Tag Archives: isil

World War 3 Afghanistan, 01 – 04 September 2014: Islamic State shows up in Afghanistan? While U.S. infrastructure collapses, U.S. taxpayers give away billions of $ to Afghanistan!

Ghazni Province:  In Ghazni City, a U.S. Army Specialist from Massachusetts was shot and killed by Mujahideen.   Worcester Telegram & Gazette said he “was valiantly killed”, as if they were there and witnessed it.   According to French news sources, Mujahideen launched their attack on the police-military compound with a massive kamikaze truck bomb explosion followed by three hours of shooting.   Agence France-Presse says the battle resulted in at least 13 pro-U.S. personnel being killed, and 60 wounded.  However, they did not mention the presence of U.S. forces.  The local police chief says 15 Mujahideen were killed, and various Afghan news sources say as many as 190 people are wounded.   Ghazni’s provincial Hajj and Religious Affairs chief, along with two other people, were kidnapped as they drove to Kabul.  The kidnapping took place as they were passing through Maidan Wardak Province.

Helmand Province: In Mosa Qala District, government officials report they are battling a major offensive by Mujahideen.  No other info given.   In Garamser District, the Afghan National Army officially opened a new base.  That base was built by the U.S. Marine Corps at a cost to U.S. taxpayers of $86-million USD!  In Greshk District, taxpayers of NATO member countries are about to hand over Shorab Airfield to the Afghan government.

Herat province: In Obe District, for some unknown reason Mujahideen released four cops they captured in a recent battle.

Kabul Province:  The Independent Election Commission of Afghanistan (IEC) has now thrown out thousands of votes from at least 307 polling stations!  How’s that for Obama’s “succesful” ‘democratic’ election?  Out going president Hamid Karzai says he’s now forced to hold office until the “succesful” election vote recounts are concluded, if the Obama puppet candidates can behave themselves and accept the decision.   The U.S. led NATO announced it will somehow increase taxpayer funding to the Afghan National Army and Afghan National Police to $5.1-billion after 2014!

Kandahar Province: The terror group USAID just gave away 27-million U.S. tax dollars, under the Power Transmission Expansion and Connectivity (PTEC) Program.

Kunar Province: In Shonkiri area, a U.S. airstrike killed three people. Local government officials say they were all Pakistanis trying to attack Afghanistan.  Provincial officials claim Pakistan fired more than 100 artillery rounds,  forcing dozens of evacuations of families in the area.  Afghan National Army (ANA) officials revealed that a group of ANA soldiers turned their guns on each other, at least 11 were killed.   It happened at a FOB (Forward Operating Base).

Nangarhar Province: In Ghani Khel District, an explosion killed at least two cops and two civilians.  Dozens of people were wounded.  Local government officials say police had gathered to investigate reports of a kamikaze bomber in the area when the explosion occurred.

Uruzgan Province: In Shahid Asas District, four policemen attacked and killed three other cops.  The four renegade cops escaped with all the weapons and ammo at the police checkpoint.

26 – 31 August 2014: Afghan provinces are creations of the U.S.!

The British empire’s BBC interviewed members of a Mujahideen group.  They threaten to join the Islamic State (aka ISIS or ISIL) now operating in Iraq and Syria.  Pakistani officials say Islamic State is distributing Khilafah propaganda in refugee camps along the Afghan-Pakistan border.

In the U.S. state of Georgia, a police officer is suing the city of Savannah.  He claims he has been denied promotions and even pay because he is a member of the Army National Guard, and has been deployed to Kuwait and Afghanistan.  Even the city’s Human Resources officer told the court that back in 2001 the cop was actually threatened with unemployment if he was ever called up for active duty.  I know exactly what his ass-hole employers are doing, they think that because he joined the National Guard after they hired him they can use that as an legal excuse to refuse to promote him, or to even fire him.  They need to read the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994, as well as their own state’s laws regarding members of the National Guard.

The Army National Guard’s 262nd Engineering Company (Maine U.S.A.) has had their deployment to Afghanistan canceled: “This cancellation marks the first time since 2003 that we do not have any Maine Army Guard units deployed or readying to deploy.”-Brigadier General James Campbell

Militia-Medics of the Army National Guard’s 182nd Medical Company (Massachusetts U.S.A.) deploying to Afghanistan.