demanding gun owners “giveback” their guns, as if the church and the cops were the ones who sold the guns in the first place!

For an even more glaring example of arrogance and ignorance, the organizers of the gun “giveback day” seem to think giving the gun owner a “Peace Lily” in exchange is fair compensation!

Also, the Christian organizers said they had never heard of gun buyback and giveback ops until after the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting.  Holy crap, where have they been, in a hole?  The history of decades of buyback programs prove they are total failures.  In fact most of those guns turned in are already stolen, or illegal, or pieces of crap not even worth the money paid for them.

And I’m really sick of these people who call them buybacks and givebacks, because it implies the officials running those programs are the ones who sold the guns in the first place.

World War 3, East European Front: Obama puppets in Ukraine impose Israeli style ban on Russian men & women! Russia will retaliate!

17 April 2014 (10:11 UTC-07 Tango)/16 Jumada t-Tania 1435/28 Farvardin 1393/18 Wu-Chen 4712

“…undesirable individuals.”-Sergiy Astakhov, Obama regime Ukrainian border cop describing Russians

The Obama regime patsies in Kiev have outlawed Russian men from ages 16 to 60 from traveling through or entering Ukraine.  This is classic NAZI Israeli tactic.  The ban also applies to Russian women ages 20 to 35.

Russian airline Aeroflot stated that it had been informed that puppet Ukrainian authorities were “massively restricting” travel to the country.  Russian men must now present proof to NAZI Ukrainians that they have family in-country, or that they actually live there.

Another Russian airline, S7, said the false flag government of Ukraine sent them no notice, but that their passengers were being held up in Ukraine.

There are reports that the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, said he will retaliate.

More Hell of Obama Lies

NATO reveals lies about pushing Ukraine into NATO!

Exceptional Failed State: Sears & Kmart closings in Idaho, Pennsylvania & Delaware!

17 April 2014 (09:36 UTC-07 Tango)/16 Jumada t-Tania 1435/28 Farvardin 1393/18 Wu-Chen 4712

An east Idaho Kmart shutting down in July.  A Sears by the sea shutting down in Delaware.  A 38 years old Pennsylvania Kmart shutting down in June.

Here’s the updated list of U.S. Sears/Kmart store closings since the end of 2011:

Arizona: Scottsdale Sears/Great Indoors, Chandler Sears/Great Indoors.

Alabama: Gadsden Kmart (50 jobs lost), Mobile Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Auburn Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Anniston Kmart (no word yet on how many jobs lost), Birmingham Eastwood Kmart (70 jobs lost),  Decatur Mall Sears (91 jobs lost), Fort Payne Kmart.

Delaware:  Dover Kmart (72 jobs lost), recently revealed Seaford Sears (30 jobs lost).

California:   El Monte Sears (at least 40 jobs lost. Damien Arrula, El Monte’s economic development director, said the store manager had lied about what was going on: “The general manager of the store had just indicated to me that they were remodeling.”), two San Diego Sears (at least 80 jobs lost), Pleasant Hill Kmart (more than 50 jobs lost), Torrance Kmart,  Fairfield Kmart (63 jobs lost),  Lampert owned OSH taken over by Lowe’s home improvement in bankruptcy court, at least 17 of 99 stores to be closed down (935 jobs lost!), Rancho Cordova Kmart (97 jobs lost), San Clemente Kmart/Sears/Kmart on Camino de Estrella (58 jobs lost), placed on an official hit list in 2011 the Oceanside Kmart on College Boulevard finally being shut down, Banning Kmart (91 jobs lost).

Colorado:  Broomfield Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Glenwood Springs Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Lone Tree Sears/Great Indoors, Longmont Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Pueblos’ South Side Kmart (52 jobs lost),  Denver Kmart (number of jobs lost have not been made public at this time, but could be at least 40), Colorado Springs Kmart at Powers and Palmer Park boulevards (57 jobs lost).

Connecticut:  Waterbury Big Kmart.

Georgia: Macon Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Buford Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Douglasville Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Atlanta Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Columbus Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Jonesboro Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Cartersville Kmart (74 jobs lost),  Hiram Kmart (53 jobs lost), Marietta-East Cobb Kmart.

Guam:  Sears Hometown Store.

Florida: Fernandina Beach Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Callaway Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Orange City Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost),  Deland Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Stuart Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), West Palm Beach Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Port St. Lucie Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Crystal River Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), New Smyrna Beach Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Saint Augustine Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Pompano Beach Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost),  Jacksonville Kmart on 5751 Beach Boulevard (71 jobs lost), second Kmart in Jacksonville on 4645 Blanding Boulevard (83 jobs lost), Ocoee Sears (102 jobs lost), Pensacola Kmart on Airport Boulevard closed in 2011, Pensacola Kmart on Mobile Highway closed in February 2013 (69 jobs lost),  Pensacola Kmart on East 9 Mile Road will close in May (73 jobs lost), Hialeah Kmart (67 jobs lost), Bonita Springs Kmart (67 jobs lost), Mount Dora Kmart (100 jobs lost), Lake Mary Kmart, Panama City Beach Kmart (54 jobs lost), Winter Park Kmart (100 jobs lost), Niceville Kmart (59 jobs lost).

