World War 3: Hamas & Islamic Jihad says if Obama visits al-Aqsa Mosque then War Were Declared!

09 March 2013/26 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/19 Esfand 1391

Hamas, and the militia group Islamic Jihad, says if U.S. President Barack Obama visits al-Aqsa Mosque without Palestinian approval it will be taken as a declaration of war against Palestine.

There are reports that Obama will visit Israel, and the territories Israel illegally occupies, later in the month. Israel illegally controls Al-Quds (Jerusalem), and there is word among Palestinians that Obama will visit al-Aqsa with Israeli protection, and in defiance of the fact that it is sovereign Palestinian territory (just like the recalcitrant IDF soldiers that have recently been shooting Palestinians at the Mosque).

UN Security Council Resolution 478 basically says Israeli occupation of Jerusalem is illegal under international law.