Tag Archives: war

World War 3: Hundreds of thousands of Syrians flee into neighboring countries in past two days!? Or, is the United Nations playing a game to get more support for war against Syria?!

“As of last week, it was estimated that 1 million people may have been forced to flee inside the country since the conflict began…….Hundreds of frightened refugees have called the hotline and outreach volunteers in the past 24 hours, reporting direct threats and fears of being caught up in the fighting.”-Melissa Fleming, UNHCR

20 July 2012, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is claiming that hundreds of thousands of Syrians have left their county.

UNHCR officials are using estimates, but claim that as many as 180,000 people have fled Syria in the past 48 hours!

However, UNHCR admitted they don’t know for sure, they are actually guesstimating using local government estimations. For a specific example, UNHCR officials said as many as 30,000 people fled into Lebanon, but then also stated that the number could be as low as 8,000.  That’s a big variance! 

The United Nations says it will try to get officials on the ground to get a more exact count: “In consultation with government authorities, UNHCR and its partners are now in the field verifying numbers and assessing the profile and needs of newly arrived Syrians…”-UNHCR press release

If the UN does not have people on the ground now, documenting the refugees coming out of Syria, then how can the UN justify reporting these huge refugee numbers?

World War 3: Breaking News; New York cops accuse Iran & Lebanon of terrorist attacks against Israel & United States!

20 July 2012, in an exclusive Reuters’ report, city of New York Police Department (who’ve suddenly gained the powers of an international spy ring!) are accusing Iran of at least nine terrorists plots against Israel and the U.S.

NYPD has released a report called Law Enforcement Sensitive.  New York cops somehow acquired information saying the January, February and June bombings in Thailand, India, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kenya and Cyprus, were carried out by Iranian or Lebanese agents.

Reuters said unnamed U.S. Federal officials backed up the NYPD report.  Since when did the NYPD become an international intelligence gathering agency of the Federal government of the United States (however, it makes sense as New York City is truly an international city)?

It’s interesting that this NYPD report is issued the day after the Bulgarian bus bombing!

World War 3 & Government Lies: U.S. officials back up Israeli claims about who the Bulgarian bomber was, yet FBI still in Bulgaria trying to identify bomber! Bulgarians say the bomber was a Man from Michigan, U.S.A.!

In a fine example of lies, on 19 July 2012, the New York Times published an article saying U.S. officials (whom they didn’t name) supported Israel’s claim that the Bulgarian bus bombing was perpetrated by Iran and Lebanon!

Also, The Times of Israel even published the name of the bomber, but said he was from Sweden!!!

However, on 20 July 2012, Bulgarian media reported that U.S. FBI agents, and European Interpol agents, still have not identified the bomber!  Bulgarian officials say the man had documents indicating he was from Michigan, U.S.A.!!!

Bulgaria’s Interior Minister, Tsvetan Tsvetanov, said airport security video showed the suspect as being a tall white male with long hair.  Also, airport officials, and taxi drivers, said the man had a Michigan drivers license!

Kalina Tchapkanova, a prosecutor for Bulgaria, stated during a TV interview that Bulgarian agents had been tracking the ‘man from Michigan’, and that he entered the country at least one day before he blew up the Israeli tour buses (Israeli media says the man was in Bulgaria for five weeks!).  They also have testimonies from taxi drivers who refused to drive the man to the airport because they were suspicious!

Bulgarian officials claim their agents notified Israeli Mossad! Sounds like yet another conspiratorial false flag event to me!


World War 3: Israel ready to attack Syria! U.S. ready to back Israel up! Syrian situation the result of failed secret peace talks!

19 July 2012, Israeli and U.S. defense officials have revealed plans for military action against Syria.

First off, Defense Minister Ehud Barak restated that Israel will not accept any refugees from Syria, and will use the IDF to stop refugees, including shooting to kill: “If we have to stop waves of refugees we will stop them.”

U.S. Department of Defense officials revealed that they are working with Israel on a plan to attack supposed Syrian chemical weapons facilities (yeah, remember the same claims about Iraq and Libya?).

U.S. officials said they are warning Israel against military action, but at the same time are also working with Israel to come up with battle plans against Syria.

An Israeli newspaper has revealed that from 2004 to 2006 U.S., Israeli and Syrian officials held secret peace talks. Those talks involved oil revenues, water rights, the return of Golan Heights to Syria, and demanded Syria stop supporting Lebanon’s Hezbollah, stop supporting Palestinian Hamas, and end ties with Iran.

Apparently the Israeli attempted invasion of Lebanon in 2006, and the refusal of U.S. and Israeli officials to openly and officially announce the peace talks, ended Syria’s participation, because it proved Israel and the United States can not be trusted.


What Economic Recovery? GE outsources innovation, spends millions building new China Innovation Center!

“These facilities…will play an instrumental role in building out much needed local innovation capabilities in the critical industries that are key to the region’s long term growth.”-Mark Hutchinson, president and CEO of GE Greater China

On 18 July 2012, unAmerican Corporate America giant, General Electric (GE), announced they’ve opened the China Innovation Center.

