World War 3: Obama biggest hypocrite ever!

22 March 2013/10 Jumada l-Ula 1434/02 Farvardin 1391/11 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

During his trip to Israel, U.S. President Barack Obama urged Israelis and Palestinians to put aside differences and reconcile.

How can Palestinians put aside differences and reconcile when it is the United States that continues to support Israeli crimes against Palestinians?!?  Day after day, week after week, months after month, year after year it is the Israelis who take Palestinian land, who raid Palestinian homes, who prevent Palestinians from getting jobs, who arbitrarily lock up Palestinians for indefinite “administrative detention”, who assassinate Palestinians, who bomb Palestinians…..and it’s all funded with the tax dollars of the United States citizen!

All actions by Palestinians pale in comparison to what the Israelis are doing.  And the actions of the Palestinians are in response to what the Israelis are doing, the Israelis draw first blood almost daily!

Obama you’ve got to be the World’s biggest hypocrite!