Tag Archives: beef

Fourth Prefecture makes cesium cattle ban list, within 24 hours of the third Prefecture!

Within 24 hours of banning cattle from two locations in Iwate Prefecture, the Japanese government is also banning cows from Tochigi Prefecture.

Just like Iwate, the ban affects two areas within Tochigi Prefecture, after cesium contamination was found in cows and plants.  Tochigi has a much bigger cattle industry than Iwate.  As many as 55,000 head of beef cattle are shipped from Tochigi, and they process (slaughter) another 30,000 per year.

The national government is asking Tochigi officials to step up voluntary cesium inspections with the farms that are not in the two cesium affected areas.

The prefectures that are now under beef bans are Fukushima, Miyagi, Iwate and Tochigi.

Government Incompetence: More cesium contaminated beef!

The Japanese government has made it official, and banned beef from Iwate Prefecture.  Iwate is the third prefecture to have its cattle banned from market.  Fukushima and Miyagi are the other two prefectures.  Iwate normally ships out 36,000 head of beef cattle every year.

The ban doesn’t affect all cattle from Iwate, just those from farms in two areas that have already tested positive for cesium contamination.  Other cattle farms, in Iwate, are being asked to step up cesium inspections.

The problem with the Japanese government’s response to the contaminated cattle, is that it is reactive.  They only take action after contaminated beef has made it to market.

It’s so obvious that massive cesium contamination has spread over a large area of Honshu.  It’s time to become pro-active and stop all agriculture shipments now!  Do contamination inspections on everything coming from farms.

I know for most agriculture products time is important because they can spoil, but spoiled food is better than letting highly contaminated food make it to market.  Again, it is so obvious that massive radioactive contamination has occurred.




Government Incompetence: More cesium cattle bans, 12 Prefectures asked to step up testing of cattle!

The government of Japan has already banned beef shipments from Fukushima and Miyagi Prefectures.  Now Iwate Prefecture is being considered for such a ban after cows there have been found contaminated with cesium.

At least 12 prefectures are voluntarily checking their own cows.  The national government is says it will cover the cost of the testing.  It is now believed that at least 3,000 contaminated cows made it to consumer markets.

It is becoming very clear that the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant has been, and still is, spreading massive amounts of cesium across Japan.

Second Japanese Prefecture ordered to stop shipments of cattle due to cesium contamination!

Last week the national government of Japan ordered all cattle shipments from Fukushima Prefecture halted, now they have done the same with cattle from Miyagi Prefecture.

It turns out that the majority of cesium contaminated beef came from Miyagi Prefecture. The cows were fed hay contaminated with thousands of becquerels of cesium.  The national safe limit is 500.

In another sign that radiation is spreading across Japan, officials say the contaminated cows did not come from specific areas within the prefectures, but from all over.



Corporate Incompetence: Major grocery store chain admits to selling cesium contaminated beef

Grocery chain operator Ito-Yokado says it sold over 2,600 kilograms (5,732 pounds) of beef contaminated with cesium.  The beef was sold at 94 outlets in Tokyo and several surrounding prefectures, as well as on the northern island of Hokkaido, between April and July.

Ito-Yokado is not the only store that has admitted to selling the contaminated beef.  Two other grocery/department store operators, Seiyu and Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings, have admitted to selling the meat.

Consumers are being asked to bring the meat back, but many analysts think that too much time has gone by and that most of the beef has been eaten.

Government Incompetence: Cesium contaminated cows hits 1400, Mother Earth helps spread the radiation!

Japanese officials now say at least 1,400 contaminated cows made it to consumer markets.  More and more rice hay is being found contaminated.

Rain and wind are helping to spread radiation, from the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, all over Japan.

The Japanese government is considering a beef buy back program, to help the stricken cattle industry.  No one in government ever considered the effects of radiation on cows, and now the Japanese cattle industry is crashing.

It’s now clear that no one in government was concerned about the effects that rain and wind would have, on spreading radiation across Japan.

