Exceptional Failed State: Like your ObamaCare? If you live in a Red State get ready to be killed off like so many Red State military veterans!

31 January 2014 (01:28 UTC-07 Tango)/29 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/11 Bahman 1392/01 Yi-Chou (1st month) 4712 (Happy New Year!)

“No veteran should have to fill out a 23 page claim to get care, or wait months, even years, to get an appointment at the VA.  When we fail to keep faith with our veterans, the bond between our nation and our nation’s heroes becomes frayed. When a veteran is denied care, we are all dishonored.”-Barack Obama, August 2007 campaign promise to veterans

So you liked Obama’s sick presentation of a veteran who served ten unprecedented tours of duty in the illegal War on Terror?  You need to ask why is that veteran getting medical care when so many others are not?

An exclusive CNN investigation has revealed that just from 2010 to 2011 at least 82 veterans died because their Obama regime VA medical care was refused or delayed.  That’s just the results from one year!

Veterans were often told by VA employees that “they had no control” over the timely dispensing of medical care.  Specifically the CNN investigation found that veterans showing signs of cancer were seemingly being targeted with delays, and at least 19 cancer victims died as a result.

The VA has actually been busy quietly settling lawsuits over the issue, out of court.  So first Obama spends your tax dollars on delaying veterans health care, then spends your tax dollars settling wrongful death lawsuits?

And why is it that the majority of those deaths were in the south eastern U.S., as were the majority of health care denials and refusals?  The Obama regime’s VA also refused or delayed health care to veterans in the state of Texas and in the Rocky Mountain region.  Apparently the Obama regime only likes veterans in the north east, traditional mid-western states and on the west coast.   Is this a covert Blue state versus Red state op?

“Our ideals and principles, as well as our national security……..That’s what makes America different. That’s what makes us exceptional.”-Barack Obama, 10 September 2013