World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 14 – 16 February 2013. U.S. taxes paying to end opium production! 2014 pull out does not mean your tax money will stop flooding into Afghanistan!

16 February 2013/05 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/28 Bahman 1391

In Helmand Province, Mujahideen report several offensives. In Gerishk district, Shoraki region, Mujahideen have been harassing U.S./NATO efforts to withdrawal from an outpost.  Several U.S./NATO airstrikes have been called in.  Locals say civilians have been hit.  In Sangin district’s Majeed Chawk area, a U.S. led NATO patrol hit a landmine, destroying one armored vehicle. Mujahideen say they then engaged the patrol with heavy and light machine gun fire. At last report a witness said the patrol was still pined down.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai has banned Afghan government forces from calling in U.S./NATO air strikes.  Apparently this is because some of the civilian deaths by U.S./NATO airstrikes were the result of Afghan forces requesting the airstrikes.

The order came after an Afghan investigation backs up claims that the United States recently killed 10 civilians in an airstrike in Kunar Province.  Five of those killed were children.

In Badghis Province, there are reports that Pakistanis are training Afghan Mujahideen.

U.S. Army General Raymond Odierno said that it is possible that the planned 2014 withdrawal will be stretched out, in order to keep costs to U.S. taxpayers down.

15 February 2013/04 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/27 Bahman 1391

In Saripul Province, Mujahideen say they repelled an offensive launched by 200 Arbaki (contracted cops/mercenaries) in the Sheram area.  Mujahideen said they caused heavy casualties for the Arbaki, and one Mujahid was killed.  Also, in Shekar area of Gosphandi district a U.S./NATO spy was assassinated.

In Kandahar Province, Panjawai district, a U.S. led NATO dismounted patrol was ambushed.  No word on casualties. In Spanzo area of Zangawat region, an Arbaki patrol hit a landmine, also no word on casualties. Also, reports saying U.S. led NATO forces abandoned their base in Khakrez district, Baghki area.

In Kunar Province, a former spy boss and another man was killed, one local cop wounded, in what looks like an assassination. A remote controlled bomb exploded as they went to Mosque.

According to Transparency International, United Kingdom branch, the Afghan National Army and National Police are too corrupt to take over when NATO supposedly pulls out at the end of 2014.

14 February 2013/03 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/26 Bahman 1391

In Helmand Province, Mujahideen say British Red Coats abandoned an outpost in Babaji district.

In Kandahar Province, Khakrez district, two people joined the Mujahideen (one was a former Arbaki).

Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) said billions of U.S. tax dollars will continue to flood into Afghanistan after the 2014 pull out: “The impending end of the combat mission in Afghanistan has led some to erroneously believe that the Afghan reconstruction effort is waning…..The Afghan government does not appear to have the capacity to manage the amount of funding envisioned……protect the American taxpayer.”-John Sopko

Speaking of tax money down the drain; the U.S. Embassy’s Coordinating Director for Rule of Law and Law Enforcement Ambassador, Stephen G. McFarland, announced $18.2 million will be “awarded” to Afghan farmers who do not grow opium poppies.