This as the Obama administration has been calling for more spending on innovation, but I thought he meant in the United States!  Here’s what he said: “We now live in a world where technology has made it possible for companies to take their business anywhere. If we want them to start here and stay here and hire here, we have to be able to out build and out educate and out innovate every other country on Earth.”-Barack Obama, September 2011

How can you “out innovate every other country on Earth”, when your own corporations are outsourcing the innovation?

The GE China Innovation Center in Xi’an cost $60 million USD to build.  I wounder if GE somehow got any U.S. taxpayer money, or some kind’o U.S. tax break, for their China project?

World War 3: Syria has new Defense Minister. Russia & China block UN sanctions against Syria.

“This vote should never have taken place at all!”-Vitaly Churkin, Russian ambassador to the United Nations

19 July 2012, Russia and China vetoed the latest UN Security Council resolution, on the grounds that it is totally one sided.  It is the third time the two countries blocked a UNSC resolution against Syria.

Also today, the Syrian government announced a new Defense Minister, replacing the general killed on 18 July.



United Police States of America: California female cop shoots man already restrained!

“They had him in cuffs, and they shot him. Twice!”-Witness

On 18 July 2012, San Francisco police shot a man in front of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.  At least half a dozen witnesses say the victim was already restrained.

Two videos have been uploaded to YouTube.  In one video a witness says the cop who did the shooting was a woman.  In both videos witness after witness says the victim was already handcuffed when the female cop shoots him directly in the chest!

Police claim the man was armed with a knife and had attacked people earlier in the day.  They also claim the man attacked the female cop.

The problem is that most witnesses say they saw the man in cuffs first, then heard gun shots after they passed by the scene.

The man who posted the video asked police point blank why they did it, and got no response.  At one point he says “You shot a man dead, in cuffs, and you’re smiling?”

Interestingly, the police make no attempt to stop the camera man’s verbal assaults against them, he even called them NAZI pigs, which I was sure would result in him getting a beating from police.

According to media reports out of San Francisco, police say the incident happened at the intersection of Washington and Drumm streets. However, the San Francisco Fire Department reported the incident has taking place at Pier 17.

Police say the man stabbed a fellow employee, at the TCHO Chocolate Factory on the Embarcadero, for unknown reasons.  At last update the man was in critical condition.

Qatar & Iran join forces to extact oil from massive oil field!

“The excavations of oil wells in the South Pars Oil Field will bear fruit soon. Two oil drilling rigs have begun working there and one of them in the joint fields. Drillings of these fields have surpassed the depth of 1,500 meters [4,921 feet] inside the earth…”-Musa Souri, Pars Oil and Gas Company

18 July 2012, Iranian and Qatary oil companies have announced they will join forces to take advantage of the massive South Pars field.

Iran has stated that they will be extracting 35,000 barrels per day (bpd) of oil, but, the Persian Gulf country of Qatar just announced their goal will be 450,000 bpd!



World War 3: Computer Trojan attacks both Iran & Israel! Is the coming War being manipulated by a shadow government?

“While the malware and infrastructure is very basic compared to other similar projects, the Madi attackers have been able to conduct a sustained surveillance operation against high profile victims.”-Nicolas Brulez, Kaspersky Lab

19 July 2012, several security companies have discovered a new trojan program that’s targeting several countries including Iran and Israel!

“Statistics from the sinkhole revealed that the victims were primarily business people working on Iranian and Israeli critical infrastructure projects, Israeli financial institutions, Middle Eastern engineering students, and various government agencies communicating in the Middle East.”-Seculert statement

The Madi (Mahdi) malware allows remote users to take data from Windows computers.  The fact that most of the programing is in Farsi leads computer security experts to believe it came from Iran, yet the strange thing is that the majority of computer infections are in Iran.

Is this really a covert CIA op using Iranians who’re sympathetic to U.S. interests, you know, use Iranians to spy on Iranians?

World War 3: Lieberman wants action against Iran NOW, Netanyahu continues to mislead U.S. Christians! Soon, a new U.S. law saying you must support Israel!!!

“For me, there is only one choice, I have absolutely no doubt that it is within our power to stop Iran…”-Joseph Lieberman, U.S. Senator from Connecticut

On 18 July 2012, Lieberman addressed the Christians United for Israel (CUI) faction, basically saying it’s time for war with Iran.

The U.S. House of Representatives also passed a bill called U.S.-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act, which will make U.S. government support for Israel a law, as well as push for Israel to be allowed into NATO!

Israeli Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, also addressed the CUI conference, via satellite, saying “You stand with us when Israel refuses to accept one of the greatest lies in modern times, that the Jewish people are foreign occupiers of Judea and Samaria.”

Of course the ignorant christians applauded like crazy.  But here’s the thing, Arabs have never said “Jews” are foreign occupiers, they say the European Zionists running Israel are foreign occupiers, and they’re correct!

Zionism (Tsiyonut) started in Europe. “The political movement was formally established by the Austro-Hungarian journalist Theodor Herzl in 1897 following the publication of his book Der Judenstaat.”-Wikipedia

Something else the U.S. media doesn’t tell you is that not only has zionist Israel rounded up Palestinian Muslims and deported them to the West Bank and Gaza Strip, but they’ve deported Palestinian Christians and Palestinian Jews!!!

Another misleading propaganda tool of the zionist Israelis is to have U.S. media claim Arabs are anti-semitic.  The problem with that is that Arabs are Semitic!!!