False Flag: I-45 shutdown! Van explosions!

13 June 2015 (11:58 UTC-07 Tango 01)/23 Kordad 1394/25 Sha’ban 1436/27 Ren-Wu (4th month) 4713

Interstate 45 is backed up for what seems like miles, due to the situation in Hutchins, Texas.

It appears the police got the doors open on the suspect’s van, using two controlled explosions.  The police used water charge bombs (Boot Banger, originally created by the British), bombs backed with water to reduce the effects of the backblast.  However, they still aren’t confident enough to get into the van. Personnel and the robot have backed off again.

Fox4’s Sky4 chopper and CBS11’s Chopper11  returning to DFW.  NBC5’s Chopper5 still hanging around.

Chopper 5 & 11 on scene!