Martial Law U.S.A. 2014: Idaho cop joins dumb ass dog killer club! If a cop can kill a dog for barking then why can’t one person kill another for playing Thug Music?

11 February 2014 (12:18 UTC-07 Tango)/10 Rabi ‘ath-Thani 1435/22 Bahman 1392/13 Bing-Yin (1st month) 4712

“It was right outside my son’s bedroom. What if it had ricocheted through the window?”-Rick Clubb

A dumb ass Obama licking Idaho cop from the city of Filer (in Twin Falls County), killed a Black Lab after he aggressed it by kicking it, screaming at it and shoving a gun in its face, multiple times.

A cop was called by neighbors simply complaining that two dogs were running loose.  The Filer police department says their wimp ass cop was being “aggressed” by the Labs.

Video posted on the internet shows that the responding dip schtick cop got the dogs riled up when he aggressed them by screaming at the dogs even before he got out of the car. He began kicking at the dogs, pulled his gun and started shoving it in their faces, screaming “Get back!” as if dogs can understand human talk!  (I’ve put some of my dogs through obedience training and don’t ever recall “Get back!” being part of the verbal command training)

If you can kick a dog away from you, while screaming at it and shoving a gun in its face, then two things are possible:  1; the dog is not that aggressive and will probably keep its distance if you keep yours, 2; the dog will eventually attack if you continue to harass and ‘aggress’ the dog in such a manner!

It looks to me that the dogs are only protecting their owner’s property, and the aggressive behavior of the Obama regime cop makes them more upset (but oh,  this is exactly how Obama regime cops are trained to respond to any situation; with aggression)!

The Black Lab that was killed was a service dog for the man of the house, who has Parkinson’s disease: “I’m going to sue them, I’m going to sue the City of Filer and the police chief and officer!”-Rick Clubb

By the way, the owners of the dogs were holding a birthday party for their nine years old son while the evil cop was outside killing their dog.

Everyday I witness the same dumb ass cop behavior in our neighborhood kids as they walk home from the school bus stop.  They like to scream, and thrown sticks and rocks at dogs that are behind six foot tall fences.  Many times when I go outside and tell the kids to stop, they tell me it’s the dogs that are ‘aggressing’ them!  So if in the minds of dog phobic people all it takes is for a dog to bark at them in order to feel justified in causing it harm (even when it’s behind a fence), then maybe that guy who’s on trial for killing people because they played “thug music” is justified as well!  He says he feels threatened by thug music.

Better yet, I feel threatened by dog phobic people, as well as by people who are against the U.S. Bill of Rights, and people who push their religion on me…………If simply feeling threatened is not a legal excuse for violence, why do cops not only get away with it all the time, but are actually trained to respond to ‘threats’ with lethal violence?