False Flag: Saint Denis raid escalating? “the building is going to explode!”

18 November 2015 (03:36 UTC-07 Tango 01)/27 Aban 1394/05 Safar 1437/07 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713

News source AFP claims police have declared the Saint Denis raid finis, however, a live reporter for France 24 says she heard explosions within the past two hours.  She also said police appear to be barricading the block where the apartment complex targeted by the police-military raid is located.

Another live reporter said the mayor of Saint Denis says he has not been told that the raid is over.  They are reports that more police-military actions have taken place. The number of people arrested is now at seven.

Prior to the live reporter’s comments people living in the neighborhood where the raid is still ongoing said that after the initial gun battles and explosions police burst into their apartments and told them to “Get out now because the building is going to explode!” 

Some residents said the third floor of the apartment complex was vacant as far as they knew, a few were shocked to learn that there were people living on that floor.  Other residents said they knew there were people on the third floor, but they seemed nice and gave no impression of being ‘terrorists’.   Another man claims his friend rented out the apartment building and is now being interrogated by police.