World War 3, East European Front: Ukraine issues ultimatum! Crimea tells unhappy Ukrainians to get out! More proof it’s about EU/U.S. control of new natural gas fields!

19 March 2014 (13:10 UTC-07 Tango)/17 Jumada l-Ula 1435/28 Esfand 1392/19 Ding-Mao 4712

Unless Admiral Gaiduk and all the other hostages – both military and civilian – are released, the authorities will carry out an adequate response… of a technical and technological nature.”-Aleksandr Turchinov, Obama regime non-elected puppet president of Ukraine, the “technical” response will take place after 19:00 hours GMT

“….appeal to all soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces based on the peninsula – in order to avoid bloodshed and further deterioration of the situation – don’t give in to provocations, make an unambiguous choice and swear allegiance to the people of Crimea.”-Sergey Aksyonov, elected Prime Minister of Crimea, he also offered “free exit from the Crimean territory” for those who did not want to stay in Crimea

Reuters has revealed that U.S. and European oil companies, Exxon-Mobile, Chevron and Royal Dutch Shell, were in talks to become major players in Ukraine’s own Black Sea gas fields, but the talks began to fall apart in January 2014, right about the time the Obama regime pushed the bullshit “peaceful” overthrow of the democratically elected government: “In January 2014, Shell exited negotiations on a production sharing agreement (PSA) related to the Skifska block in the deepwater shelf of the Black Sea. Shell had expected that the PSA would be signed in 2012 or 2013, but unfortunately it didn’t happen.”-Royal Dutch Shell statement

lies from the U.S. Department of Failed State