Martial Law U.S.A. 2014: Idaho Falls to submit to Obama regime Courts! Under the False Flag op of “saving taxes”!

06 May 2014 (00:37 UTC-07 Tango)/06 Rajab 1435/14 Ordibehesht 1393/08 Ji-Si 4712

Idaho Falls police chief,  Mark McBride, wants local courts to considering giving up some of their jurisdiction to the Obama regime!  It’s through a program called the  Special Assistant United States Attorney (SAUSA).

The Obama regime (as well as McBride) touts it as a way to save taxpayers’ money by shifting cases away from local courts and prisons to the federal level, but that’s bullshit because taxpayers pay for the damned federal court system as well, and by shifting local cases to the federal system you only increase the load on the federal courts/prison!  And guess what?  Eventually the federales will come back and demand more taxes to pay for their increased court/prison load!

McBride is pushing to hand over control of his jurisdiction to the federales, in the name of “security”, and just like in failed state Chicago he blames it on skyrocketing gang and gun crimes in Idaho Falls, as well as in Bonneville County.

Here’s an idea, why don’t local officials address the real and number one problem that results in increased crime: The bad economy!

As more and more local jurisdictions in the United States turn over their powers to the federal government, due to increasing gang crimes and decreasing local tax revenues, it’s just more proof that U.S. is now a failed state.

“Our ideals and principles, as well as our national security……..That’s what makes America different. That’s what makes us exceptional.”-Barack Obama, 10 September 2013