Hawaii: Honolulu Sears (owned by GGP, 372 jobs lost!!!),  Kauai Sears (41 jobs lost),  Iwilei-Honolulu Kmart for lease (no confirmation of store closing).

Vacant bedroom/bathroom section.

One corner of the half vacant Chubbuck, Idaho, Sears. No official closing announcement was made.

Idaho: Lewiston Sears (at least 60 jobs lost), recently revealed Rexburg Kmart (63 jobs lost).  No official announcement, but it’s painfully obvious the Chubbuck Pine Ridge Mall Sears going’ down. Or, maybe it’s preps for Shop within a Shop, or one of those domestic spy data storage centers?  On 07 November 2013, GGP sold off the Pine Ridge Mall for a paltry $9 million USD.

Ever since the Kmart bankruptcy, this pad site for sale sign has been seen in the Pocatello, Idaho, Big Kmart parking lot. The Kmart is the only building on the lot.

Ever since the Kmart bankruptcy, this pad site for sale sign has been seen in the Pocatello, Idaho, Big Kmart parking lot. The Kmart is the only building on the lot.

Indiana:  Anderson Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Saint John Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Indianapolis Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Richmond Sears (49 jobs lost), South Anthony Kmart (70 jobs lost), Fort Wayne Kmart on South Anthony Boulevard (70 jobs lost), FairOaks Mall Kmart, Logansport Sears (43 jobs lost).

Illinois:  Alton Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Melrose Park Sears parts and repair center (50 jobs lost), Zion Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Oak Lawn Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), McHenry Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Peru Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Lombard Sears/Great Indoors (at least 40 jobs lost), Fairview Heights Kmart (81 jobs lost), Freeport Kmart (45 jobs lost), Pontiac Kmart (more than 47 jobs lost), Homer Glen Kmart (82 jobs lost), Streator Kmart (45 jobs lost), Lombard Kmart (70 jobs lost), Naperville Kmart (98 jobs lost), Calumet Sears (164 jobs lost), two Sears stores in Grand Crossing area of Chicago (247 jobs lost!), Mount Vernon Sears (68 jobs lost), Moline Sears (at least 60 jobs lost),  Homewood Kmart (185 jobs lost),  Belvidere Kmart (91 jobs lost),  Champaign’s Market Place Mall Sears (56 jobs lost), Sterling Kmart (60 jobs lost), Montgomery Kmart (81 jobs lost), Mattoon Sears (more than 40 jobs lost), Chicago Sears on North State Street (160 jobs lost), Chicago Sears Craftsman Experience store, Galesburg Sears (46 jobs lost), White Lake Township Kmart (42 jobs lost), Orland Park Sears Appliance.   58 Chicago area stores up for lease or sale.  By the way, Illinois elected officials gave Sears Holdings/Hoffman Estates a $150 million USD tax break to keep their headquarters in the state.  The tax break was not tied to any promise not to close stores.

Iowa:  Cedar Rapids Kmart on 16th Ave (at least 40 jobs lost), Davenport Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Burlington Kmart (50 jobs lost), Coralville Sears (94 jobs lost, this is a store sold to GGP earlier in the year), Cedar Rapids Kmart on Collins Road NE (56 jobs lost),  Mason City Kmart (50 jobs lost).

Kansas: Lawrence Sears (at least 40 jobs lost).

Kentucky: Middlesboro Sears (in September 2012 the Sears store re-opened under independent ownership, official grand re-opening scheduled for November), Winchester Kmart (back in May, Rankin Paynter bought out what was left of the inventory and gave it to charity), Hazard Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Lexington Fayette Mall Sears (114 jobs lost!),  Newport Kmart (81 jobs lost), Cannonsburg Sears and Sears Auto Center (no employee info given), Louisville Dixie Highway Kmart/Sears/Kmart.

Louisiana: Slidell Sears (77 job lost).

Maine: Lewiston Sears (60 to 70 jobs lost), Presque Isle Sears (80 jobs lost).

Maryland: Ellicott Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Gaithersburg Sears/Great Indoors, Landover Sears (115 jobs lost).

Massachusetts: North Reading Sears Hardware store closed, lease not renewed.

