Martial Law Canada & U.S.A.: Police state criminals track you using Wi-Fi! More British empire take over BS!

31 January 2014 (01:46 UTC-07 Tango)/29 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/11 Bahman 1392/01 Yi-Chou (1st month) 4712 (Happy New Year!)

Documents released by Edward Snowden revealed that Canada’s  Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC) uses Wi-Fi (wireless internet) to track your whereabouts.

Snowden is not releasing any new documents, he turned all documents he had over to select journalists a long time ago, so many documents that it’s taken the journalists this long to discover the Canadian Big Brother/Sister scheme.

The Canadian NAZIs track you by using Wi-Fi to track your wireless device, such as your cell phone.  At this point there is apparently nothing illegal about it under Canadian law.

The documents also reveal that the Wi-Fi tracking software was jointly developed with the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), as part of the decades old secret Five Eyes union between the United States and the British empire.