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Internet Martial Law: United States expanding cyber attack operations, will include old school military strikes! UnAmerican Corporate America demands it!

28 June 2013 (12:54 UTC-07 Tango)/19 Sha’ban 1434/07 Tir 1391/21 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

U.S. Army General Martin Dempsey told the Washington DC think tank, Brookings Institution, that the Army will spend $23 billion U.S. tax dollars training 4000 new cyber attack personnel over the next four years.

The new U.S. cyber attack program will also “….secure 4G wireless network that will get iPads, iPhones and Android devices online by mid-2014.”

Dempsey claims that future cyber attacks against the U.S. “…could be as destructive as the terrorist attack of 9/11.”  In that case the U.S. will respond not just with cyber units but with old school military attacks.

Dempsey claims that cyber attacks against the U.S. have increased by 17 fold in the past two years.  He also says at least 20 countries have cyber attack units.

Dempsey partly blames the taxpayer funded build up of U.S. cyber attack units  on U.S. businesses who have not protected themselves “….adequately in cybersecurity.” 

A recent survey by Cyber-Ark Software polled 900 corporate executives about cyber security.  51% believed they were under cyber attack right now, 80% say cyber attacks are more damaging than an old school military attack!

“….DDoS [distributed denial of service] attacks have increased 600% over the last year!”-James Barnett, Venable law firm

Basically, unAmerican Corporate America is forcing the individual taxpayers to pay for a massive corporate cyber defense system run by the U.S. Army’s Cyber Command!