Michigan: Novi Sears/Great Indoors, Brighton Sears Grand/Essentials,  Harper Woods Sears Full line, Monroe Sears Full line, Adrian Sears Full line, Washington Township Kmart, Chesterfield Kmart, Woodhaven Kmart, Flint Kmart (46 jobs lost), Gaylord Kmart (48 jobs lost), Sterling Kmart (58 jobs lost), Bloomfield Township Kmart and Sears, Bad Axe Kmart (61 jobs lost),  Ypsilanti Township Kmart (83 jobs lost), Petoskey Kmart (45 jobs lost), Saint John’s Kmart (48 jobs lost), White Lake Township “Store of the Future” Kmart (42 jobs lost).

Minnesota: Willmar Kmart, Duluth Kmart, New Hope Kmart, White Bear Lake Kmart, Bemidji Kmart, Monticello Kmart, GGP owned Sears Auto Center in the Apache Mall closed (10 jobs lost), the entire Sears store in the Apache Mall being sold off, Fergus Falls Kmart (40 jobs lost), Fergus Falls Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Alexandria Kmart (46 jobs lost), Grand Rapids Kmart (61 jobs lost),  Seritage is selling off three Sears Auto Centers in Minnetonka, Brooklyn Center and Saint Paul, Marshall Kmart (57 jobs lost).

Mississippi: Jackson Sears Full line, McComb Sears Full line, Columbus Sears Full line, Gautier Sears (71 jobs lost), Waveland Gulfport Kmart (32 jobs lost), Pass Road Gulfport Kmart (52 jobs lost),  Pascagoula Sears at the Singing River Mall.

Missouri: Lee’s Summit Sears Grand/Essentials, Saint Louis Sears Full line, High Ridge Kmart (59 jobs lost), Ellisville Kmart (55 jobs lost), Springfield Kmart on South Campbell Avenue (60 jobs lost).

Montana: Missoula Kmart (50 jobs lost).

Nebraska: Grand Island Kmart (55 jobs lost).

New Hampshire: Nashau Sears Grand/Essentials, Keene Sears Grand/Essentials,  Portsmouth Kmart (30 jobs lost).

New Jersey:  Lawnside Kmart (about 80 jobs lost), Howell Kmart (57 jobs lost), Berlin Kmart.

New Mexico: Las Cruces Kmart (58 jobs lost), Albuquerque Kmart on Central SW (80 jobs lost).

New York: Depew (Lancaster?) Kmart (68 jobs lost), Colonie Kmart (72 jobs lost),  Fulton Kmart (51 jobs lost), Clifton Park Kmart (74 jobs lost), Latham Kmart (61 jobs lost), East Greenbush-Rensselaer Kmart (70 jobs lost).

North Carolina: Cary Kmart (71 jobs lost), High Point Sears, Moorehead Sears, Rocky Mount Sears, Statesville Sears, Durham Kmart (79 jobs lost), Asheville Kmart (53 jobs lost),  West Smithfield Kmart (59 jobs lost), Winston-Salem Kmart (69 jobs lost), Hendersonville Kmart (58 jobs lost), South Ashville Kmart on Hendersonville Road, Raleigh Kmart (88 jobs lost), Garner Kmart, Cleveland County mall Sears (56 jobs lost), Charlotte Kmart (89 jobs lost), Conover Kmart (74 jobs lost), Raleigh Kmart on Capital Boulevard (53 jobs lost).

North Dakota: Jamestown Kmart (45 jobs lost).

Ohio: Chagrin Falls Kmart, Springfield Kmart, two Toledo Kmarts, Medina Kmart, Columbus Kmart, Columbus Sears/Great Indoors, Zanesville Sears (67 jobs lost), Trotwood Kmart (71 jobs lost), Austintown Sears auto parts and service on Interstate Boulevard,  London Kmart (no word on number of jobs lost),  Trotwood Sears (67 jobs lost),  Westlake Kmart/Sears (at least 57 jobs lost),  Xenia Kmart (at least 57 jobs lost), Norwalk Kmart (52 jobs lost), Blue Ash Kmart (77 jobs lost), Northwood Sears (36 jobs lost), Conneaut Kmart (43 jobs lost).    Also, Van Wert Sears franchise bought out by Kirk Berryman, owner of Computer & Networking Technologies (CNT), who plans on moving the store to a new location.

Oklahoma: Oklahoma City Sears (98 jobs lost, GGP owned, GGP wants a $2 million sales tax rebate, claiming it’s needed to offset capital investments needed to bring the space up to the standards for potential new tenants), Shawnee Sears (31 jobs lost).

Oregon: Roseburg Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Tualatin Kmart Center (new property owner from California is tearing everything down for new shopping center, so far no indication the Kmart will be part of the new shopping center), Milwaukie Kmart (61 jobs lost), Coos Bay Kmart (25 jobs lost), Bend Sears (48 jobs lost), Klamath Falls Kmart (64 jobs lost).