Government Incompetence: 1200 Cesium contaminated cows made it to market, Professor blames government, contaminated hay all over Japan!

21 July 2011, Japan’s Health Ministry has discovered that at least 1,200 cesium contaminated cows actually made it to the consumer market.  The national government has ordered a stop to all cattle shipments, and says efforts to protect the people from contaminated food must now focus on cows.

On 20 July 2011, test results showed that rice straw in ten prefectures, used for cattle feed, was found to be contaminated with cesium.  This proves the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant is spreading radiation all over Japan.

A Japanese university professor is blaming the Japanese government for the contaminated beef, because cattle farmers were never told how to protect their cows, and their feed, from radiation contamination.


Government Incompetence: The number of Cesium contaminated cows, that made it to market, hits 578, Cesium more widspread than first thought!

Add Niigata and Miyagi Prefectures to the growing list of cattle, and hay farms, hit with high levels of cesium.  Local officials now believe at least 578 contaminated cows made it to the consumer markets.

In Fukushima Prefecture, officials now say the level of cesium found on cattle feed is 520 times the national limit of 500 becquerels per kilogram of cesium. At least seven Fukushima farms are known to have contaminated cows.

Now cattle on farms in Niigata Prefecture have been found to be internally contaminated as well.  The feed for the cows came from Miyagi Prefecture.

The high amounts of cesium contamination proves that the disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant is worse than officially stated, and continuing.

The amazing thing is that cattle farmers have not been ordered to stop shipping their cows to market, at this point it is just a request to voluntarily stop shipping their cows.  Fukushima officials expect the number of contaminated cows, reaching consumer markets, to go up.

Government Incompetence: Second cattle farm shipped off radioactive cows, Cesium levels now at 97,000 becquerels!

14 July 2011, officials from Fukushima Prefecture discovered that a second farm, in Asakawa Town, shipped off as many as 42 internally contaminated cows.

The discovery was made as local officials expanded their testing of locally grown feed for cows.

On top of the discovery that more contaminated cows, from other farms, were shipped off to market, the latest hay samples revealed increasing cesium contamination.  The latest tests show 97,000 becquerels per kilogram of cesium!  Previously the highest reading was 75,000.  The national safe limit is 500.

The contaminated cows from Asakawa Town, were shipped to Yokohama, Tokyo, Sendai and Chiba.  They were shipped between 08 April and 06 July.


Government Incompetence: More radioactive beef sold to people, Japanese Cattle farmers are now being told not to use local feed, farmers say advise is too little too late

Many Fukushima cattle farmers are about to go out of business, thanks to highly contaminated plants.  After highly radioactive beef was found, and sold, in eight prefectures, it was discovered that all the plants in Fukushima Prefecture are contaminated with high levels of cesium.

Local and national government officials have found that at least eight  prefectures got the contaminated beef, and it was sold to consumers.  Officials are sure that most of the beef sold to consumers was eaten.

When tracing the source of cesium contamination, officials discovered that the contaminated cows were eating hay grown out in the open in Fukushima Prefecture.  Some hay samples had 75,000 becquerels per kilogram of cesium.  The national government’s safe limit is 500.

Now cattle farmers are being told to stop using locally grown feed.  Many Fukushima farmers say the warning is too little too late.  Most farmers will go out of business because they can’t sell anymore cows.  If fact this whole issue has caused Japanese cattle prices to crash, so cattle farmers all over Japan are being affected.

Farmers in Fukushima say local and national officials never gave any warnings to cattle farmers.  Not even any advice on how they should operate with the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactor nearby.

Most officials were concerned mainly with the affects of the nuclear disaster on people, and crops grown for human consumption.  It’s now obvious that the safety of crops grown for farm animals were ignored.

Up ’till now cattle were tested only for external radiation, but the contaminated beef came from cows that were internally contaminated, by the locally grown feed, showing no signs of external radiation contamination.

Officials also tested local water sources, but so far have not released the results.