World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 25 – 28 February 2013. U.S. continues to attack hospitals! U.S. admits Mujahideen attacks are up, not down! Karzai bans Afghans from helping U.S. troops! United Nations behind corruption? More shenanigans with your tax money!

28 February 2013/17 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/10 Esfand 1391

In Kunar Province, two explosion rocked Damkan district.  The first targeted government border police, killing seven.  The second explosion targeted the people who came to help the victims of the first explosion, at least three civilians killed.   Since U.S. led drone strike follow this MO, the United States is suspected.

In Helmand Province, the Red Coat controlled Camp Bastion was attacked again. The Brits claim no one was hurt in the rocket attack.

President Hamid Karzai banned any Afghan based private security companies from working for U.S./NATO occupying forces. Afghan government sources say the order is the result of investigations that show Afghans hired by U.S./NATO forces are being forced to torture their fellow Afghans.

According to the Wall Street Journal, its reporters have seen a UN report which blames the UN for corruption in Afghanistan. The Law and Order Trust Fund for Afghanistan (LOTFA) is being accused of colluding with suppliers and overcharging in contracts involving the Afghan National Police (ANP).

The on again off again contract for U.S. supplied (and paid for) COIN aircraft for Afghanistan is back on.  Afghanistan will get 20 A-29 Super Tucanos.  They will cost U.S. taxpayers as much as $950 million USD.

27 February 2013/16 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/09 Esfand 1391

In Kabul City, a suicide bomber attacked a bus load of Afghan National Army (ANA) personnel. Reports vary from saying seven people wounded to 17 people killed.

Responding to inquiries from the Associated Press, U.S./NATO/ISAF officials admitted their earlier claim that Mujahideen attacks were down by 7%, is wrong!

26 February 2013/15 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/08 Esfand 1391

In Ghazni Province, 16 or 17 ANP personnel were killed.  Reports are confusing, one said Mujahideen attacked the police station, another said the cops were poisoned.

In Herat Province, ANA claims they killed 28 Mujahideen, wounded 20 and captured six others.  They say three Arabs were among those killed.  Two ANA troops killed, two wounded.

According to Alliance of Health Organizations (AHO), and the Swedish Committee for Afghanistan (SCA), the United States has been attacking hospitals, and continues to do so: “Most NGOs who deliver healthcare in this country experience this almost on a monthly basis…”-Andreas Stefansson, SCA

The United States is a co-creator and signatory of the Geneva Conventions which bans attacks on medical personnel.

U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry, said claims that U.S. Special Operations Forces (SOF) were torturing and killing innocent people in Maidan-Wardak province will be investigated. This comes after President Karzai ordered all U.S. forces out of the province.

25 February 2013/14 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/07 Esfand 1391

In Logar Province, a suicide bomber attacked an ANA base, in Baraki Barak district, killing or wounding dozens of Afghan troops.

In Helmand Province, four people were killed and six wounded after the van they were in drove over a landmine.

In Farah Province, reports that U.S./NATO/ISAF personnel abandoned a base in the Khak-e-Safid district.

The soon to be imposed electronic ID cards for all Afghans has proven to be racists.  The issue revolves around the use of languages and ethnicity in determining who is “Afghan”.  Officials were hoping to force 100% of “Afghans” to get the ID card before upcoming elections, but now think only 50% of “Afghans” will have the monitoring system by then.  The official reason for the mandatory electronic IDs is to prevent fraud.  Some critics think the cards will not be issued to any Afghan who does not recognize the government, and therefore will be classified as illegal residents.

A record 42 Green on Blue attacks hit U.S./NATO/ISAF forces in 2012.  62 occupiers were killed.