Pennsylvania: Upper Darby Sears Full line, Pottstown Sears Full line, Pittsburgh Kmart, Wilkins Sears, Warminster Kmart (85 jobs lost), Shippensburg Kmart (46 jobs lost), Moon Kmart (143 jobs lost), Bethlehem Township Kmart (62 jobs lost), Philadelphia Gallery Mall Kmart (120 jobs lost), Philadelphia Kmart on Orthodox Street and Castor Avenue (169 jobs lost),  Levittown/Middle Township Kmart (87 jobs lost), recently revealed Waynesboro Kmart (43 jobs lost).

South Carolina: Sumter Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Orangeburg Sears (57 jobs lost), Columbia Kmart on Fort Jackson Boulevard in 2012, Columbia Kmart on Bush River Road in 2009, Columbia Kmart on St Andrews Road (66 jobs lost), Irmo Kmart (no info on how many jobs lost),  both Greenville Kmarts (140 jobs lost between the two),  Mount Pleasant Kmart (43 jobs lost), Harbison Sears & Sears Auto Center in the Columbiana Centre mall (97 jobs lost), Aiken Sears & Sears Auto Center (at least 54 jobs lost), Inlet Square Mall Kmart (50 jobs lost), West Ashely Kmart (69 jobs lost).

Tennessee: Antioch Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Cleveland Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Oak Ridge Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Hendersonville Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Morristown Sears (about 70 jobs lost), Clinton South Kmart, Franklin CoolSprings Galleria Sears (92 jobs lost), Memphis Hickory Ridge mall Sears (job loss data not revealed), 48 years old Nashville Kmart on Nolensville Pike to close by January 2014 (57 jobs lost), Franklin Kmart (33 jobs lost).

Texas: Two Sears parts and repair centers closing in The Woodlands (117 jobs lost), rebuild center in Garland (58 jobs lost), Farmers Branch Sears/Great Indoors, Houston Sears Great/Indoors.

Utah:  Murray Sears (for some reason Mormon control news media in Utah never reported the closure, but they’re reporting that the building has just been demolished), Orem Kmart (no details reported).

Virginia: Norfolk Sears (at least 40 jobs lost),  Midlothian Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Richmond Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Lynchburg Sears (84 jobs lost), Fairfax Kmart (no word on how many jobs lost), Christiansburg Sears (59 jobs lost), Norfolk Kmart on East Little Creek Road (77 jobs lost), Manassas Kmart (71 jobs lost), Stafford Sears Hometown, Newport News Kmart (at least 50 jobs lost), Wise Kmart (58 jobs lost), Harrisonburg Kmart (79 jobs lost), Wincester Kmart (91 jobs lost).

Washington: Walla Walla Sears Full line (in August 2012, it was reported that an independent owner of Sears Hometown stores will open a store in Walla Walla), Lacey Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Kelso Sears (47 jobs lost), Lakewood Kmart (59 jobs lost), Bellingham Sears (92 jobs lost),  Seattle Kmart (85 jobs lost), East Wenatchee Sears (59 jobs lost), Puyallup Kmart (51 jobs lost), Oak Harbor Kmart (68 jobs lost), Sodo Sears and Sears Auto Center (79 jobs lost).

West Virginia: Oak Hill Kmart (59 jobs lost), Morgantown Kmart (100 jobs lost).

Wisconsin: West Baraboo Sears (at least 40 jobs lost, local village officials say the store generated 3% of local tax collections), Rice Lake Kmart (about 71 jobs lost),  Brookfield Kmart (56 jobs lost), Racine’s Regency Mall Sears (52 jobs lost)Fort Atkinson Kmart (51 jobs lost), Greenfield Kmart (107 jobs lost), Portage Kmart (78 jobs lost) and Hales Corner (129 jobs lost),  Chippewa Falls Kmart (79 jobs lost), Menomonie Kmart (at least 50 jobs lost).

On top of that, Sears Holdings sold stores to General Growth Properties (GGP), of which it has been reported that most of those stores will be closed.

Here’s the list of 11 Sears stores now owned by GGP:

Iowa: Coral Ridge Mall (it’s official the Sears is closing, see above), and Mall of the Bluffs

Texas: The Woodlands Mall (this does not involve the two repair centers being closed by Sears)

Florida: West Oaks Mall

Utah: Fashion Place, and Provo Towne Centre (note the evil British empire way of spelling town & center. Due to a favorable lease agreement the GGP owned Provo Sears will continue to stay open under Sears Holdings management)

Oklahoma: Quail Springs Mall (it’s official, the Sears closed, see above)

Hawaii: Ala Moana Center (closed, see above)

Washington: Bellis Fair Mall (Bellingham store, see above)

Minnesota: Apache Mall  (see update above, GGP will close Sears store by 2014)

Illinois: Market Place Shopping Center (see update above, GGP closing store)