Medical Martial Law: Polio threatens new global pandemic & new laws! What happened to Bill Gates’ polio vaccination programs?

06 May 2014 (01:21 UTC-07 Tango)/06 Rajab 1435/14 Ordibehesht 1393/08 Ji-Si 4712

“The best option would be vaccinating the passengers at the airport departure where polio vaccination cards would be issued to the passengers. Human resource and vaccines would have to be worked out for the purpose.”-Saira Afzal Tarar,  Pakistan’s Minister for Health Services

The above statement by Pakistan’s UN puppet, Saira Afzal Tarar, is false because it takes about 14 days for most vaccines to work, so making people take a vaccination right before their flight won’t prevent the spread of polio!   Then there’s the fact that polio vaccines require multiple inoculations over time, just one inoculation won’t work!

The UN World Health Organization declared polio an extraordinary event”, stopping just shy of calling it an outright pandemic.  The UNWHO reports ten countries dealing with polio outbreaks, including seven that were considered polio free.

I have to ask this: What happened to the past decade of global polio vaccination programs touted by Bilderberger Bill Gates and the UN?  Was the vaccine a fake, or is the vaccine the cause of the near pandemic?

It’s interesting that you can’t find hard and fast numbers on just how many people have been vaccinated around the world, but the UN claims that more than ten million Pakistanis have been saved from polio because they got vaccinated.  That’s a lot of vaccinations, so why has polio gotten worse?

There are studies that say vaccinations, over the long run, actually make viruses stronger (read killer flu strains, and vaccine caused pandemic, just to get started).  It’s just like taking too much antibiotics makes bacteria stronger.

Here’s another interesting fact: Every country the United States has directly interfered with (Afghanistan, Iraq, Israel/Palestine, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Pakistan, and soon Ukraine etc) has suddenly been hit with massive polio outbreaks!  In fact, the UN says the spread of the new version of polio originated in Pakistan, right about the time the U.S. started the whole War on Terror thing.

But wait, here’s the Medical Martial Law part of this false flag (covert) op:  The UN is now demanding the governments of Pakistan, Syria, Cameroon, Afghanistan, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Iraq, Israel, Nigeria and Somalia make it a law that citizens must prove they’ve been vaccinated before they can travel outside their countries!  You will soon have to have a polio vaccination card (along with all your other Homeland Security documentation) to be able to travel outside your country!