Tag Archives: eisenhower

World War 3: Chinese media blames the United States for North Korea’s nukes! MacArthur’s legacy of elitism lives on.

13 March 2013/01 Jumada l-Ula 1434/23 Esfand 1391/2 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

Finian Cunningham, writing for the China’s The 4th Media, pointed out that the push by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to develop nuclear weapons is the fault of the United States.

The editors of The 4th Media backed up Cunningham’s statements by referring to a 2010 Associated Press article, which was written after secret U.S. documents were released on the 60th anniversary of what could now be the First Korean War:  “From the 1950s’ Pentagon to today’s Obama administration, the United States has repeatedly pondered, planned and threatened use of nuclear weapons against North Korea, according to declassified and other U.S. government documents released in this 60th-anniversary year of the Korean War.”-Associated Press

Anyone who knows the history of First Korean War should know that ‘heroic’ U.S. Army General Douglas MacArthur was going to use nukes on the advancing Chinese, who were kicking ass all over the U.S. forces (the longest retreat in U.S. military history, caused because the arrogant MacArthur refusing to believe his own intelligence reports that said the Chinese were about to invade!). President Truman finally fired MacArthur, for continually disobeying the Commander in Chief’s orders.

By the way, America’s hero MacArthur (along with fellow American heroes, General George Patton and Major Dwight Eisenhower) once slaughtered  homeless/unemployed World War One veterans, and their wives and children,  in Washington DC. (officially; four dead, more than 1000 wounded)

Keep in mind the homeless/unemployed veterans were supported by retired USMC Major General Smedley Butler.

MacArthur, Patton and Eisenhower attacked unsuspecting veterans (who thought they were coming to support them), and their families, with bayonets and poison gas.  President Hoover ordered a halt to the attacks, but, in a portent of future behavior for MacArthur he ignored the President’s order.

After the fact MacArthur claims that he thought the homeless veterans were actually an invading communist army!  Later, as President, Eisenhower used the same commie threat excuse for ordering the overthrow of Iran’s first Democratically elected government in 1953!  Do the research, these guys are not heroes, they are arrogant elitists, and are part of the reasons countries like North Korea and Iran do what they do!