West Coast U.S. buying up Iodide Pills

A Miami Herald article says people living on the West Coast of the United States are buying up anti-radiation pills.

nukepills.com, in North Carolina, has sold 6,500 orders of iodide pills (it is still being incorrectly called iodine pills) in four days. Normally they sell only 100 in the same time period. Most of the orders came from Washington state, Oregon and California.

The problem with Iodide, is that it can be a health hazard if misused.  Iodide builds up in the thyroid, and can cause health issues.  Another problem is that the more Iodide is used the less effective it is.  Radioactive Iodine-131 causes thyroid cancer.

When Iodide and oxygen mix you get Iodine. So Iodine is a byproduct.