U.S.A. Left Behind: Churches proud to be Rainbow Woke!

Incomplete (tip-o-the iceberg) list of video reports, and links, to U.S. Christian Rapture oddities, as of 30MAY2023 of the Gregorian (western christian) calendar.

Catholic Church wooing Mormons away from the LDS?

The Public Religion Research Institute says big increase in Latinos leaving the church!

ARIZONA: Mormon Fundamentalist leader forced children as young as nine to be wives?

A man was arrested by federal cops for setting fire to two churches, no details given as to why federal cops got involved!

CALIFORNIA: Youth pastor gets 3-hundred years in prison for sex crimes!

Catholic church hit by more than 3-thousand sex-crimes lawsuits!

FLORIDA: Three ‘victims’ accuse pastor of rape!

Pastor gets two years in federal prison for stealing Pandemic Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) funding!

Pastor blamed for Baptist church shutdown!

GEORGIA: 193 South Georgia churches leave United Methodist due to Rainbow Wokeness!

More than 180 North Georgia churches leave due to Rainbow Wokeness!

HAWAII: Did you know there is a Hawaiian Book of Mormon?

ILLINOIS: Victims of church sex crimes demand the abuser’s names be made public!

IOWA: 83 local congregations leaving United Methodist Church due to Rainbow Woke problems!

Youth pastor gets probation after admitting to sex crimes!

KANSAS: 103 United Methodist churches go independent due to Rainbow Wokeness!

LOUISIANA: List of churches that left the United Methodist due to Rainbow Wokeness!

MARYLAND: Some Catholic officials named in a sex crimes list begin resigning!

MISSIOURI: The Archdiocese of Saint Louis orders the shutdown of 35 Parishes, affecting 155 priests!

NEVADA: Las Vegas, also known as the Sin City, is now the new ‘Metropolitan Archdiocese’!

NEW YORK: Churchgoers on Staten Island say a stranger attacked the congregation, he is on the loose!

OKLAHOMA: Minister/foster parent accused of crimes against children!

PENNSYLVANIA: Woman arrested for threatening to shoot-up church!

NORTH CAROLINA: Baptist Children’s Home administrators resign after being arrested and accused of poisoning dogs!

SOUTH CAROLINA: Four churches vandalized, two people arrested, local news media convicts before the arrested have their day in court!

Man arrested for trying to burn down a church, god intervened and caused a water line to break and put out the fire!

UTAH: Church of LDS is officially ‘Rainbow Woke’!

Official Mormon Land asks for donations!

LDS officials crying about the fact that Utah’s non-Mormon population is outpacing the Mormon population!

BYU professor takes plea deal in sex crimes case!

The LDS are known for protecting child abusers!

WISCONSIN: Youth pastor accused of child sex crimes in two counties!

WYOMING: People getting riled about a new Mormon temple in Cody!