False Flag: Chopper 5 & 11 on scene! Robot back to work!

13 June 2015 (11:06 UTC-07 Tango 01)/23 Kordad 1394/25 Sha’ban 1436/27 Ren-Wu (4th month) 4713

Apparently I’m confusing the helicopter video source.  I’m watching NBCDFW live shots, but for some reason I was picking up chatter from Fox4’s Sky4 chopper.  NBCDFW (aka NBC5) uses Chopper5.

Chopper 5 is still on scene, and that’s the source of the video I’ve been watching.  The police robot has been in action again, focusing on the passenger side door.  Personnel are also inspecting the van, again.

CBSDFW (aka CBS11) Chopper11 has just arrived live on scene.

Wind speed & more fire trucks!