Tag Archives: burma

Martial Law U.S.A.: Obama orders new War on Drugs targeting legal prescription drug users & his own ObamaCare!

22 October 2015 (03:00 UTC-07 Tango 01)/30 Mehr 1394/08 Muharram 1437/10 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

I say it’s about time since the majority of drug abusers are legal prescription drug users.  According to drugabuse.gov 52-million ‘Mericans are hardcore legal drug abusers!

The Obama regime is ordering the targeting of people who use evil prescription drugs like opioid based Vicodin and Oxycontin (I have relatives who’ve died in connection to the use of such drugs).  

ObamaCare (Affordable Care Act) insurance companies who refuse to pay for anti-addiction drugs will also be targeted.  Of course taxpayers will fund the new Drugs War with at least $133-million USD that don’t really exist (and that doesn’t count the $8.5-million that Obama is ordering the CDC to spend).

Prescription rates per 100 persons, how drugged up and strung-out is your state?  Sparsely populated Idaho appears to be more strung-out than densely populated California!

Lets not forget that the PO-lice are directly involved with drugs. 

And that all the opiates used to make your fav opioid based prescription painkiller comes from U.S.-U.K. controlled Afghanistan and Myanmar (Burma).  

World War 3, North American Front: United States ‘THE’ drug lord in Mexico’s drug war 

U.S. led NATO biggest drug dealer in the World? Amphetamines, it’s what Islamic State does!

The New Great Opium War Game: Myanmar now second largest producer of opium! Interesting correlations between opium production in Afghanistan and Myanmar (called the United States)!

U.S. Marines & sailors turn out to be drug dealers and gun runners! 

the Queen of England is a drug dealer, U.K. bank regulator says so! 

Employees at U.S. military helicopter factory doubled as prescription drug dealers 

United Police States of America: TSA, local cops working for prescription drug dealers, you sure the U.S. is safer now than before 9/11/2001? 

U.S. created Japan Martial Law: Children of divorced mothers lose citizenship? 

Martial Law U.S.A.: RC model planes now considered ‘drones’ must be registered with Obama Regime! 

The New Great Opium War Game: Myanmar now second largest producer of opium! Interesting correlations between opium production in Afghanistan and Myanmar (called the United States)!

19 December 2013 (22:56 UTC-07 Tango 18 December 2013)/15 Safar 1435/28 Azar 1392/17 Jia-Zi (11th month) 4711

In May 2012 the Obama regime lifted all economic sanctions against Myanmar.  The now ‘open for business’ south Asian country has become the World’s second largest producer of illegal opium.  Realize that back in 1999 the government of Myanmar said they would be opium free by 2014!

The evil British empire, as well as the U.S. government, still calls Myanmar, Burma.

The U.S. government supported Myanmar/Burma from the end of the second World War to 1997.  U.S. taxpayers sent lots-o-money and even military equipment to Myanmar/Burma in the name of fighting opium production.  By 1990 Myanmar/Burma had become the largest opium producer in the World, despite all the anti-drugs war help from the United States.

Then the government of Myanmar really cracked down hard on opium production.  In 1997 the United States began imposing sanctions against Myanmar on the grounds the government was undemocratic and repressing its own people.  By 1998, opium production in the Golden Triangle, which includes Myanmar, was cut down by 33%.  In 1999 the Myanmar government declared they would eradicate opium by 2014.

As opium production decreased in Myanmar, the U.S. government increased sanctions.

Now enter Afghanistan.  Opium production in Afghanistan did not become a problem until the Soviet occupation in the 1980s.  But it wasn’t the Soviets who were behind it.  The Russians continue to say they have evidence that the U.S. CIA instigated opium production in Afghanistan to help pay for a covert war against the Soviet Union (and don’t forget the Iran Contra scandal led by the U.S. ‘hero’ Oliver North).

However, opium production in Afghanistan did not explode until the 1990s, that just happens to be the time Myanmar was cracking down on opium production.  By 1999 Afghanistan produced a record crop of opium, the same year Myanmar officials said their country would be free of opium by 2014.

Between 1990 and 1996 Afghanistan was under the control of U.S. backed warlords.

In comes Taliban.  The Taliban took over Afghanistan in 1996.  The U.S. government, under George Bush Jr, misled the people of the United States, saying the Taliban were behind the record opium production.  Fact: From 2000 to 2002, under the Taliban government opium production in Afghanistan was cut down by an incredible 99%, in less than two years!  That stat is backed up by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.

In 2002 the United States invaded Afghanistan, and now under U.S. occupation Afghanistan is the World’s top producer of opium, producing more opium than they ever did in the 1990s.

But wait, what about Myanmar?  The U.S. government actually returned to funding Myanmar/Burma in 2000, under the Bush Jr regime.  It was done under the guise of the evil U.S. AID.  In 2008 U.S. AID funding was increased.

By 2012, under the Obama regime, the U.S. AID mission to Myanmar became official, and Obama pledged $170-million in taxpayer funding to the country formerly known as Burma.  The Obama regime claimed it was because Myanmar had become democratic, despite outright open genocide against Muslims living in Myanmar.

Also in 2012, opium production in Myanmar had not only returned to record levels, but actually surpassed the production levels of the 1980s.  Now, in 2013 U.S./British empire controlled Myanmar is considered the second largest opium producer, after U.S./British empire controlled Afghanistan.

Russia claims most of the opium being produced in Afghanistan is being smuggled into Russia.  Iran claims to have lost thousands of border cops fighting illegal drugs smugglers from U.S./British empire controlled Afghanistan.  Iran even says some of those smugglers they’ve captured had U.S. issued documents on them.  China reports that most of the opium being produced in U.S./British empire controlled Myanmar is ending up in their country.

Now go study the history of the Opium Wars against China, and the history of The Great Game against Russia.  They’re still happening more than two hundred years later!