Aeropostale closing update 27 January 2015: Insider trading revealed!

U.S. based Aeropostale administrators revealed to the Securities and Exchange Commission that their director used insider info to make a stock deal back in December.

2015 shutdowns:

Illinois: P.S. from Aeropostale shutdown in the Cherryvale Mall.

Indiana: In Carmel, Aeropostale on Clay Terrace Boulevard  shutdown on 27 January 2015.  Aeropostale shutting down in the Indiana Mall by the end of January.

Minnesota: P.S. from Aeropostale shutdown in the Crossroads Mall.

New York: Aeropostale shutting down in the Fingerlakes Mall on 29 January 2015.  Aeropostale in the dying Rotterdam Square Mall.

Ohio: P.S. from Aeropostale shutdown in the Peachtree Mall.

South Carolina: Aeropostale to shutdown in the Coastal Grand Mall.

Tennessee: Aeropostale shutdown in the Knoxville Center Mall on 27 January 2015.

Virginia: P.S. from Aeropostale shutdown in the Patrick Henry Mall.

2014 shutdowns:

Wisconsin: Bayshore Aeropostale.

Canada: Aeropostale shutdown its last seven stores in Quebec.

2013 shutdowns:

Canada: 27 Aeropostale stores shutdown.


Aeropostale  Shutdowns will continue