False Flag Martial Law U.S.A.: Your ‘elected’ officials know of coming massive 9-11 style attack! Iran will save the U.S.? Feinstein claims inside knowledge then admits she has no clue!

23 June 2014 (11:34 UTC-07 Tango)/24 Sha’ban 1435/02 Tir 1393/26 Geng Wu 4712

“There are at least a hundred Americans who have gone to the arena [Syria/Iraq] to fight….who are gonna try to get back…..there will be plots to kill Americans…..candidly I don’t know what the U.S.  contingency plan is…we need to be talking with Iran…  “-Senator Diane Feinstein, 22 June 2014, CNN State of the Union.  Feinstein is also the chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, yet she said she has no clue what U.S. military plans are! Feinstein also implied there was no desire to prevent Iraq from disintegrating!

” We’ve got a much bigger problem than just the current crisis in Iraq……[Obama] just released five of the leaders of from Guantanamo…..One of the things I worried about 12 years ago and that I worry about today is that there will be another 9-11 attack and that the next time, it’ll be with weapons far deadlier than airline tickets and box cutters……….they claimed we got bin Laden…..That wasn’t true then…..The threat is bigger than it’s ever been! The danger of nuclear proliferation in the hands of terrorists is bigger than it’s ever been!”-former vice president Dick Cheney, 22 June 2014, ABC This Week

According to our own Director of National Intelligence, FBI director, the next 9-11 is coming…..We’re going to have to have some dialogue with Iranians…”-Senator Lindsey Graham, 15 June 2014, CBS Face the Nation 

History shows that one of the reasons government leaders ‘know’ of coming catastrophes, is because they have a hand in it in some way, shape or form!

…massive numbers of man portable weapons are being issued by unknown groups to civilians...

In Japan the national government suddenly became concerned about the stockpile of iodide pills…